CRE Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Mokasa 1 Joint Pre Mock Exams 2023

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    1. Outline Jeremiahs prophecies about the messiah Jer 23 5-6                                   (6 marks)
    2. Outline the content of the Benedictus (Luke 1:67-79)                                           (7 marks)
    3. State seven ways through which the church helps families to cope with challenges facing them.           (7 marks)
    1. Describe the incident when Jesus calmed the storm (Luke 8:22-25)                       (8 marks)
    2. Give seven reasons why Jesus used parables in his teachings.                                   (7 marks)
    3. State five lessons about Jesus from the incident when he calmed the storm.             (5 marks)
    1. Relate the parable of the shrewd manager (Luke 16:1-13)                                       (7 marks)
    2. Identify seven areas of conflict between Jesus and religious leaders in Jerusalem (7 marks)
    3. State six ways in which people misuse their wealth today                                      (6 marks)
    1. Explain peters teachings on the characteristics of the people of God (1 peter 2:9-10)  (7marks)
    2. Give ways in which the use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit brought disunity in the church of Corinth       (7marks)
    3. Identify six ways in which the fruit of kindness has been abused in Kenya today     (6marks)
    1. Outline the measures taken in traditional African communities to discourage pregnancy before marriage           (7marks)
    2. State seven similarities between the Christian and the traditional African marriage           (7marks) 
    3. State the challenges that children from single parent families face in Kenya           (6marks) 
    1. State seven ways of acquiring wealth in Traditional African Societies                             (7marks)   
    2. State Jesus teachings on wealth          (7marks)
    3. Give six reasons why Christians should condemn bribery and corruption in society        (6marks)                                                       


