CRE Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Lugari Constituency Joint Pre Mock Exams 2023

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  • The paper consists of six questions, answer only 5 questions.
  • Each questions totals to 20marks.
    1. Basing your answer on the infancy narratives in Luke 1:5-56, describe what took place when Mary visited Elizabeth. [7mks]
    2. Identify the teaching of John the Baptist  [7mks]
    3. Give six reasons why children should take part in church activities. [6mks]
    1. Outline Jesus’ teaching on watchfulness and readiness (Luke 12: 35-48) [7mks]
    2. Describe the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 29-39) [8mks]
    3. Give five reasons why some Christians find it difficult to help the needy. [5mks]
    1. Give seven reasons why it was necessary for Jesus to have the last supper with his disciples. [7mks]
    2. Describe how Jesus revealed himself to the two men going to Emmaus. [6mks]
    3. List seven reasons why Jesus appeared to His disciples after resurrection  [7mks]
    1. Explain the gifts of the Holy Spirit as taught by Saint Paul. (7mks)
    2. Explain the New Testament teaching on the people of God? (6mks)
    3. State seven causes of disunity in the church in Kenya today (7mks)
    1. State seven ways in which self-employment is important in Kenya today? (7mks)
    2. Outline seven factors that may lead to miss use of leisure. (7mks)
    3. What is the role of the church in promoting self-employment? (6mks)
    1. Outline the traditional African concept of wealth. (6mks)
    2. Give eight reasons why corruption is wide spread in Kenya today? (8mks)
    3. Explain six ways the church is using to eradicate poverty in Kenya. (6mks)


    1. What took place when Mary visited Elizabeth
      1. She entered Zechariah’s home.
      2. She greeted Elizabeth
      3. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby in her womb leaped
      4. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit
      5. Elizabeth exclaimed with a loud cry
      6. She blessed Mary and child in her womb
      7. Elizabeth wondered why Mary, the mother of the Lord, had visited her
      8. Elizabeth informed Mary that the child in her womb had leaped for joy in her greetings
      9. Mary responded by praising God.
      10. Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months                (7x1=7mks)
    2. The teachings by John the Baptist.
      1. He told the people to repent and be baptized for forgiveness of their sins / he asked people to prepare the way for the lord.
