History Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Lainaku II Joint Mock Examination 2023

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  • This paper consists of three sections A, B and C.
  • Answer all the questions in section A, three questions from section B and two questions from section C.
  • Candidates should answer the questions in English.

SECTION A (25 marks)
Answer ALL questions in this section

  1. Identify two forms of Monarchical Government. (2marks)
  2. Name the family group that early human beings developed from. (1mark)
  3. Give the main item of trade from North Africa during the Trans-Saharan trade. (1mark)
  4. Identify the method used to plant cereal crops when early agriculture began. (1mark)
  5. Identify two uses of Bronze in Ancient Africa. (2marks)
  6. State the main advantage of using air transport. (1mark)
  7. Give two functions of the Saza chiefs among the Buganda in the 19th century. (2marks)
  8. Give one disadvantage of Space Exploration. (1mark)
  9. Give the reason why Kwame Nkrumah broke away from United Gold Coast Convention Party (UGCC) to form Convention people’s Party (CPP) (1mark)
  10. List two leaders who signed the treaty leading to rebirth of the East African Community. (2marks)
  11. Identify two factors that led to decline of ancient town of Kilwa. (2marks)
  12. Identify the main function of the International Court of Justice. (2marks)
  13. Give two conditions for one to be assimilated in French West Africa. (1marks)
  14. Name two titles used to refer to the Swahili officials in the German colonial administration in Tanganyika. (2marks)
  15. Give two benefits of Indirect rule in Northern Nigeria. (2marks)
  16. Give one member state of Commonwealth in West Africa. (1mark)
  17. Name one house of parliament in India. (1mark)

SECTION B (45 marks)
Answer ANY THREE questions from this section.

    1. State five reasons why early man hunted in groups during the Stone Age period.(5marks)
    2. Explain five factors that favored early Agriculture in Mesopotamia. (10marks)
    1. State five reasons why pre-colonial communities in Africa engaged in trade. (5marks)
    2. Explain five factors that have led to industrial growth in South Africa. (10marks)
    1. Give three reasons why the second location of Samori Toure’s empire was not as good as the first one during the war with the French. (3marks)
    2. Explain six results of the British Ndebele war of 1893. (12marks)
    1. State five ways in which president Nyerere of Tanzania assisted liberation movement of Mozambique. (5marks)
    2. Explain five political challenges that have faced the Democratic Republic of Congo since independence. (10marks)

SECTION C (30 marks)
Answer ANY TWO questions from this section.

    1. State three ways in which the treaty of Versailles affected Germany. (3marks)
    2. Explain six reasons why the League of Nations failed to preserve world peace. (12marks)
    1. State five factors that led to the development of the Cold War. (5marks)
    2. Explain five reasons why Pan-African Movement was not properly established in Africa by 1945. (10marks)
    1. State five functions of the Prime Minister in Britain. (5marks)
    2. Explain five functions of State Governments in USA. (10marks)


