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  • Answer ALL the questions in this question paper.
  • All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.
  1. Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow.

    As we stand, the HIV/Aids pandemic is on the rampage; ravaging the young and the old alike. It is time for people to decide for themselves what is good and what is not. And the earlier they do this the better.

    The youth, for instance, can rise up with the message of hope and assure everybody that it is possible for a remnant to remain by just abstaining from premarital sex. And how will they abstain if everywhere they look images of sex stare at them, beckoning alluringly?

    The thing to remember is that it is their responsibility to censor the stuff that gets into their minds because this will definitely affect the kind of decisions and lifestyle they adopt. Before reading a pornographic book or magazine, they should pause and ask themselves, “Do I hope to become better after reading this? “The same consideration should be made before watching certain movies and listening to offensive music. Guarding one’s mind against trash requires laying down very clear principles. Discipline is imperative,

    For young people, it is important to choose friends wisely. They should determine what they will be doing when they come together. If a friend is not building them up, or is causing them undue pressure, they should shun him or her. This pressure often takes the form of making those who choose to abstain from pre-marital or illicit sex inadequate.

    Avoiding idleness is equally important. The wise say an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. The solution is to get busy with constructive activities be they academic, economic, physical or spiritual. Trying out new hobbies such as gardening playing football, swimming, basket weaving, baking and volunteer work is a step in the right direction.

    Parents must also take full responsibility of bringing up their children. They are the first counsellors of their children especially in the formative stages. Unless they do something in good time, they will cry alone when the disaster of teenage pregnancies, abortion and HIV/Aids happens right under their own roofs. The onus is upon them to freely discuss issues of sexuality with their children.

    Teachers too have a very crucial role to play in the lives of their students. The youth spend a bigger percentage of their waking moments with their teachers. The teachers not only equip them with academic knowledge but also with the right attitudes and behaviour. And it is a good thing that sex education has been introduced in the school curriculum. Studies by AMREF have shown that, contrary to popular belief, sex education does not promote promiscuity. Rather it enlightens its recipient’s health issues.

    Moreover, places of worship must pitch in with their contributions. They are in an excellent position of imparting the correct moral values to their adherents. Besides, they can provide social and religious activities that will build the youth up spiritually and mentally. Finally, it is incumbent upon the government to put in place legislation governing what the citizens, especially the youth, are exposed to in the form of print or electronic media.

    In conclusion, the future generation is keenly watching us to see if we will wreck or salvage the boat of their survival. Every member of our society has a part to play in enhancing morality. It is only by doing this that we can hope to check the onslaught of HIV/Aids.

    1. Why is there need to make a decision soon?                                                        (2mks)
    2. Rewrite the following sentence in the past:
      The youth, for instance, can rise up with the message of hope and assure everybody that it is possible for a remnant to remain by just abstaining from premarital sex.(1mk)
    3. What is pornography and how do you think it influences one’s behavior.       (3mks)
    4. Rewrite the following sentence in indirect speech
      They should pause and ask themselves, “Do I hope to become better after reading this?”
    5. Which words does the author use to show displeasure with some kinds of films and music?   (2mks)
    6. What sort of friend does the author appear to recommend?                             (2mks)
    7. In note from, give evidence to show that every member of society has role to play in enhancing morality.      (5mks)
    8. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage.
      1. beckoning alluringly
      2. adherents
      3. incumbent upon
      4. onslaught
    Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow.
    NORA:          What I ought to make an end of?
    Mrs Linde:   Of two things, I think. Yesterday you talked some nonsense about a rich admirer was to leave you money---
    Nora:             An admirer who doesn’t exist, unfortunately! But what then?
    Mrs Linde:   Is Doctor Rank a man of means?
    Nora:             Yes, he is.
    Mrs Linde:   And has no one to provide for?
    Nora:               No, no one; but----
    Mrs Linde:     And comes here every day?
    Nora:               Yes, I told you so.
    Mrs Linde:     But how can this well-bred man be so tactless?
    Nora:             I don’t understand you at all.
    Mrs Linde:     Don’t prevaricate, Nora. Do you suppose I don’t guess who lent you the two hundred and fifty pounds?
    Nora:               Are you out of your senses? How can you think of such a thing? A friend of ours, who comes here everyday! Do you realise what a horribly painful position that would be?
    Mrs LInde:     Then it really isn’t he?
    Nora:               No, certainly not. It would never have entered into my head for a moment. Besides, he has no money to lend then; he came into his money afterwards.
    Mrs Linde:     Well, I think that was lucky for you, my dear Nora.
    Nora:               No, it would never have come into my head to ask Doctor Rank. Although I am quite sure that if I had asked him---
    Mrs Linde:       But of course you won’t.
    Nora:               Of course not. I have no reason to think it could possibly be necessary. But I              am quite sure that if I told Doctor Rank---
    Mrs Linde:     Behind your husband’s back?
    Nora:               I must make an end of it with the other one, and that will be behind his back too. I must make an end of it with him.
    Mrs Linde:       Yes, that is what I told you yesterday, but---
    Nora:                 (walking up and down) A man can put a thing like that straight much easier than a woman---
    Mrs Linde:     One’s husband, yes.
    Nora:                 Nonsense! (standing still) When you pay off a debt you get your bond back, don’t you?
    Mrs Linde:         Yes, as a matter of course.
    Nora:                 And can tear it into a hundred thousand pieces, and burn it up- the nasty dirty paper!                                                           
    Mrs Linde:       (looks hard at her, lays down her sewing and gets up slowly.) Nora you are you concealing something from me?      .
    Nora:                   Do I look as if I were?
    Mrs Linde:           Something has happened to you since yesterday morning. Nora, what is it?

