SECTION A (25 marks)
Answer all the questions in this section
- Give the meaning of the term "Stone Age period". (1 mark)
- Identify one method of irrigation which was used in ancient Egypt. (1 mark)
- Name the centre where freed slaves were settled by the missionaries in Tanzania. (1 mark)
- Identify the main item of trade from West Africa during the Trans Saharan trade. (1 mark)
- Outline two characteristics of Macadam roads. (2 marks)
- Give the early form of writing in Mesopotamia. (1 mark)
- State two disadvantages of using electricity as a source of energy (2 marks)
- Outline two functions of the ancient town of Kilwa. (2 marks)
- Give one symbol of unity among the Shona during the pre-colonial period. (1 mark)
- Identify the main method which was used by the European powers to suppress resisting African communities. (1 mark)
- Name the British administrator who introduced indirect rule in Northern Nigeria. (1 mark)
- State two political factors which undermined the struggle for majority rule by the nationalists in South Africa (2 marks)
- Highlight two ways in which the cold war was fought. (2 marks)
- Identify two permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. (2 marks)
- Give two common services that the East African Community provided to its members between 1967 and 1977. (2 marks)
- Name the two political parties in Tanzania which merged to form Chama Cha Mapinduzi(CCM). (2 marks)
- Give one chamber of the Congress in the United States of America. (1 mark)
SECTION B (45 marks)
Answer any three questions from this section
- State five effects of early agriculture in Mesopotamia. (5 marks)
- Explain five solutions to food shortage in the African countries. (10 marks)
- Outline three disadvantages of using barter system of trade. (3 marks)
- Discuss six factors for the decline of Trans-Atlantic trade. (12 marks)
- Identify three effects of scientific inventions on medicine. (3 marks)
- Explain six challenges which South Africa has faced in the process of industrialisation. (12 marks)
- State three terms of the Berlin conference. (3 marks)
- Describe six reasons for the defeat of Samori Toure by the French. (12 marks)
SECTION C (30 marks)
Answer any wo questions from this section
- Identify the three countries that formed Triple Alliance before the outbreak of the First World War. (3 marks)
- Explain why the Allied powers were able to defeat the Central powers during the first World War. (12 marks)
- State five objectives of the African Union. (5 marks)
- Explain five challenges facing the East African Community (EAC), 2001. (10 marks)
- Identify five ways through which the supremacy of parliament may be limited in Britain. (5 marks)
- Discuss five functions of the Federal Government in the United States of America. (10 marks)

Marking Scheme
- Give the meaning of the term "Stone Age period". (1 mark)
- This is the period in history when humans used tools which were mainly made of stones
- Identify one method of irrigation which was used in ancient Egypt. (1 mark)
- shadoof
- basin
- canal
- Name the centre where freed slaves were settled by the missionaries in Tanzania. (1 mark)
- bagamoyo
- Identify the main item of trade from West Africa during the Trans Saharan trade. (1 mark)
- gold
- Outline two characteristics of Macadam roads. (2 marks)
- They were cheap to cosntruct
- They were durable
- They were all-weather
- They had smooth surface
- They were straight
- They were wide
- They were well drained/curved/ambered
- Give the early form of writing in Mesopotamia. (1 mark)
- cuneiform
- State two disadvantages of using electricity as a source of energy (2 marks)
- it can cause fire/destruction of property
- It can electrocute/cause loss of life
- It is expensive to generate/distribute
- Potential sites for its production are limited
- It requires well trained personnel for installation and manintenance
- Outline two functions of the ancient town of Kilwa. (2 marks)
- it was a trading centre
- it was an administrative centre
- It was a religious centre/islamic centre
- it was a defence centre
- it was a settlement centre
- it was an industrial centre
- Give one symbol of unity among the Shona during the pre-colonial period. (1 mark)
- the religion/Mwari cut/Mlimo cult
- The Royal Fire
- The King/Mutapa/Emperor/Mwene Mutapa
- Identify the main method which was used by the European powers to suppress resisting African communities. (1 mark)
- Military force/expedition/conquest
- Name the British administrator who introduced indirect rule in Northern Nigeria. (1 mark)
- Fredrick Lugard
- State two political factors which undermined the struggle for majority rule by the nationalists in South Africa (2 marks)
- They were not united
- African political parties wre banned/proscribed
- Some were arrested/detained/jailed
- They were not alowed to have press/freedom of press
- Laws entrenching apartheid were passed
- Highlight two ways in which the cold war was fought. (2 marks)
- Through propaganda
- Through economic sanctions
- Through financial aid to the allies/Technical aid
- Through military support to the allies
- Identify two permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. (2 marks)
- China
- United States of America
- United Kingdom/Britain
- France
- Russia
- Give two common services that the East African Community provided to its members between 1967 and 1977. (2 marks)
- Judicial services/Court of appeal
- Educational services/examination councils
- Publishing services
- transport services/railways/water/air transport
- Postal services
- Financial services/baning services
- Meteorological services
- Reasearch services
- Name the two political parties in Tanzania which merged to form Chama Cha Mapinduzi(CCM). (2 marks)
- Afro shiraz party
- Tanganyika African National Union (TANU)
- Give one chamber of the Congress in the United States of America. (1 mark)
- The senate
- The house of representatives
SECTION B (45 marks)
Answer any three questions from this section
- State five effects of early agriculture in Mesopotamia. (5 marks)
- It led to settling down of people/ Sedentary lifestyle
- It led to increased production of food.
