- This paper consists of six questions.
- Each question carries 20 marks.

- State Jeremiah’s prophecies about the Messiah(Jeremiah 23:5-6) (6marks)
- Outline the events that took place when Mary visited Elizabeth in (Luke 1:25- 56). (7marks)
- What lessons do Christians learn about the nature of God from the Magnificat? (7marks)
- Describe the baptism of Jesus. Luke 3:21-22. (6 marks)
- Narrate the healing Gerasene demoniac Luke 8: 26 -39. (7 marks)
- What do Christians learn about Jesus from the healing of the Gerasene demoniac? (7marks)
- Outline Jesus teachings on watchfulness and readiness (Luke 12:35-48 (7marks)
- Identify seven causes of conflicts between Jesus and Jewish religious leaders in Jerusalem. (7marks)
- State six causes of disunity in our churches today (6 marks)
- Explain six teachings of Peter concerning the people of God. (1 Peter 2: 9 – 10) (6 marks)
- Identify the fruit of the Holy Spirit as taught by Saint Paul in Galatians 5: 22 – 23. (7 marks)
- Outline seven ways in which the gifts of the Holy Spirit are being misused in the church today. (7 marks)
- State six importance of Ethics in the society. (6 marks)
- Give seven reasons why some people choose to be celibates. (7 marks)
- Explain seven ways through which the church in Kenya ensures marriage institution is strong and stable. (7 marks)
- Give seven reasons why Christians are opposed to Euthanasia. (7 marks)
- State six effects of pollution on the environment. (6 marks)
- Identify ways through which Christians can help control desertification. (7 marks)

- Outline Jeremiah’s prophecies about the Messiah (Jeremiah 23: 5-6). (6 marks)
- The Messiah would come from the house of David
- He would be righteous/righteous branch of David
- He would reign as a king
- The Messiah would rule wisely
- He would execute justice / righteousness in the land
- He would bring salvation upon Judah/Judah would be saved
- He would provide security/safety in Israel/Israel would dwell securely
- He would be called the Lord/Lord our righteousness ( 7x1) marks
- Events that took place when Mary visited Elizabeth.
- Mary entered Zechariah’s home.
- She greeted Elizabeth.
- When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greetings the baby in her womb leaped.
- Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
- Elizabeth exclaimed with a loud cry.
- She blessed Mary and the child in the womb.
- Elizabeth wondered why Mary the mother of her Lord had visited her.
- Elizabeth informed Mary that the baby in her womb had leaped for joy in her greetings.
- Mary responded by praising God/sung the magnificat.
- Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months. ( 7x1) marks
- Lessons Christian learn about the nature of God from magnificat (7 marks)
- God is a saviour because he remembers the lowly
- God is mighty for the scatters the proud/does great things
- God is holy /Holy is His name
- God is merciful to those who fear him
- God is caring/because He exalts the humble
- He is a provider/sustainer because he fills the hungry
- He is faithful because he keeps his promises
- He is kind/helper to his servant Israel ( 7x1) marks
- Outline Jeremiah’s prophecies about the Messiah (Jeremiah 23: 5-6). (6 marks)
- Describe the baptism of Jesus in river Jordan (6 marks)
- All the people had been baptized by John.
- Jesus was also baptized.
- Jesus then started praying.
- The heavens opened.
- The Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus in a bodily form as a dove.
- Then a voice came from heaven.
- Then it said, ‘thou art my beloved son with thee am well pleased. (6x1) marks
- The healing of the Gerasene Demoniac Luke 8:26 – 39 (8 marks)
- Jesus and the disciples arrived at the land of the Gerasenes.
- They met a man who was demon possessed/ lived among the tombs.
- The man fell down/ told Jesus not to torment him.
- This is because Jesus had commanded the unclean spirit out of the man.
- Jesus asked the man his name.
- The man replied his name was legion which meant many demons.
- The demons in the man requested Jesus not to destroy them but to drive them into the pigs making them to drown into the lake.
- The herdsmen reported the incident in the town.
- The natives requested Jesus to leave for they had fear of Him.
- The healed man asked to accompany Jesus but was told to go and witness to others of his salvation.