      2. He told them to be faithful/ obedient to God and not to pride in Abraham as their ancestor.
      3. He warned them of God’s punishment on sin.
      4. He encouraged the rich to share with the needy.
      5. He told the tax collectors not to steal / be honest.
      6. He told the soldiers to stop robbing / accusing people falsely/ should be truthful.
      7. He told them that the messiah who was to come after him was mightier / He was unworthy to untie his sandals.
      8. The messiah would baptize the people with fire and the Holy Spirit
      9. The Messiah would separate the good from the evil/ the evil would be punished.
      10. He condemned Herod for his adulterous life/ marrying his brother’s wife.       (7x1=7mks)
    3. Why children should take part in church activities.
      1. They are made in the image of God.
      2. To follow the example of Christ who went to the Synagogue / Temple
      3. To prepare them for future roles as leaders
      4. To teach them religious beliefs / practices
      5. To lay foundation for Christian morals at an early age
      6. Jesus taught that the kingdom belongs to them / he appreciated/ blessed children
      7. For the continued growth of the Church
      8. To help develop / improve their talents
      9. To give them an opportunity to socialize with others
      10. To help them spend their leisure positively                (6x1=6mks)
    1. Jesus teaching on watchfulness and readiness (Luke 12: 35-48)
      1. Believers should be dressed for his coming.
      2. They should keep their lamps burning.
      3. They should be awake / alert
      4. Those who are found waiting will be blessed.
      5. They should be prepared at all times since they do not know the time for Christ’s coming
      6. Believers should continue working until Christ comes back.
      7. The servants / believers who are drunkards/ mistreat fellow workers will be punished.
      8. Those who know what is required of them / their masters will and fail to do it will receive a severe beating.
      9. Believers are expected to respond to God according to how much they have received from Him.
      10. Those who do wrong out of ignorance will receive lesser beatings/ punishment     (7x1=7mks)
    2. Description of the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:29-39)
      1. A lawyer asked Jesus who a neighbor is.
      2. Jesus responded by telling him the parable of the Good Samaritan.
      3. He said a man was on his way to Jericho from Jerusalem when he fell among robbers
      4. They stripped him / beat him / departed leaving him half dead
      5. A priest was going down the road saw him but passed on the other side
      6. A Levite came, saw him but also passed on the other side
      7. But a Samaritan, as he journeyed came to where he was
      8. He had compassion/ bound up his wounds after pouring oil/ wine on them
      9. He set him on beast/ took him to an inn to rest
      10. He paid the inn keeper / promised to come back and pay whatever would be used in caring for the injured man
      11. Jesus then asked who among the three proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers.
      12. The lawyer replied that it was the one who had shown mercy
      13. Jesus told him to go and do likewise                   (8x1=8mks)
    3. Reasons why some Christians find it difficult to help the needy.
      1. Some Christians lack what to share with the needy/ inadequate resources
      2. There are too many needy cases in the society hence they help a few
      3. Sometimes it is difficult to identify the needy cases since some tend to pretend
      4. Due to tribal / ethnic barriers whereby some do not help those who belong to their community
      5. Denominational differences whereby some Christians are not ready to share with those who do not belong to their groups
      6. Poor infrastructure / communication in some areas make it difficult to reach the needy
      7. Selfishness/ individualism which make some Christians ignore the plight /suffering of the needy
      8. Political affiliations can influence Christians against helping those who do not belong to their group
      9. For some cases, misappropriation of resources meant for the needy discourages Christians from contributing/ helping the needy
      10. Lack of time / too busy                   (5x1=5mks)
    1. Five reasons why it was necessary for Jesus to have the last supper with his discipline.
      1. He wanted to inform them of his coming death.
      2. He wanted to identify his betrayer
      3. To establish the institution of the Holy Communion / Supper
      4. To bestow authority to the disciples
      5. To share the last meal with them
      6. To show that the bread and wine symbolized his body and blood respectively
      7. To institute the new covenant
      8. To identify Peter as the leader
      9. To warn them about the coming persecution after his departure       (7x1=7mks)
    2. How Jesus revealed himself to the two men going to Emmaus (Luke 24: 13-31)
      1. Jesus joined the two men as they walked to Emmaus.
      2. He listened to what they were discussing/ their conversation.
      3. He questioned them on what they were talking about.
      4. Jesus rebuked them for their foolishness/ lack of faith in the scripture
      5. He explained the scriptures about the life of Christ to them
      6. He went to stay with them for the evening.
      7. At the table he took bread /gave thanks.
      8. He broke the bread / served them and their eyes were opened /they recognized him.     (6x1=6mks)
    3. Reasons why Jesus appeared to his disciple after his resurrection
      1. He wanted to strengthen their faith.
      2. So as to comfort them
      3. In order to empower them to serve
      4. He wanted to reassure them that he was the messiah.
      5. So as to commission them to be his witnesses
      6. He wanted to tell them about the coming of the Holy Spirit/wail for the Holy Spirit
      7. So as to bless them
      8. In order to confirm to them that the Old Testament prophesies had been fulfilled.
      9. He wanted to confirm to them that he is alive/ had power over death.
      10. He wanted to represent to them the correct interpretation of the suffering messiah / scriptures.      (7x1=7mks)
    1. The gifts of the Holy Spirit as taught by Saint Paul.
      1. The gift of wisdom
      2. The gift of knowledge
      3. The gift of faith
      4. The gift of healing
      5. Performing miracles
      6. The gift of prophecy
      7. The gift of distinguishing spirits
      8. The gift of speaking in tongues
      9. The gift of interpretation                        (7x1=7mks)
    2. The New Testament teaching on the people of God
      1. The people of God are those who follow Jesus and his teachings
      2. Believers in Christ are a royal priesthood.
      3. As priests, Christians have been called out to perform religious duties such as praising God and praying
      4. The people of God are a holy nation expected to lead by examples
      5. Through baptism Christians are set apart and share in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.    (6x1=6mks)
    3. Seven causes of disunity in the church in Kenya today
      1. Formation of splinter groups
      2. Misunderstanding of spiritual gifts
      3. Leadership wrangles
      4. Cultural differences
      5. Arrogance
      6. Generation gap
      7. Dressing
      8. Setting disciples in courts
      9. Misuse of freedom of worship     (7x1=7mks)
    1. Seven ways in which self-employment is important in Kenya today
      1. It is a way of alleviating poverty
      2. Inculcates responsibilities
      3. Brings about responsibility
      4. Utilizes talents
      5. Drive away idleness
      6. Brings about self-actualization
      7. Enables one to develop leadership skills     (7x1=7mks)
    2. Seven factors that may lead to miss use of leisure.
      1. Pornography
      2. Poverty too much wealth
      3. Feeling of insecurity
      4. Social oppression
      5. Misunderstanding in the family
      6. Peer pressure
      7. Ignorance
      8. Lack of facilities         (7x1=7mks)
    3. The role of the church in promoting self-employment?
      1. Opening polytechnic
      2. Sponsoring students
      3. Provision of guidance and counseling
      4. Provision of machines needed
      5. Looking for market
      6. Holding seminaries
      7. Giving loans      (6x1=6mks)
    1. The traditional African concept of wealth.
      1. Blessing from God
      2. Part and parcel of human existence
      3. It is measured in the amount of property/wives/children
      4. It can be individual or communally owned.
      5. Determines one social status
      6. Their art rules governing it
      7. Should be used to help the needy.         (6x1=6mks)
    2. Eight reasons why corruption is wide spread in Kenya today
      1. Unemployment
      2. Desire for instant services
      3. Compensating little salary
      4. Lack of moral integrity
      5. Greed
      6. Tribalism/ethic affiliations
      7. Fear of arrest
      8. Ignorance                  (8x1=8mks)
    3. Six ways the church is using to eradicate poverty in Kenya.
      1. Offering subsidized medical service
      2. It prays for the poor
      3. Offers guidance and counseling
      4. Gives bursaries
      5. Takes care of the poor
      6. It speaks against sick’s
      7. It established projects               (6x1=6mks)
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