- It led to population increase.
- It led to rise of city states/towns/banization
- It led to the development of trade among communities.
- It resulted to specialization in craftdivision of labour.
- It led to development of writing/science, arithmetic/mathematics, education
- It led to the development of the wheel.
- It led to the invention of the plough, seed dridhee
- It led to belief in many gods/polytheism. development of religion
- It led to development of Hammurabi's code/laws/government
- Development of social classes/social stratification
- Development of architecture
- Explain five solutions to food shortage in the African countries. (10 marks)
- Reclaiming more land would increase the area for farming thereby producing more food.
- Adopting irrigation which would ensure food production throughout the year.
- Government should formulate/adopt food policies which would give strategies of achieving food security in the countries.
- Encouraging farmers to grow food crops that are drought resistant/require little rainfall.
- Farm inputs/seeds/fertilizers/pesticides should be highly subsidized in order to makethem affordable to the farmers. Low cost of farm inputs.
- Storage facilities should be improved to minimize loss/wastage before and after the harvest.
- Modern/scientific farming methods such as artificial insemination should be practiced in order to improve agricultural yields./extension Services
- Transport infrastructure should be improved constructed for efficient movement of farm inputs/produce to and from markets.
- Promote peaceful coexistence among communities to enable farming activities to prosper
- State five effects of early agriculture in Mesopotamia. (5 marks)
- Outline three disadvantages of using barter system of trade. (3 marks)
- Some trade items are bulky/ heavy to transport
- Some goods are not divisible,
- Sometimes traders lack double coincidence of wants.
- It is difficult to determine the value of some goods.
- Some goods are perishable/last for a short period. lack of common language / Language barrier
- Discuss six factors for the decline of Trans-Atlantic trade. (12 marks)
- The introduction of machines/industrialization which replaced human labour leading to decline of demand for slaves.
- Slave labour was perceived by economists to be less profitable/less productive compared to free labour.
- The campaign against slave trade/slavery by philanthropists/missionaries who declared it evil/inhuman/against religious teachings.
- The closure of slave market in America after the American civil war of 1865 left the salve dealers with no market for their slaves
- Propagation of liberty/equality for all human beings following the French revolution which encouraged fair treatment of all people irrespective of their racial background.
- The development of legitimate trade which was more profitable and replaced slave trade.
- The signing of treaties abolishing slave trade/slavery by Britain influenced other countries to adopt the same.
- Outline three disadvantages of using barter system of trade. (3 marks)
- Identify three effects of scientific inventions on medicine. (3 marks)
- It has led to the discovery of preventive/urative medicine,
- It has led to rise of living standards/life expectancy.
- It has led to increase in population/reduction of mortality rates
- It has led to production of advanced medical equipments,
- It has led to manufacture of variety of drugs
- It has created job opportunities
- Explain six challenges which South Africa has faced in the process of industrialisation. (12 marks)
- The imposition of economic cautions which prevented her from trading with other countries.
- The long period of apartheid created an unconducive environment for industrialization,
- Competition from more developed countries such western European countries whose manufactured goods were of better quality than those ones from Africa
- Industrial strikes/demonstrations/boycotts which were organized by trade unions led to closure of some industries.
- High levels of poverty which created inadequate market for manufactured goods due to low purchasing power.
- Violence/xenophobia/aggression against foreigners has discouraged foreign investors/chased away the would be foreign investors.
- HIV/AIDS has affected the work force in industries thereby undermining industrial production
- High incidences of insecurity/ criminal activities in South Africa which has been caused by unemployment,
- Identify three effects of scientific inventions on medicine. (3 marks)
- State three terms of the Berlin conference. (3 marks)
- Any European country laying claim on any part of Africa should inform others
- Those countries who signed the agreement declared their area of occupation/spheres of influence
- The interior of the coast area claimed by a European power becomes its sphere of influence.