    1. Outline Jeremiahs prophecies about the messiah Jer 23: 5-6  (6 marks)
      1. The messiah would come from the house of David.
      2. He would be righteous
      3. He would reign as a king
      4. The messiah would rule wisely
      5. He would execute justice/righteousness in the land
      6. He would bring salvation upon Judah
      7. He would provide security in Israel
      8. He would be called the Lord.    (1x6 = 6 marks)
    2. From the Benedictus, state what Zachariah said about John the Baptist Luke 1:67-80(7 marks)
      1. God had brought salvation to Israel / was savior of David’s house.
      2. God had fulfilled His promises/ God fulfils his promises
      3. God is to be worshiped in holiness
      4. God is redeemer of Israel/ savior from enemies
      5. God is merciful
      6. John would be prophet of the most high
      7. John would be forerunner of the Lord / would prepare the way of the Lord
      8. John would teach the way of salvation / forgiveness of sins
      9. John would give light to people staying in darkness
      10. John would guide people to peace.       (1x7 = 7 marks)
    3. State seven ways through which the church helps families to cope with challenges facing them. (7 marks)
      1. The church organizes seminars/workshops for different groups on family life.
      2. Offering guidance and counselling on family matters
      3. Paying visits to families.
      4. Producing/disseminating literature on proper Christian living / family life
      5. Provide financial/material support to the needy families
      6. Praying for the families.
      7. Providing vocational training.
      8. Offering employment to jobless people.
      9. Condemning vices which threaten families.      (1x7 = 7 marks)
    1. Describe the incident when Jesus calmed the storm Luke 8:22-25. (8 marks)
      1. Jesus got into a boat with his disciples.
      2. He told them that they should go to the other side of the lake so they sent off.
      3. As they sailed Jesus fell asleep.
      4. A storm of wind came down of the lake.
      5. The boat was filled with water/they were in danger.
      6. The disciples went and woke Jesus saying “master we are perishing”
      7. Jesus got up, rebuked the wind/the raging water/waves
      8. The storm subsided/ceased/there was calm
      9. Jesus asked the disciples where their faith was
      10. The disciples were afraid/they marveled.
      11. The disciples wondered who Jesus was even the wind and water could obey him   (1x8 = 8 marks)
    2. Give reasons why Jesus used parables in his teachings. (7 marks)
      1. To attract listeners because the stories were enjoyable.
      2. It was a common teaching method at that time/ gifted teacher
      3. To make his listeners think for themselves and make individual judgment/to enable listeners to think critically.
      4. To make it easy for the people to understand the complicated theme of the unseen kingdom.
      5. To avoid direct confrontations with the Pharisees, the scribes and the Sadducees.
      6. To isolate serious and keen listeners from the rest of the group.
      7. He was to keep His identity a secret until He finalizes His mission.
      8. To fulfill the O.T prophecies.
      9. This helped in shaping their attitudes to Jesus and in bringing them to a closer and a new relationship with him. 
        (1x7 = 7 marks)
    3. State lessons about Jesus from the incident when he calmed the storm. (5 marks)
      1. Jesus has power over nature.
      2. He came to destroy the evil forces against human beings
      3. Jesus was a human being i.e. He slept.
      4. Jesus demands faith from those who follow him.
      5. He is the Messiah who was to perform miracles.
      6. Jesus is caring/ compassionate/ He intervenes in our situations
      7. Jesus answers / responds to our prayers    (1x5 = 5 marks)
    1. Relate the parable of the shrewd manager (Luke 16:1-13) 7mks
      1. There was once a rich man who employed a servant to manage his property. 
      2. rich man got word that his manager was misusing his resources. 
      3. He called him and informed him to give a complete account of how he was handling his property.
      4. The shrewd manager knew that his master was going to sack him.  He decided to make friends with some debtors so that they could take care of him when sacked by his master.
      5. One debtor owed his master one hundred barrels of olive oil / He asked the debtor to change this to fifty barrels.
      6. The second servant owed a thousand barrels of wheat / was asked to change this to 800 barrels.
      7. The master praised the manager for doing such a shrewd thing.
      8. Jesus praised the manager not because of his dishonesty but because he acted promptly and with great presence of mind in a moment of crisis.     (1x7 = 7 marks)
    2. Give seven reasons why Jesus had conflicts with Jewish religious leaders in Jerusalem
      1. They questioned Jesus on the origin of His authority; He challenged them to state by whose authority John the Baptist preached/ question about Jesus authority.
      2. Jesus accused the religious leaders for rejecting God’s prophets and planning to kill God’s son. He used the parable of the tenants/ parable of the tenants
      3. They wanted to trap Jesus by asking Him whether it was right paying taxes to the Roman government or not/ question about payment of taxes
      4. The Sadducees approached Jesus to confirm on the issue of resurrection with a story of a woman married to several to several brothers who died without bearing children /question about resurrection
      5. Jesus challenged the Jewish religious leaders that the Messiah was more than an earthly figure/ Question about the Messiah/ question about his identity
      6. Jesus accused the Scribes and lawyers for practicing hypocrisy/ Denouncing scribes /Direct attack on religious leaders
      7. Jesus also condemned the offerings of the Jewish leaders but was in praise of that offered by the widow/ widows offering      (1x7 = 7 marks)
    3. State seven ways in which people misuse their wealth today 7mks
      1. By one indulging in alcoholism, drugs.
      2. By indulging in immoral practices such as prostitution, sex tourism or extra-marital sex.
      3. Use of wealth in gambling which might lead to loss of wealth.
      4. One buying luxuries e.g. expensive clothes, cars, houses which are not necessary.
      5. Using wealth to frustrate others e.g. exploit those who not have.
      6. Money is used to bribe others e.g. judges, magistrates to win favours.
      7. Using money to buy positions, power and status and also to buy jobs and employment/ Bribery
      8. Use of wealth to show off /brag to others.
      9. Use of wealth to promote dangerous sports e.g. boxing, wrestling, motor racing and bull fighting.
      10. Wealthy people giving lots of money to young children who cannot use it responsibly.
      11. Using wealth to lure others and young people to immoral activities/ influence others negatively     (1x6 = 6 marks)
    1. Outline peters teaching on unity of believers based on the image of the of the people of God (1Peter 2:9-10) 7mks
      1. They are a chosen race,
      2. They are a royal priesthood
      3. They are holy nation
      4. They are Gods own people/ are belong to a family of Gods own possession
      5. They have been called to declare wonderful works of God
      6. They have been called out of darkness into his marvelous light/ no longer in darkness
      7. They were once not a people but they are now the people of God / they are no longer under the law
      8. They have received God’s mercy    (1x7 = 7 marks)
    2. Give ways in which the use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit brought disunity in the church of Corinth 7mks
      1. The people who had the gift of speaking in tongues despised those who did not have it.
      2. There was competition involving speaking in tongues. Believers wanted to prove that they could speak the longest, loudest and many different languages
      3. When one speak in tongue to a congregation without interpreter, whatever he or she said was meaningless to other member of the church since no one understood the message/ confusion
      4. People didn’t show love to one another as they used the gift of the Holy Spirit.
      5. People at the church at Corinth caused disorder in worship. This is because they try to outdo one another in manifestation of the gifts.
