Agriculture Paper 1 Questions and Answers - Sukellemo Joint Pre Mock Exams 2023

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  • Answer ALL the questions in this question paper.

SECTION A (30 marks)

Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided

  1. Give two disadvantages of intensive system of farming. (1mk)
  2. List four methods of farming. (2mks)
  3. Give the meaning of the following terms:
    1. nitrogen fixation into the soil; (1mk)
    2. phosphorus fixation in loss of soil fertility. (1mk)
  4. List four ways through which soil PH influences crop production.(2mks
  5. Outline four factors that affect the effectiveness of a pesticide.(2mks)
  6. State two reasons for land fragmentation in Kenya. (1mk)
  7. Give four advantages of individual owner operator tenure system as practiced in Kenya. (2mks)
  8. State four features that should be considered when choosing water pipes for use on the farm. (2mks)
  9. Give four reasons for treating water for use on the farm. (2mks)
  10. State four factors that determine the stage at which a crop is harvested. (2 marks)
  11. State two activities carried out during hardening off tomato seedlings. (1mk)
  12. Give two reasons for carrying out each of the following operations in land preparation:
    1. rolling; (1mk)
    2. leveling. (1mk)
  13. Give four benefits of practicing organic farming.(2mks)
    1. Name three vegetative parts that can be used to propagate pinapples. (1½ marks) 
    2. State three disadvantages of vegetatively propagating pinapples. (1½mks
  15. Name two classes of weeds on the basis of each of the following:
    1. growth cycle; (1mk)
    2. plant morphology. (1mk)

SECTION B (20 marks)

Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.

  1. Below is a diagram of a weed. Study the diagram carefully and answer the questions that follow.
    1. Identify the weed illustrated above. (1/2mk)
    2. Why is the weed illustrated above difficult to control? (1mk)
    3. State four ways in which the weed can be controlled in a field of maize. (2mks)
  2. The diagram below shows a pest and the damaged crop. Study it and answer the questions that follow.
    1. Identify the crop pest illustrated above. (1 mark)
    2. Explain two ways of controlling the pests. (2 marks)
    1. The diagram below illustrates a nursery practice.
      1. Identify the practice. (1 mark)
      2. Describe the procedure followed in carrying out the practice illustrated.(2 marks)
    2. State two advantages of the practice illustrated above in crop production.  (2 marks)
    3. State two ways in which pruning assists in controlling crop diseases. (1mk)
  4. The diagrams below illustrate field management practices. Study them carefully and answer the questions that follow.
    1. Identify the field practices.
      1. M……………………………………………………………………………(1mk)
      2. N……………………………………………………………………………(1mk)
    2. Name a crop that can be managed using management (M) above.(1mk)
    3. Give one reason for carrying out each of the management practices above.(2mks)
      1. M……………………………………………………………………………………………
      2. N……………………………………………………………………………………………
  5. A famer is advised to apply 60kg N, 20kg P2O5 and 30kg K2O per hectare. Calculate the quantity of urea (46%N), single super phosphate (20%P2O5) and muriate of potash (50% K2O) the farmer should apply on his 10 hectares land. (5 mks)

SECTION C (40 marks)

Answer any two questions in this section in the spaces provided after question 25.

    1. Explain eight factors that can encourage soil erosion. (8 mks)
    2. Describe the seven management practices that should be carried out on a vegetable nursery after sowing seeds until the seedlings are ready for transplanting. (7 mks)
    3. State five soil factors that should be considered when selecting a crop to grow in an area. (5mks)
    1. Outline five ways in which high temperature affects agricultural production in Kenya. (5mks)
    2. Describe five ways in which the following affects agriculture  (7mks)
      1. poor economic growth
      2. poor health
    3. Explain eight types of micro-catchments used in water conservation (8mks)
    1. Explain six physical methods that can be used to control crop pests on the farm.   (6mks)
    2. Describe SEVEN field management practices carried out in the production of tomatoes (7mks)
    3. Explain seven factors that influence seed rates in crop production. (7mks)