- He went into the city and proclaimed about the mighty works of Jesus. ( 8x1) marks
- Lessons Christian learn from Gerasene Demoniac 6 marks
- Jesus had power over Satan/evil spirit/demon
- Jesus came to destroy satanic forces in the world.
- Jesus mission was to bring glory to God.
- Jesus is the Holy one of God/divine/Messiah/son of God
- He has concern and love for people
- Jesus mission is universal
- Jesus values human beings more than animals
- Jesus is concerned with both the physical and spiritual wellbeing of the people
( 6x1) marks
- Describe the baptism of Jesus in river Jordan (6 marks)
- Jesus’ teaching on watchfulness and readiness (7 marks)
- Believers should be dressed for his coming;
- They should keep their lamps burning;
- They should be awake/alert;
- Those who are found waiting
- They should be prepared at all times since they do not know the time for Christ’s coming;
- Believers should continue working until Christ comes back;
- The servants/believers who are drunkards/mistreat fellow workers will be punished;
- Those who know what is required of them/their masters will and fail to do it will receive a severe beating;
- Believers are expected to respond to God according to how much they have received from Him.
- Those who do wrong out of ignorance will receive lesser beatings/punishment.
(7x1) marks
- Seven causes of conflicts between Jesus and Jewish religious leaders (7marks
- They questioned Jesus on the origin of His authority; He challenged them to state by whose authority John the Baptist preached
- Jesus accused the religious leaders for rejecting God’s prophets and planning to kill God’s son. He used the parable of the tenants.
- They wanted to trap Jesus by asking Him whether it was right paying taxes to the Roman government or not.
- The Sadducees approached Jesus to confirm on the issue of resurrection with a story of a woman married to several brothers who died without bearing children.
- Jesus challenged the Jewish religious leaders that the Messiah was more than an earthly figure.
- Jesus accused the Scribes and lawyers for practicing hypocrisy.
- Jesus also condemned the offerings of the Jewish leaders but was in praise of that offered by the widow. ( 7x1) marks
- State six causes of disunity in our churches today (6 marks)
- Leadership wrangles make members break from the church.
- Doctrinal differences between members.
- The idea of freedom of worship
- Different biblical interpretations.
- Cultural differences
- Age differences in church/generation gap.
- The gap between the rich and the poor
- Corruption in church
- Greed and love for money
- Tribalism/Nepotism
- Arrogance and pride of some Christians. ( 6x1) marks
- Jesus’ teaching on watchfulness and readiness (7 marks)
- Explain six teachings of Peter concerning the people of God. (1 Peter 2: 9 – 10) (6 marks)
- The believers are a chosen people/race/they have been selected.
- They are a royal priesthood/they are to serve the greatest King/God.
- They are a holy nation/expected to lead holy-righteous lives.
- They belong to God/They form a family of God’s possession.
- They are to declare the wonderful deeds of God/to lead a life of worshipping God/testifying about God.
- They were called out of darkness into His marvelous light / their lives have been transformed.
- They have received God’s mercy /received God’s grace. ( 6x1) marks
- Identify the fruit of the Holy Spirit as taught by Saint Paul in Galatians 5: 22 – 23 (7 marks)
- Love
- Joy
- Peace
- Kindness
- Self-control
- Gentleness
- Patience
- Faithfulness ( 7x1) marks
- Outline seven ways in which the gifts of the Holy Spirit are being misused in the church today. (7 marks)
- People demand favours/payment for performing miracles / asking for payment.
- Some people claim to be under the influence of the Holy Spirit when they are not /some pretend to have certain gifts of the Holy Spirit.
- There is too much emphasis on speaking in tongues at the expense of other gifts.
- Those who have the gifts of the Holy Spirit are proud/boastful/look down upon others.
- Some people interpret the Bible/confuse others while claiming to be under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
- Some individuals cause divisions / splinter groups in the church claiming that the Holy Spirit has inspired them to start new churches / ministries.
- Sometimes gifts of the Holy Spirit are used in a disorderly manner in the church.
- Some people use the gifts of the Holy Spirit for self-glorification.
- Some people speak in tongues without an interpreter/confusion if the tongues are not interpreted.
- Some people use the gifts of the Holy Spirit to instill fear/intimidate others.
