Biology Paper 3 Questions and Answers with confidential - Kapsabet Mock Exams 2023

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Instructions to Candidates
  • Spend the first 15 minutes of the time allocated to read through the question paper before commencing your work
  • Answer ALL the questions
  1. You are provided with the following materials;
    • Substance labelled L
    • 2cm3 Copper sulphate solution
    • 2cm3 Sodium hydroxide solution
    • 2cm3 DCPIP solution
    • 2cm3 Benedict’s solution
    • Source of heat
    • 3 test tubes
    • 3 droppers
      You are provided with a substance labeled L. Make a solution of substance L by adding 20 ml of distilled water and stir thoroughly. Design an experiment to investigate the food materials present in L.        (9 marks)
       Substance  Chemical test  Procedure  Observations Conclusion 

      1. State the importance of the food substances present in L to the human body.       (2 marks)
      2. Describe how the body deals with the substances mentioned in (a) above when they are in excess. (2 marks)           
  2. Study the photographs below and answer the questions that follow.
      1. Identify the type of response exhibited by specimen A. (1 mark) 
      2. What is the survival value of the response you have identified in (a)(i) above.       (1 mark)     
      1. Identify the phenomenon exhibited by specimen B.    (1 mark)
      2. State the significance of the phenomenon in (b) (i) above. (1 mark) 
    3. Explain how the response exhibited by seedlings in photograph C occurred.  (3 marks)
    4. Study the photograph below showing a certain trait in man.
      1. Identify the trait exhibited in the  photograph  above. (1 mark)
      2. The trait you have identified in (d)(i) above is sex linked. In which chromosome is it contained. (1 mark)
      3. Name any other sex linked trait in man. (1 mark)
      4. The man in the photograph married a woman. Use a genetic cross to predict the offspring of the above marriage. Let YH represent the gene for the trait above.                 (4 marks)
    5. The photographs below show certain chromosomal mutations.
      1. Identify them 
        P …………………………… (1 mark)
        Q …………………………… (1 mark)
  3. Study the photographs below and answer the questions that follow.
    1. Give two visible survival adaptive features for the organism in photograph X. (2 marks)
    2. Identify the dentitions exhibited in photograph Y and Z  (2 marks)
    3. Study the photographs below showing a certain type of tooth and teeth arrangement in man.
      1. Label any three parts of the tooth in photograph  S. (3 marks)
      2. Give two adaptations of the tooth to its function. (2 marks)
      3. Write the dental formula for the teeth arrangement in photograph T. (1 mark)



  • One spatula of substance labelled L (Fortified Exe wheat flour)
  • 2cm3 Copper sulphate solution
  • 2cm3 Sodium hydroxide solution
  • 2cm3 DCPIP solution
  • 2cm3 Benedict’s solution
  • Source of heat
  • 3 test tubes
  • 3 droppers
  • 2oml of distilled water in a beaker

                                                                           MARKING SCHEME

  1. You are provided with the following materials;
    • Substance labelled L
    • 2cm3 Copper sulphate solution
    • 2cm3 Sodium hydroxide solution
    • 2cm3 DCPIP solution
    • 2cm3 Benedict’s solution
    • Source of heat
    • 3 test tubes
    • 3 droppers
      You are provided with a substance labeled L. Make a solution of substance L by adding 20 ml of distilled water and stir thoroughly. Design an experiment to investigate the food materials present in L       (9mks)
       Substance  Chemical test  Procedure  Observations Conclusion 
           L  DCPIP
       Reject Vitamin C   plus   subsequent   steps
       Put 1cm3 of   DCPIP into a test   tube.
        Add solution L   dropwise;
       Colour of DCPIP   disappears/purple;
       Reject DCPIP   decolourised
       DCPIP   present;
           L  Benedict’s
       Reject Reducing   sugars plus   subsequent
       Put 1cm3 of   solution L into a   test   tube
        Add 1cm3 of   Benedict’s   solution
        Boil ;
       Green ;  Traces /little   reducing sugars   present;
       Reject Reducing   sugars alone
           L  Biuret’s
       Reject Proteins plus   subsequent
       Put 1cm3 of   solution L into a   test tube
        Add 1cm3 of   Sodium   Hydroxide     solution
       Add 1cm3 of   Copper Sulphate   solution;
       (Light) purple;  Proteins present;

      1. State the importance of the food substances present in L to the human body.       (2mks)
        • Proteins –used in formation of body tissues/enzymes/hormones
        • Glucose –oxidised by cells to release energy
        • Vitamin C- protection against diseases           mark any 2
      2. Describe how the body deals with the substances mentioned in (a) above when they are in excess.                  (2mks)
        • Proteins – excess amino acids deaminated
        • Glucose – converted to glycogen and stored in liver cells
        • Vitamin C - excreted (as oxalates)       mark any 2
  2. Study the photographs below and answer the questions that follow.
      1. Identify the type of response exhibited by specimen A        (1mk)
        • Haptonasty 
      2. What is the survival value of the response you have identified in (a)(i) above                    (1mk)
        • A way of obtaining some limited mineral nutrients
      1. Identify the phenomenon exhibited by specimen B       (1mk)
        • Etiolation 
      2. State the significance of the phenomenon in (b) (i) above      (1mk)
        • To reach/search/seek/obtain light
    3. Explain how the response exhibited by seedlings in photograph C occurred      (3mks)
      • Seedlings subjected to unilateral/ unidirectional source of light ;causing auxins to migrate / diffuse to the dark side of the shoot;/ high concentration of auxins on dark side causing faster growth; on that side than the lit  side/ faster cell elongation/ faster cell enlargement/ faster cell growth on the side than the lit.
    4. Study the photograph below showing a certain trait in man.
      1. Identify the trait exhibited in the  photograph  above        (1mk)
        • Hairy pinna
      2. The trait you have identified in (d)(i) above is sex linked. In which chromosome is it contained        (1mk)
      3. Name any other sex linked trait in man        (1mk)
        • Premature baldness
        • Colourblindness
        • Haemophilia 
      4. The man in the photograph married a woman. Use a genetic cross to predict the offspring of the above marriage.  Let YH represent the gene for the trait above.       (4mks)
    5. The photographs below show certain chromosomal mutations.
      1. Identify them 
        • P - Duplication
        • Q - Deletion 
  3. Study the photographs below and answer the questions that follow.
    1. Give two visible survival adaptive features for the organism in photograph X (2mks)
      • Presence of ( large/long/curved) sharp/sharp pointed canine for piercing ;
      • Camouflage/blend well with environment concealing/hiding themselves from their predators/prey ;
      • Presence of fur to insulate against the low temperature
    2. Identify the dentitions exhibited in photograph Y and Z  (2mks)
      • Y - Heterodont
      • Z - Homodont
    3. Study the photographs below showing a certain type of tooth and teeth arrangement in man.
      1. Label any three parts of the tooth in photograph  S (3mks)
      2. Give two observable adaptations of the tooth to its function (2mks)
        • Broad surface to increase surface area for chewing
        • Cusps /ridges to increase surface area for chewing
      3. Write the dental formula for the teeth arrangement in photograph T (1mk)
               2       1          2        3
              i —  c -   pm — m  -
               2       1           2        3    
        If Commas and capital letters are used in the dental formula
        If Divisional line is missing in the dental formula
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