    • Requires high capital investment per unit area.
    • High labour per unit area/High skiled labour.
    • Agroforestry
    • Shifting cultivation
    • Organic farming
    • Monadic pastoralism
    • Mixed farming
    1. Nitrogen gas is converted into forms which can be absorbed by the plants.
    2. Phosphorus combines with other elements and becomes unavailable for plant use.
    • Determines the type of fertilizer to apply
    • Determines the availability of particular mineral elements in the soil.
    • Determines the activity of micro-organisms in the soil.
    • Determines the crop to grow in an area.
    • Weather conditions
    • Concentration of the pesticide
    • persistence of the pesticide
    • Mode of action
    • Formulation of the pesticide
    • Shifting cultivation
    • Settlement and resettlement
    • Traditional systems/inheritance of land among heirs.
    • Population pressure on a limited area hence purchase of land
    • Accumulation of land holdings
    • Minimizes land disputes as the farmer posseses a title deed.
    • It is easy to plan and make decisions.
    • The owner has incentives to make long term investments.
    • The title deed can be used as a security to obtain loans.
    • It gives the farmer incentives to improve the land.
    • The owner can sell or give away part of the land at will.
    • The pipes should be durable.
    • The cost of the pipe
    • The diameter/size
    • Strength/Ability to withstand pressure
    • Workability/skills available
    • Colour
    • To remove chemical impurities
    • To remove bad smell
    • To kill disease causing micro-organisms
    • To remove sedimants of solid particles.
    • The intended use of the crop.
    • Weather conditions
    • Market demand
    • Concentration of the required chemicals.
    • Prevailing market prices and profit margins.
    • Removal of shade.
    • Reducing watering frequency
    1. rolling
      • Increases seed-soil contact.
      • prevents soil erosion.
      • Prevents small seeds from being carried away by wind.
    2. levelling
      • Encouraes uniform depth of planting
      • Facilitates uniform germination
      • Prevents depression which collect too much water which may cause rotting of seeds.
    • The method is environmentally friendly.
    • Encourages production of chemical free products.
    • The method is generally cheap.
    • It improves soil structure and water infiltration
      • Suckers
      • Crows
      • Slips
      • May not result into new crop varieties.
      • Keeping the materials free of diseases is difficult.
      • Materials cannot be stored for a long time unlike seeds.
      • Materials are bulky ∴ difficult to transport.
    1. Growth cycle
      • Annuals
      • Perennials
      • Biennials
    2. Plant morphology
      • Broad leafed
      • Narrow leafed
    1. Couch grass
    2. It has underground rhizomes
      • Use of selective herbicides
      • Proper tillage especially in dry season.
    1. Cutworm
      • Use of appropriate pesticides
      • Early planting of the crop to establish and outgrow the pest.
      • Field hygiene to prevent transmission from previous crop residues.
      • Physical killng and destruction of the pest.
      1. Aerial layering.
        • Select a healthy woody branch;
        • Remove the bark and cambial layer from a section of the branch/ring back the branch;
        • Heap moist rooting medium around the section;
        • Wrap the rooting medium with a polythene sheet;
      • Gives a large planting material;
      • Obtain planting materials from branches that cannot easily bend bend/woody stems/ branches high up the stem.
      1. M - Trelishing
      2. N - Earthing up
    2. Passion fruit/ some bean varieties
      1. M - Provides support to crops with vines
        • Improves tuber formation (e.g) in irish potatoes.
        • Provides support hence preventing ledging e.g in maize
        • Improves drainage around the crop.
    1. Factors tha encourage soil erosion
      • Lack of ground cover exposes soil to agents of soil erosion.
      • Steep slopes increases the speed of surface run-off hence erosion power of water.
      • Light /sandy soils are easily carried away by agents of soil erosion.
      • Shallow soils are easily saturated with water and carried away.
      • Overcultivation pulverises the soil making it easy to detach and be carried away.
      • Overstocking leads to overgrazing which destroys ground cover exposing it to agents of erosion.
      • High amount of rainfall increase saturation of soil with water thus increasing soil erosion.
      • Cultivation of the river banks destroys river line vegeation exposing it to soil erosion.
      • ploughing up and down the slopes creates water channels which encourage soil eorion.
      • Burning of vegetation leaves land bare exposing it to erosion agents,
      • Cultivating soil when too dry/ too wet destroys soil structure making soil easily eroded.
      • High rainfall intensity increases impact of raindrop thus encouraging raindrop erosion.
    2. Nursery bed management practises.
      • Mulching to conserve moisture.
      • Erection of shade to minimize evaporation.
      • Weed control to reduce competition with seedlings.
      • Pests and disease control to ensure healthy seedlings.
      • Pricking out to minimize competition.
      • Watering to ensure adequate moisture aupply.
      • Hardening off to prpepare seedlings adapt ecological conditions.
    3. Soil factors considered when selecting a crop to grow.
      • Soil pH
      • Soil drainage/ water retention
      • Soil fertility
      • Soil type & texture.
      • Soil structure.
    1. Effects of high temperatures in Kenya.
      • Increases evaporation leading to wilting of crops
      • Increases growth rate / hastens maturity of crops.
      • Improves quality of crops e.g ppineapples and oranges.
      • increases incidences of some crop pests and diseasese.g
        • Leaf rust in coffee.
        • Aphids in vegetables
      1. Poor economic growth
        • leads to collapse of co-operative movemnts and factories.
        • Low pricing of agricultural products resulting to low income for farmers.
        • Poor infrastucture hence poor marketing of agricultural produce.
        • the low use of techology in agriculture hence reduced output.
      2. Poorhealth
        • Shortage of labour
        • Lack of motivation to invest in agriculture.
        • Less time is spent in farming - as people carter for the sick/
        • Low standards of living.
        • Lack of market for agricultural produce.
    3.  Micro-catchments.
      • Planting pits
      • Contour bunds/ furrows for crops.
      • Semi-circular bunds
      • Negarims/ cathcment basin
      • Water spreading bunds
      • Rous dams
      • Trapezoidal bunds
    1. Physical methods of controlling crop pests.
      • Physical destruction of the pest.
      • Flooding
      • Proper drying procedure
      • Use of electromagnetic radiation.
      • Use of lethal temperature
      • Use of scarecrows
      • use of physical barriers
      • Air suffocation
      • Use of explosives
    2. Management practises done on tomatoes.
      • Gapping
      • Top dressing
      • weeding
      • staking
      • prunning
      • Pest control
      • Control of diseases.
    3. Factors that influence seed rates
      • Seed purity
      • Germination percentage.
      • Spacing
      • Nuber of seeds per hole.
      • Purpose of the crop.
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