SECTION A (25 marks)
Answer ALL questions in this section

  1. Identify two forms of Monarchical Government.
    • Absolute Monarchy
    • Constitutional Monarchy   (2x1=2marks)
  2. Name the family group that early human beings developed from.
    • Hominidae (1x1=1mark)
  3. Give the main item of trade from North Africa during the Trans-Saharan trade.
    • Salt (1x1=1mark)
  4. Identify the method used to plant cereal crops when early agriculture began.
    • Broadcasting    (1x1=1mark)
  5. Identify two uses of Bronze in Ancient Africa.
    • Making weapons, like daggers, arrow-heads, spears, shields and helmets.
    • Making tools like machetes (pangas) hammers and axes.
    • Making ornaments like bracelets, rings and anklets.
    • Making artistic items like sculptures, masks, plaques and flower vases  (Any 2x1=2marks)
  6. State the main advantage of using air transport.
    • It is the quickest/fastest in terms of speed (1x1=1mark)
  7. Give two functions of the Saza chiefs among the Buganda in the 19th century.
    • They maintained law and order.
    • They collected taxes.
    • They recruited men for military service.
    • They settled disputes / they tried cases in courts.
    • They were members of the Lukiiko 
    • They advised the Kabaka   (Any 2x1=2marks)
  8. Give one disadvantage of Space Exploration.
    • Accidents though rare have fatal consequences.
    • It is very expensive and it is a preserve of the rich nations.
    • It is an activity that contributes to environmental degradation e.g. degradation of the ozone layer. (Any 1x1=1mark)
  9. Give the reason why Kwame Nkrumah broke away from United Gold Coast Convention Party (UGCC) to form Convention people’s Party (CPP)
    • Nkrumah advocated for a radical approach while most of the old members of UGCC were largely conservative and did not want confrontational politics. (1x1=1mark)
  10. List two leaders who signed the treaty leading to rebirth of the East African Community.
    • President Benjamin Mkapa -Tanzania
    • President Daniel Moi - Kenya
    • President Yoweri Museveni - Uganda   (Any 2x1=2marks)
  11. Identify two factors that led to decline of ancient town of Kilwa.
    • The disruption of the gold trade due to civil wars.
    • There were dynastic rivalries caused by competition for power by some royal families.
    • Constant rebellion by vassal states that weakened the city state.
    • Attack, conquest and eventual occupation by the Portuguese.  (Any 2x1=2marks)
  12. Identify the main function of the International Court of Justice.
    • To settle disputes between states  (1x1=1mark)
  13. Give two conditions for one to be assimilated in French West Africa.
    • Learn the French language.
    • Practice the French legal system.
    • Apply the French civil and political system.
    • Convert to Christianity.
    • Practice monogamy
    • Learn French mannerism including eating and dressing habits. (Any 2x1=2marks)
  14. Name two titles used to refer to the Swahili officials in the German colonial administration in Tanganyika.
    • Akidas
    • Jumbes  (2x1=2marks)
  15. Give two benefits of Indirect rule in Northern Nigeria.
    • Nigeria was ruled without employing many people.
    • It gave the local people a feeling that they were ruling themselves.
    • It made Nigerians nationalistic as they developed a positive attitude towards their country.
    • It never interfered with the Africa culture.
    • Infrastructure was developed  (Any 2x1=2marks)
  16. Give one member state of Commonwealth in West Africa. .
    • Nigeria
    • Ghana
    • Sierra Leone
    • Gambia        (Any 1x1=1mark
  17. Name one house of parliament in India.
    • Rajya Sabha/The Council of States/ Upper Hous
    • Lok Sabha/House of the People/Lower House     (Any 1x1=1mark)

SECTION B (45 marks)
Answer ANY THREE questions from this section.