      6. People didn’t used the gifts for the growth and development of the church. They used the gifts for their personal benefits.
      7. According to the Corinthians, the only way one could prove that he or she was under the influence of the Holy Spirit was by speaking in tongues   (1x7 = 7 marks)
    3. Identify six Ways in which the fruit of kindness has been abused in Kenya today
      1. Some Christians fail to work because they expect assistance from others
      2. Some Christians over-depend on other people’s efforts
      3. Some church leaders start many projects in the church expecting members to support
      4. Some church leaders ask their congregation to cater for their personal needs like buying vehicles and paying for their further studies
      5. Some members of the church fail to return borrowed money expecting the church members to understand
      6. When the church leaders demand for payment for all services, they render e.g. conducting masses, officiating weddings, funerals         (1x6 = 6marks)
    1. Outline the measures taken in traditional African communities to discourage pregnancy before marriage (7mks)
      1. Sex education was give to the youth to instill discipline /responsibility
      2. Youth were sensitized on consequences from irresponsible sex
      3. Virginity was highly valued in most African communities
      4. Pregnancy before marriage was highly punished /married off to old men
      5. Young men who impregnated girls were heavily reprimanded/ punished/fined
      6. Mothers were held responsible for their daughters’ conduct
      7. During social occasions girls and boys were supervised so that they do not misbehave
      8. Boys and girls lived in separate huts
      9. There were taboos/rules/regulations on sexual relationships
      10. Both sexes were taught to treat each other with respect/dignity    7x1mk=7mks
    2. State seven similarities between the Christian and the traditional African marriage (6mks).
      1. In both, marriage is ordained by God
      2. In both, marriage is meant for procreation
      3. In both, husband and wife attain certain responsibilities after marriage
      4. In both, marriage creates new bonds of relationships
      5. In both, marriage is a means of building a family
      6. In both, man and woman find mutual love and companionship
      7. In both, marriage promotes the social status of those who enter into it
      8. In both, marriage is a social affair involving more than the two spouses
      9. In both, marriage is a covenant/ permanent/divorce discouraged  7X1mk=7mks
    3. State the challenges that children from single parent families face in Kenya (7mks).
      1. Identity crisis/they do not know where they belong
      2. Social stigma
      3. They miss love/guidance of one parent
      4. They may have psychological problems
      5. They may be denied inheritance of family wealth/discriminated against
      6. They face rejection/not accepted in society
      7. Lack of adequate basic needs       6x1mk=6mks
    1. State seven ways of acquiring wealth in traditional African societies (7mks).
      1. Inheritance
      2. Bride wealth
      3. Hard work  e.g. breaking virgin land for farming/Exploitation of natural resources
      4. Barter trade
      5. Raiding/warfare
      6. Gifts
      7. Marrying many wives and getting many children
      8. Use of skills e.g. tool making,weaving,pottery
      9. Those with talents e.g. medicine men sold their skills  7x1mk=7mks
    2. State Jesus’ teaching on wealth (7mks).
      1. Christians should generously give their wealth to serve God
      2. We should share our wealth with the needy
      3. We should seek spiritual wealth, which is more permanent and fulfilling
      4. Wealth should not be idolized
      5. Christians are only stewards of their wealth which belongs to God
      6. Wealth can create a false sense of independence from God if we are not careful
      7. Wealth is a blessing from God
      8. Wealth should be acquired justly  7x1mk=7mks
    3. Give reasons why Christians should condemn bribery and corruption in society (6mks).
      1. Bribery undermines the integrity of the receiver/giver
      2. Bribery is a criminal case punishable by the law/ crime
      3. Recipients may lack  a good public image
      4. Recipients may lose their jobs
      5. Poor economic growth and increase in poverty levels
      6. Increase in crime rate and social unrest
      7. Bribery leads to suffering of the giver
      8. Huge losses of public funds
      9. Lack of quality services in very crucial sectors    6x1mk=6mks
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