    1. What happens immediately after this extract?   (3mks)
    2. Discuss any two issues brought out in this extract.         (4mks)
    3. How is Mrs Linde depicted in this extract?                                   (4mks)
    4. In which ways does the playwright use dramatic irony in the extract? (4mks)
    5. Because you do as your husband wishes. (Add a question tag)                           (1mk)
    6. How effective is the use of humour in this extract.       (2mks)
    7. From this excerpt, Helmer is hardworking. How is this character trait brought out elsewhere in the play and how does it complicate the drama?      (3mks)
    8. Give the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the excerpt. (4mks)
      1. a man of means
      2. prevaricate
      3. came into his money
      4. concealing             
    0nce upon a time the Tortoise and Osogo the Bird were great friends. They could visit each other almost every day. Osogo the Bird would go and visit the Tortoise and the Tortoise would escort Osogo the Bird up to his home, and then Osogo the Bird would then escort the Tortoise again up to his home. They would escort each other; escort each other; escort each other till morning.

    It so happened that Osogo the Bird was good at singing. He would sing like asilili, his voice would blend with virtually everything. So Osogo the Bird was invited to a big feast by some king in a far off place. Osogo the Bird shared his story with his friend the Tortoise for who doesn’t know of the rumour that the Tortoise’s shell makes a wonderful drum.

    It so happened then that at that time there was scarcity in the land and all mouths lacked what to eat. The Tortoise’s stomach was so shrunk that it disappeared in his shell.
    “Oh, I can escort you my dundedunde and you know my shell is a good drum,” the tortoise said salivating.
    “But you can’t fly, I shall be flying to the party with my band members,” replied Osogo the Bird.
    Soon the Tortoise had come up with a suggestion. And the birds gave him each a feather and from the feathers which birds gave him, he, the Tortoise fashioned some colourful wings.

    They set off, happy and excited. They flew, they flew, and as they flew and along the way, the Tortoise told the bird: “Where we are going, we must change our names because that is those people’s cultures. So, Osogo the Bird changed his name to Osogo Winyo the Singer. The Dove called himself Akuru Wuon Obondo, the Owl called himself, Tula Nyongoro, Hornbill called himself Arum Tidi. They all changed their names. Finally it was the Tortoise’s turn to give his new name. He called himself a strange name: he said he would be called: All Of You. Everybody laughed and they sang him a song;
    Opuk rakoti
    Yaye opuk rakoti
    Yawa opuk rakoti

    Wait! They soon reached the place, they were going and those people welcomed them. They settled down and played their music, Osogo the Bird singing his heart out. Then at meal time things changed. When food was brought, the Tortoise who was now salivating asked their host, “Whose food is this?”

    The host replied, “It is for all of you.” Upon which the Tortoise looked at Osogo the Bird with a knowing smile and settled down for proper eating. He ate all the delicacies that were served and his stomach swelled and filled his shell. Osogo Winyo the bird and the band members watched as the Tortoise ate and had to gnaw the bones of the left overs. Soon the bird left for home bitter and hungry.
    That is the end of my story.

