English Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Lainaku 1 Joint PreMock Exams 2023

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  • Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.
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  • Candidates must answer all the questions in English.
  1. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.   (20 marks)
    The core element of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and a functioning production IT system is an interactive, lifelong process of learning from the human partner and responding to human needs. For example, the AI system must be able to draw up highly complex plans as needed by the customer and to produce them autonomously. A production robot, in particular, is supposed to be designed in such a way that it has nearly human capabilities such as fine motor skills, perception, adaptability and cognition. In order to achieve its full functionality, however, it must be programmed dynamically and rigidly.

    Modern information technologies and the advent of machines powered by artificial intelligence have already strongly influenced the world of work in the 21st century. Computers, algorithms and software simplify everyday tasks.

    When we transfer the experience of the past to the future, disturbing questions arise: what will the future world of work look like and how long will it take to get there? Will the future world of work be a world where humans spend less time earning their livelihood? Alternatively, are mass unemployment, mass poverty and social distortions also a possible scenario for the new world, a world where robots, intelligent systems and algorithms play an increasingly central role? What is already clear and certain is that new technical developments will have a fundamental impact on the global labour market within the next few years, not just on industrial jobs but on the core of human tasks in the service sector that are considered untouchable.

    In addition to companies, employees and societies, education systems and legislators are also facing the task of meeting the new challenges resulting from constantly advancing technology. Legislators are already lagging behind and the gap between reality and laws relating to AI is growing.

    Both blue-collar and white-collar sectors will be affected. The faster the process of the division of labour and the more process steps can be described in detail, the sooner employees can be replaced by intelligent algorithms. One third of current jobs requiring a bachelor’s degree can be performed by machines or intelligent software in the future. Individual jobs will disappear completely, and new types of jobs will come into being.

    Robots and intelligent machines can have not only supporting, but even lifesaving functions. Examples are robots used in medical diagnostics, which have high accuracy, or for the assessment of dangerous objects using remote control and integrated camera systems. These make it possible, for example, to defuse a bomb without a human having to come close to it. The ‘Robo Gas Inspector’, an inspection robot equipped with remote gas sensing technology, can inspect technical facilities even in hard-to-reach areas without putting humans at risk, for example, to detect leaks in above-ground and underground gas pipelines.

    Owing to the great number of emerging multidisciplinary support alternatives due to AI and machines, the requirements for future employees will change. There will be hardly any need for employees who do simple and/or repetitive work. Already today, the number of factory workers is constantly decreasing, and humans are ever more becoming the control mechanism of the machine. The automotive industry, where many production steps are already fully automated, is the pioneer in this respect.

    The lower the demand for workers, the higher will be the companies’ demand for highly qualified employees. According to common belief, better education helps. Better education helps, however, only in certain circumstances. The additional qualification of an individual employee must be connected to the work in question. Additional qualifications as an accountant will be of little benefit for the individual employee, because – over time – there is a 98 per cent probability that the work of an accountant can be done by intelligent software. Creative people who are talented in mathematics and sciences are best qualified for the new labour market.