    1. State five reasons why early man hunted in groups during the Stone Age period.
      • Wild animals are dangerous/could kill people.
      • They could surround the animal.
      • Spotting/locating the animal was easier.
      • Less time was used to catch the animal/less tiresome.
      • To give moral encouragement/team spirit. (Any 5x1 =5marks)
    2. Explain five factors that favored early Agriculture in Mesopotamia.
      • Availability of indigenous crops and animals in the region e.g. Wheat, barley, dates and goats, sheep and cattle.
      • Existence of fertile land along river valleys of Tigris and Euphrates-consisting of deposited silt.
      • Availability of water from rivers Tigris and Euphrates which was used for irrigation.
      • Invention of farming tools e.g. Hoes, ploughs, sickles and seed drill which promoted agricultural activities.
      • Existence of transport system in form of donkeys, canoes, river transport etc.; which was instrumental in transportation of farm inputs and outputs.
      • Political stability that enabled people to practice agriculture.
      • Settlement of people in Mesopotamia from Iran plateau who had the knowledge of agriculture
      • Construction of dykes to control flooding which enabled them to continue with farming throughout the year
      • Knowledge of irrigation like shadoof. (Any 5x2 =10marks)
    1. State five reasons why pre-colonial communities in Africa engaged in trade.
      • Existence of Surplus production.
      • Uneven distribution of natural resources.
      • Difference in climatic and environmental conditions.
      • Population increase making man to begin to supplement his needs by trading
      • Specialization and improved technology which always creates a need to exchange skills and goods. (Any 5x1 =5marks)
    2. Explain five factors that have led to industrial growth in South Africa.
      • Availability of natural resources for processing her industries like iron and steel industries, lead, zinc, bauxite and tin.
      • The industrial goods from SA are of high quality and can therefore compete favourably with those from the developed nations.
      • The high population provided both skilled and unskilled labour for the industry.
      • Development of sources of energy like (HEP).
      • Road, water and railway transport system are greatly developed in SA.
      • Air transport is also well developed. The international airports enhance business operation. vii. Availability of capital. The government of SA gets her capital mainly from trade in other materials.
      • Political stability, especially after the end of apartheid rule.
      • The government of SA has adopted good policies of promoting industrialization in the country by putting tariffs on the imported commodities.
      • SA is also endowed with a variety of wildlife and scenic landscape that attracts tourists to the country.  (Any 5x2 =10marks)
    1. Give three reasons why the second location of Samori Toure’s empire was not as good as the first one during the war with the French.
      • He was cut off from the Bure and Wangara gold mines and trade routes and hence could not obtain revenue to purchase arms.
      • He was cut off from Freetown where he used to obtain arms.
      • The southern boundary was open to attacks from Ivory Coast.
      • The British occupation of the Asante in 1886 made it impossible for him to advance in that direction. This meant that he was surrounded by enemies from all directions (the French and the British).
      • The local people did not support him as he was seen as an alien. (Any 3x1 =3marks)
    2. Explain six results of the British Ndebele war of 1893.
      1. There was widespread starvation among the Ndebele as their livestock had been seized by the British.
      2. There was disruption of Ndebele economic activities as they were prohibited from carrying out agricultural activities before they had surrendered.
      3. The Ndebele lost their land which was alienated for settlement by the British.
      4. The Ndebele lost their independence as British rule was declared over their territory.
      5. The Ndebele cattle were confiscated.
      6. The Ndebele military power was weakened.
      7. Deaths / Massive loss of lives.
      8. There was looting and destruction of property.
      9. It provoked anti-British feelings which partly contributed to the Chimurenga wars of 1896-1897. (Any 6x2 =12marks)
    1. State five ways in which president Nyerere of Tanzania assisted liberation movement of Mozambique.
      • He offered them a chance to open their offices in Tanzania.
      • Liberation movement groups were allowed to establish bases on Tanzanian soil/FRELIMO fighters were allowed to train on Tanzanian soil.
      • Nyerere unified different factions of liberation movement to merge, which established the Liberation Front of Mozambique (FRELIMO).
      • He opened the border for asylum seekers from Mozambique.
      • He was vocal in condemning colonialism in Mozambique as he spoke in various forums e.g. United Nations Organization.
      • He supplied the soldiers with arms and military aid. (Any 5x1 =5marks)
    2. Explain five political challenges that have faced the Democratic Republic of Congo since independence.
      • Political upheavals from ideological differences, tribalism and colonial hangover /Ethnicity.
      • Secession of Katanga and Kasai regions weakened the country.
      • Foreign interference by foreign countries including former colonialists thus undermining Congo’s independence.
      • Lumumba’s assassination made the country to almost disintegrate.
      • Between 1960-1964, the UN and Belgian interfered a lot with the country’s internal affairs.
      • When Mobutu took over there was a shift from democracy to dictatorship e.g. one party system.
      • Between 1977 to 1978, there was the rebellion and 200 soldiers died (Shaba rebellion).
      • Kabila was assassinated in 2001 his successor found it difficult to bring peace in DRC.
      • Poor relationship with neighbouring countries due to the rebel groups.  (Any 5x2 =10marks)

SECTION C (30 marks)
Answer ANY TWO questions from this section.