- That each European country must effectively occupy their area of occupation/sphere of influence/develop it
- European countries that acquire colonies in Africa must abolish slave trade/Slavery
- River Congo, River Niger and Zambezi basins were free for all European countries to navigate.
- European countries should demonstrate their authority to protect the European in their area of occupation e.g. missionaries
- Describe six reasons for the defeat of Samori Toure by the French. (12 marks)
- Constant movement of the people/army denied them opportunities to carry out c conomic activities leading to inadequate supply of necessary items/food.
- Samouri Toure was cut off from Freetown where he used to buy firearms/use of worn out/old weaponseapons due to his departure from Bure gold mines/burning
- Lack of support from other African rulers Ahmed Seku of Tukolor empire, Tieba of Sikasso demoralized him.
- Samori's second empire was difficult to defend as it was exposed to attacks from all sides/the British/the French.
- The scorched - earth policy that he adopted lacked support from civilians who resisted against him.
- His inability to appease the conquered areas /people denied him the needed support.
- The British policy of non-interference denied him their support - against the French.
- The besieging of his capital by the French forced him to surrender/his blockage from retreating to Liberia
- State three terms of the Berlin conference. (3 marks)
SECTION C (30 marks)
Answer any wo questions from this section
- Identify the three countries that formed Triple Alliance before the outbreak of the First World War. (3 marks)
- Germany
- Austria - Hungary
- Italy
- Explain why the Allied powers were able to defeat the Central powers during the first World War. (12 marks)
- They had advanced/powerful weapons compared with the Central powers,
- They had more financial resources which were used to finance the war.
- They had strong naval power which enabled them to blockage supplies to the Central powers from the sea
- They were united unlike the Central powers who were disorganized
- Some members of the Central powers decamped thereby weakening them to the advantage of the Allied powers
- The entry of the United States of America on the side of the Allied powers boosted their resources/skills.
- The powers were led by leaders who were competent/focused hence inspired their members.
- They had more manpower/soldiers who were deployed during the war
- Identify the three countries that formed Triple Alliance before the outbreak of the First World War. (3 marks)
- State five objectives of the African Union. (5 marks)
- To achieve greater unity/ cohesion/ solidarity among African countries/nations.
- To defend the sovereignty/ territorial integrity/independence of its member states.
- To accelerate the political/social-economic integration of the continent.
- To promote/defend African common positions on issues of interest to the continent/the people
- To advance the dev. of the continent by promoting research in all fields particular science
- To encourage international cooperation, taking due account of the Charter of the UN and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- To promote peace/ security/ stability of the continent
- Explain five challenges facing the East African Community (EAC), 2001. (10 marks)
- Suspicion/mistrust among member states as some view others as more dominating its affairs/benefiting more
- Some countries impose trade barriers for goods from member states which fuels animosity
- There has been trans-border/across border smuggling of vehicles/other goods which creates economic mistrust among neighbours.
- Dispute over use of natural resources/water resources has led to arrest of some fishermen thereby straining relationship among affected member states/Border disputes
- Cross-border cattle rustling/raids has fueled insecurity/tension among member states.
- Divided loyalty as member states belong to other regional/international organizations.
- Ideological differences among leaders had led to strained relations among them.
- State five objectives of the African Union. (5 marks)
- Identify five ways through which the supremacy of parliament may be limited in Britain. (5 marks)
- It cannot make laws which overlook moral values.
- Decision made by the parliament must take into consideration public opinion.
- Local authorities are empowered to make by-laws without consulting the parliament.
- It must consider interest of institutions before making laws affecting them.
- Legislation passed by the parliament may be changed in the future.
- International law is also taken into account when laws are made
- Discuss five functions of the Federal Government in the United States of America. (10 marks)
- It levies/collects taxes which enables the government to finance its operations
- It pays debts/loans extended to the government by institution such as World Bank.
- It admits new states into the union like Alaska which was last to be admitted
- It enacts/passes laws which regulate operations of the federal state governments
- It handles foreign affairs eg through ratifying treating with the other countries.
- It declares war/raises support for armed forces in order to defend the country from external aggressien, and makes peace
- It resolves dispute among states in order to enhance their corporation,
- It establishes federal courts which determine cases which are beyond jurisdiction of state courts.
- Identify five ways through which the supremacy of parliament may be limited in Britain. (5 marks)
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