    Although not every future employee will be required to be an IT programmer, they should have a fundamental grasp of analytical and technical matters. Employees should be able to form a unit with supporting machines and algorithms and to navigate the internet comfortably and move safely in social networks. To do this, it is necessary to know how the basic structure works. The employee should also be able to examine machines and artificial intelligence software critically. It is not necessary only to oversee machines, but also to coordinate them. The interfaces between humans and machines and the overlaps in the area of responsibility among the more flexible humans must also be coordinated.
    1. What is the importance of humans to AI systems? (2 marks)
    2. Using illustrations from the passage, explain why the term artificial intelligence is appropriate. (2 marks)
    3. The author seems to have contradictory views about the introduction of Artificial Intelligence in the workplace. Explain. (2 marks)
    4. In your own words and according to the passage, explain why the gap between reality and laws relating to AI is growing. (2 marks)
    5. What two characteristics, according to the passage, must an employee have to survive in the new work environment dominated by AI? (2 marks)
    6. Giving a reason, explain whether machines are superior to humans when it comes to work. (1 mark)
    7. Modern information technologies have already strongly influenced the world of work in the 21st century. (Rewrite to add a question tag) (1 mark)
    8. Make notes on the implications of AI in the workplace. (5 marks)
    9. Explain the meanings of the following words as used in the passage. (3 marks)
      1. Autonomously
      2. Untouchable
      3. Pioneer
  2. Henrik Ibsen, A Doll’s House
    Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow.
    Nora: Oh, yes, that one; but this is another. I ordered it. Torvald mustn’t know about it.
    Rank: Oho! Then that was the great secret.
    Nora: Of course. Just go in to him; he is sitting in the inner room. Keep him as long as-
    Rank: Make your mind easy; I won’t let him escape. (Goes into the HELMER’S room)
    Nora: (to the MAID) And he is standing waiting in the kitchen?
    Maid: Yes; he came up the back stairs.
    Nora: But didn’t you tell him no one was in?
    Maid: Yes, but it was no good.
    Nora: He won’t go away?
    Maid: No; he says he won’t until he has seen you, ma’am.
    Nora: Well, let him come in-but quietly. Helen, you mustn’t say anything about it to anyone. It is a surprise to my husband.
    Maid: Yes, ma’am, I quite understand. (Exit.)
    Nora: This dreadful thing is going to happen! It will happen in spite of me! No, no, no, it can’t happen-it shan’t happen!
    1. Place this excerpt in its immediate context. (4marks)
    2. What does “it” refer to in the statement, “I ordered it,” and what does it reveal about the character of Nora? (3 marks)
    3. Identify and explain the use of irony in this excerpt. (2marks)
    4. Who is being referred to as he and why has he come? (3 marks)
    5. Torvald mustn’t know about it. Rewrite to replace know with a suitable phrasal verb. (1 mark)
    6. Describe one theme evident in this extract. (2marks)
    7. What dreadful thing does Nora fear might happen? Explain your answer. (4marks)
    8. Describe the character of the maid. (2marks)
    9. Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the excerpt. (4marks)
      1. Make your mind easy.
      2. I won’t let him escape
      3. It was no good
      4. Dreadful.
  3. Read the following oral song and answer the questions that follow.
    My husband
    In the wisdom of Lang’o
    Time is not stupidity split up
    Into seconds and minutes

    It does not flow
    Like beer in a pot
    That is sucked
    Until it is finished

    It does not resemble
    A loaf of millet bread
    Surrounded by hungry youths
    From a hunt
    It does not get finished
    Like vegetable in the dish
    A lazy youth is rebuked
    A lazy girl is slapped
    A lazy wife beaten
    A lazy man laughed at
    Not because they waste time
    But because they only destroy
    And do not produce
    And famine invades
    Women take their baskets
    To go and beg, food,
    Strangers will sleep with them
    They will have your wives
    And what can you say?
    1. Classify the above song. (2marks)
    2. Who is the singer? (2marks)
    3. Explain two economic practices by the community from which the song is derived. (4marks)
    4. Identify and illustrate any one vice that is discouraged in the oral song (2marks)
    5. Identify the tone adopted in this song and illustrate. (2marks)
    6. Identify and illustrate three aspects of style found in this song. (6marks)
    7. Identify the moral lesson in this song. (2marks)
    1. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instruction s given after each without changing the meaning. (4 marks)
      1. He submitted his poem for publication after being encouraged by his friends. (Begin: Encouraged...)
      2. Mother asked Mutiso if he would make breakfast the following day. (Change to direct speech)
      3. But for the pilot's quick action, the plane would have crashed. ( Begin: Had it ...)
      4. My brother and I have been taking violin lessons for two months. (Rewrite to begin: For…)
    2. Fill in the blank spaces with the correct form of the word in bracket. (4 marks)
      1. He …………………….. visits his grandparents. (often)
      2. Our roads are being renovated to increase their …………………………(wide)
      3. The party rebels were ………………………..subjected to bombarding from the military. (relent)
      4. Men are not expected to show signs of ………………………(coward)
    3. In each of the following sentences, give an appropriate phrasal verb that means the same as the underlined word. (3 marks)
      1. The thief confessed after a thorough beating by the irate mob.
      2. The grandmother was exhilarated watching the plane become airborne.
      3. The meeting was cancelled at the eleventh hour.
    4. Fill in the blank spaces with an appropriate preposition. (3 marks)
      1. The new student was so confused that he was lost ……………….. words.
      2. Those not selected are always prejudiced ………………….. the appointed ones.
      3. Please refer ………………….. The Constitution before you land in trouble.
    5. Rewrite the following sentence correctly. (1 mark)
      1. If you give me a chance I can be able to tell you who is moving out anyhowly.

                                                                                MARKING SCHEME.