    1. State three ways in which the treaty of Versailles affected Germany.
      • It reduced the size of Germany.
      • Germany was forbidden from uniting with Austria.
      • Germany lost her colonies in Africa and other territories in Europe
      • The size of Germany’s military and strength was restricted.
      • Germany was forced to pay war damages/reparations.
      • The Saar region formerly part of Germany was to be administered by the league of nations for 15years after which the population was to vote on whether to belong to France or Germany
      • Germany lost the provinces of Alasce and Lorraine which previously belonged to France
      • Germany was required to release all allied prisoners of war.
      • The Rhineland was to be permanently demilitarized that is German troops were not allowed in the region 
        (Any 3x1 =3marks)
    2. Explain six reasons why the League of Nations failed to preserve world peace.
      • Some European countries opposed the Versailles Treaty because it favoured the allied powers that fought against Germany.
      • USA did not support the League because it did not want to be involved in European affairs / Monroe Doctrine / Refused to join.
      • Membership of the organization was not that inclusive as some countries were left out while others were not given a chance to join.
      • The League’s conference of ambassadors violated the objective of maintaining world peace by supporting some countries’ claims against others in disregard of the decisions taken by the League of Nations.
      • Most members were concerned about their sovereignty as opposed to the interest of the League (Nationalism)
      • Some members adapted to the policy of appeasement towards certain regimes so as to avoid confrontation and this weakened the League.
      • Shortage of funds for the league to implement its programmes.
      • It lacked its own army to implement its decisions where peace was threatened as it depended on the goodwill of the members who at times were unreliable.
      • The search for colonies diverted the members’ attention from the activities of the League.
      • Rise of dictatorship regimes in Europe weakened the League as the dictators refused to accept the decisions of the League.
      • Economic depression of 1929 weakened most of the world’s economies, hence they were not able to support the League financially.
      • Rearmament of Germany. Germany restocked arms and began acts of aggression against her neighbours. (Any 6x2 =12marks)
    1. State five factors that led to the development of the Cold War.
      • Occupation of Eastern Europe by the Soviet Union caused fear among USA and its allies in Western Europe.
      • Disagreement between USSR and USA over the reduction of arms.
      • The ideological difference pursued by USA and USSR created mistrust / suspicion among them, leading to hostility.
      • The domination of the UN by USA and her allies was checked by USSR through the use of her veto power, thus increasing tension.
      • The involvement of both USSR and USA in European conflicts in the late 1940s created tension among them.
      • America’s Marshall Plan to revive European economies after the war made USSR to counteract by forming a similar one /
      • Communist Information Bureau (COMECON), thus enhancing tension.
      • Formation of military alliances like NATO by USA and her allies led to USSR and her allies to form a similar alliance / WARSAW
      • PACT, thus intensifying the rivalry.
      • Construction of the Berlin wall by USSR in Germany to block Western influence led to increased tension.
      • Differences over the status of Germany after the WWII.  (Any 5x1 =5marks)
    2. Explain five reasons why Pan-African Movement was not properly established in Africa by 1945.
      • There was lack of adequate African representation in the movement before 1945. Africans in the movement were few and were staying outside Africa as political exiles or students.
      • Colonial authorities could not allow Africans to organize a movement that was against their policies. Such movements were outlawed.
      • The ‘divide and rule’ policy used by the Europeans made it impossible for Africans to communicate and cooperate.
        Africans in each colony were mainly concerned with issues that affected them directly e.g. Land alienation, forced labour and taxation.
      • The only Countries that were independent (Liberia and Ethiopia) could not champion Pan-Africanism since they had their own internal problems and paid little attention to international matters.
      • Lack of venue to hold meetings on the African soil since the colonial government would not have allowed such meetings.
      • Poor state of transport and communication at the time did not permit the fast spread of Pan-Africanism ideas.
      • Few people were educated and only a minority in Africa had higher education hence there was widespread illiteracy and ignorance.
        Africans were too poor to contribute to pan-African efforts.  (Any 5x2 =10marks)
    1. State five functions of the Prime Minister in Britain.
      • He/she appoints / dismisses ministers with the consent of the Monarch.
      • He/she recommends to the monarch the appointment of high-ranking officers in the government / award of civil honours.
      • He/she chairs cabinet meetings.
      • He/she settles disputes between various government ministries / departments.
      • He/she is the chief executive as he heads the government.
      • He/she oversees the implementation of the cabinet decisions.
      • He/she is the Head of the House of Commons.
      • He/she represents the country in international forum / conferences.
      • He/she is the leader of the party that nominated him / her. (Any 5x1 =5marks)
    2. Explain five functions of State Governments in USA.
      • They establish the law courts which administer justice in the states.
      • They allow for the formation of Local government which cater for the people's interests/provide services in the rural areas.
      • They provide educational services to the people.
      • They maintain law and order through state police department which ensures adherence to the law.
      • They generate revenue required to finance their operations.
      • They regulate labour/industry/ trade in the state by making appropriate legislation.
      • They regulate commerce/trade in order to ensure stability in the sector.
      • They provide health services to the people.
      • They provided recreational services to the people.
      • They make/passes laws for the state/do legislation     (Any 5x2 =10marks)
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