- Some may impact demonic powers on the innocent/ignorant as they claim to perform miracles. ( 7x1) marks
- Explain six teachings of Peter concerning the people of God. (1 Peter 2: 9 – 10) (6 marks)
- State six importance of Ethics in the society. (6 marks)
- Ethics makes people be concerned about the welfare of others.
- Promote harmonious living within a community.
- Contribute to the maintenance of law and order.
- Is the conscience of the society, enabling people to choose right from wrong.
- Enable people to help the needy in the society e.g. the sick, famine stricken, orphans, widows and those in prison.
- Guide people in making decisions that involve moral judgment.
- Promote loyalty and patriotism in citizens of a country.
- In organizations, makes the involved to serve with a lot of professionalism.
- Creates a just society where everyone feels treated fairly (6x1) marks
- Give seven reasons why some people choose to be celibates (7 marks)
- To dedicate their lives to prayer and to spread the word of God.
- To dedicate themselves to work of charity / taking care of the less fortunate.
- Some Christians consider themselves spiritually married to Christ and therefore no room for a human matrimonial relationship.
- Some Christians are influenced by Jesus’ life and teaching that there will be no marriages at resurrection.
- Some want to devote their time to the pursuit of education/fulfill career demands.
- Some people lack proper guidance and counseling on the fulfillment and joy in marriage and family life.
- Some are discouraged by the failing marriages/they have witnessed/increase in the number of divorce cases.
- Lack of stable source of income and fear of not meeting financial obligations.
- Past relationships that were disappointing and hurting.
- Fertility problems like barrenness/impotence. ( 7x1) marks
- Outline seven ways through which the church in Kenya ensures marriage institution is strong and stable. (7 marks)
- The church offers guidance and counseling on marriage.
- The church offers teachings on Christian marriage.
- They offer family life programs to teach parents and children on their duties.
- They hold prayer sessions for families.
- They encourage families to hold prayers together at home.
- They don’t support divorce which makes couples take vows seriously.
- They play reconciliatory roles when there are quarrels between spouses.
- Some churches discipline members who err in marriage/excommunicate the errant families.
- They give moral and material support to couples who need it.
- They encourage all couples to solemnize their marriage by having church weddings.
- State six importance of Ethics in the society. (6 marks)
- Give seven reasons why Christians are opposed to Euthanasia(7 marks)
- God is the only one who gives life and thus should be the one to take it away.
- Euthanasia equals to murder which is Biblically condemned/”Thou shall not kill”.
- It destroys God’s image in human beings.
- Human judgments is limited and therefore cannot make correct decision on terminating the life of others.
- Medical ethics only allows a doctor to sustain life and not to take it away.
- It is against Jesus’ mission on earth to heal the sick.
- Suffering is part of a Christian life from the teachings of Jesus and therefore cannot be used to justify euthanasia.
- The works of mercy involve saving life /not destroying it.
- It is a constitutional right to uphold human life.
- State six effects of pollution on the environment. (6 marks)
- Leads to infection /diseases in human beings/animals.
- It has led to global warming resulting to climate change /destruction of ozone layer.
- It has contributed to inconsistencies in rainfall pattern/drought/desert.
- It has led to the death of human being/animals/plants/birds.
- It has led to ecological imbalance/migration/extinction of some animals and birds.
- Damage of buildings/wastage of resources.
- It has led to human/animal conflicts. ( 6x1) marks
- Identify ways through which Christians can help control desertification. (7 marks)
- Christians need to practice afforestation programs.
- By practicing agro-forestry.
- Using alternative sources of energy as opposed to charcoal/firewood.
- Providing education to the public on how to preserve the environment.
- Participating in environmental conservation programs.
- Donating / giving financial assistance to bodies that control desertification.
- Protecting all water catchment areas.
- Carrying/practicing better methods of farming.
- Reporting cases of forest destruction to relevant authorities.
- By participating in the enactment of laws on environmental conservation.
- Providing guidance and counseling / advice to those involved in activities related to environmental degradation.
- Using alternative sources of building materials as opposed to natural vegetation. ( 7x1) marks
- Give seven reasons why Christians are opposed to Euthanasia(7 marks)
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