  1. Question 
    1. AI systems learn from the human partner and respond to human needs. 2marks ( must identify the two to score)
    2. Machines are given human abilities. E.g. a production robot, is supposed to be designed in such a way that it has nearly human capabilities such as fine motor skills, perception, adaptability and cognition 2marks
    3. The author wonders whether the future world of work will be a world where humans spend less time earning their livelihood, which is a good thing, while at the same time considering the possibility of negative effects of AI such as mass unemployment, mass poverty and social distortions. 2 marks
    4. Due to constant developments in AI, legislators are finding it difficult to cope by creating relevant laws related to AI 2 marks
    5. An employee must have additional qualifications connected to the work in question and be creative and talented in Math and Science. 2 marks
    6. Machines are not superior to humans since they are programmed according to human skills. 1 Mark
    7. Modern information technologies have already strongly influenced the world of work in the 21st century, haven’t they? 1mark
    8. Mark 5 points @ 1 mark
      1. Robots and intelligent machines can have not only supporting, but even lifesaving functions
      2. The faster the process of the division of labour and the more process steps can be described in detail, the sooner employees can be replaced by intelligent algorithms.
      3. There will be hardly any need for employees who do simple and/or repetitive work.
      4. The lower the demand for workers, the higher will be the companies’ demand for highly qualified employees.
      5. Although not every future employee will be required to be an IT programmer, they should have a fundamental grasp of analytical and technical matters.
      1. Autonomously - In a way that is not controlled by humans/In a self-controlled way
      2. Untouchable - Considered too important to be replaced by Artificial Intelligence/irreplaceable by AI
      3. Pioneer - Trendsetter/Original user/Innovator (3 marks)
  2. (EXCERPT)
    1. Before the extract, Nora has just told Dr Rank that being with Tovald is like being with papa. The maid enters from the hall and give Nora a card. Dr Rank asks her whether there is anything wrong. She says it is about a new dress. After the extract, Nora bolts the door of Helmer’s room. The maid opens the hall door for Krogstad and shuts it after him. (4marks)
    2. It refers to the dress for attending the tarantella dance with.(1 Mark) She is cheating Dr. Rank because in real sense, she has received a card. (1 Mark) This exposes her as insincere/ deceptive/ untruthful/ dishonest. (1 Mark)
    3. Use of Dramatic irony. The readers know that she has received a card from the maid but Dr Rank does not know it. (2marks)
    4. It is Krogstad. He has received his dismissal letter from Mr. Helmer. He wants Nora to use her influence to reverse the dismissal. (3marks)
    5. Torvald mustn’t get wind of it. Must adhere to grammatical rules (punctuation, spelling etc) (1mark)
    6. Secrecy - Nora is a secretive person. She does not want her husband to know that Krogstad is in the house. Helen, you mustn’t say anything about it to anyone. It is a surprise to my husband.
      Deception - Nora is untruthful asks the maid whether she had not told him that no one was in. (2marks)
    7. Nora believes that her husband will bear the guilt of her forgery once it is discovered. She does not want him to do that when she is alive. Therefore, she plans to kill herself rather than be alive when that happens. (4marks)
    8. Respectful. She addresses or responds to Nora using the word ‘ma’am/ accepts to say that no one is in when ordered by Nora. (2marks)
      1. Relax
      2. I will keep him in the room
      3. It was useless
      4. Terrible/very bad thing. (4marks)
    1. Work song✔(1mark) – “ …If you don’t work, you will be invaded by famine✔(1)”
    2. A wife ✔(1) (NB. Not woman) “…. Listen my husband✔(1)
      1. Farming/Crop–growing ✔(1) – ‘a loaf of millet bread/
        Like vegetables in the dish✔(1)
      2. Hunting ✔(1) – … “Surrounded by hungry youth’s from a hunt.” ✔(1)
      3. Pottery ✔(1) - Like beer in a pot✔(1).
        (any two identified and well-illustrated economic activities)
    4. Laziness ✔(1) - ‘A lazy youth is rebuked’  (any other)
    5. Contemptuous/ despising✔(1) – the lazy are rebuked, slapped, beaten and laughed at. ✔(1) (Do not accept any other)
      1. Euphemism ✔(1) – ‘strangers will sleep with them✔(1)
      2. Direct address ✔(1) - Listen my husband
                                         - and what you say? ✔(1)
      3. Direct translation✔(1) - and what you say? ✔(1)
      4. Similes ✔(1) e.g. It does not flow like beer in the pot✔(1).
      5. Personification✔ – famine invades✔
        (accept any three well illustrated)
    7. We should be hardworking✔--------Lazy people are ridiculed✔
      (All must be expressed in positive statements except relevant proverbs)
      1. Encouraged by his friends, he submitted his poem for publication.
      2. "Will you make breakfast tomorrow?" mother asked Mutiso.
      3. Had it not been for the pilot's quick action, the plane would have crashed.
      4. For two months, my brother and I have been taking violin lessons.
      1. often
      2. width
      3. relentlessly
      4. cowardice
      1. owned up
      2. take off
      3. called off
      1. for
      2. against
      3. to
    5. If you give me a chance I can / am able to tell you who is moving out anyhow.
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