    1. Giving a reason, classify the above narrative? 2mks
    2. Explain the significance of the following oral devices as used in the above narrative: 3mks
      1. Repetition
      2. Use of song
      3. Opening formula
    3. Why does the story use animal characters as opposed to human being? 2mks
    4. Identify and explain any political activity evident in the story. 2mks
    5. What is the moral teaching of this story? 2 mks
    6. Why would we say that the birds were gullible? 2mks
    7. Why do you think Osogo the Bird shared his story with the Tortoise? 2mks
    8. Why did the tortoise look at Osogo the Bird with a knowing smile? 2mks
    9. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage 3mks
      1. Dundedunde
      2. Fashioned
  4. QUESTION 4. GRAMMAR (15 marks)
    1. Use the most suitable form of the word in brackets to fill in the blank spaces.                                     (3mks)
      1. Learning, our principal told us, is a -------------process. (CONTINUE)
      2. Due to the widespread----------------in the country, youths are not enthusiastic about education. (EMPLOY)
      3. That yard is where ----------------of old vehicles takes place. (MAINTAIN).
    2. Use complex prepositions to fill in the blank spaces.                          (3mks)
      1. I am apologizing----------------of my class.
      2. The boys were convicted-------------------drug trafficking.
      3. ----------what I have said, mothers should be role models.
    3. Underline the verbs in the following sentences and indicate whether they have been used transitively or intransitively. (3mks).                                                       
      1. The widowed lady wept bitterly beside the casket.
      2. The school choir sang beautifully at the competition.
      3. My old grandmother spiced the food.
    4. Use collective nouns to replace the underlined words. (2mks)
      1. The people working on the ship were rescued by the divers.
      2. I was among the group of actors that was sponsored to go to Nigeria.
    5. Rewrite the following sentences according to instructions after each. (4mks)
      1. They were smoking in the room and forgot to close the door. (Begin: Smoking………)
      2. The president addressed the nation for three hours. He did not talk about war on graft. (Join into one sentence using however.)
      3. What you are doing cannot be acceptable in an ordered society. (Rewrite beginning: Under no circumstances…………)
      4. The teachers were not in school. The principal was not in school. ( Rewrite beginning: Neither the teachers …….......)


    1. In order to save the young and the adults from ravages of HIV/ Aids (2mks)
    2. The youth for instance, could have risen up with the message of hope and assured everybody that it was possible for a remnant to remain by just abstaining from premarital se
    3. Pornography is material (films and magazines ) that show sex matters with the intention of getting people aroused someone who reads or watches it might want to duly practice in it real life because it is very alluring
    4. They should pause and ask themselves whether they hope to become better after reading that
    5. The word are : offensive and trash
    6. The author appears to recommend friends who build one up and do not pressure one to engage in illicit sexual activities
    7. The youth themselves to shun morally corrupting forms of entertainment idleness and friends who are bad influence
      • Parents to counsel their children on matters of sexuality at an early age
      • Teachers to impart the right attitudes and behavior and also teach sex education
      • Religious leaders to equip their followers with moral values and to provide worthwhile to the youth
      • The government to legislate against what is harmful in the print and electronic media
      1. Becoming alluringly - inviting / calling irresistibly / enticing
      2. Adherents – followers / supporters
      3. Incumbent upon – to be duty / responsibility of someone to do something
      4. onslaught - attack
    1. Torvald comes home, Nora tells Christine to go to the children for Torvald cannot bear dressmaking, Nora manipulatively tells Helmer she has been missing him, Torvald thinks dressmaker has been around.
    2. Materialism: - Nora thinks of a rich admirer who leaves money to her
      Mrs Linde beieves the story yet such a man doesn’t exist.
      Friendship: - Nora and Linde share intimate feelings. They discuss the riches of Krogstad and other pretty things.
    3. Materialistic: - she is concerned with Nora’s imaginations about a rich man
      Inquisitive: - she inquires so much from Nora the riches of Dr Rank, the false admirer, where Dr Rank takes his money.
      Readers know that there is no rich admirer but only mere imaginations yet Mrs. Linde does not, she thinks Rank gave a loan to Nora yet the reader knows it is Krogstad who lent money, Mrs Linde does not know about the bond Nora talks about yet the reader knows she talks of the loan she got from Krogstad. Because you do as your husband wishes, don’t you?
    4. It is comical when Mrs Linde believes that Nora has an old rich admirer who will leave money to Nora after his death. Mrs Linde misinterprets the imagination and it raises a fuss.This lightens the stage.
    5. Helmer had overworked himself in the past. He fell ill. Dr advised he should be taken to south, Nora borrows Krogstad some money to take him for a trip. Later Krogstad raises issues with the loan.
      1. -A man of means
        -A rich man
      2. -Prevaricate
      3. -Came into his money
      4. -Concealing
  3. Oral narrative.
    1. Giving a reason, classify the above narrative? 2mks
      Trickster narrative1. One animal tricks the other animals for personal gains/the tortoise tricks the birds for his personal gain1
    2. Explain the significance of the following oral devices as used in the above narrative: 3mks
      1. Repetition
        The escortings are repeated to emphasise the frequency of escorting each other each the, emphasise friendship/-flying is repeated (they flew…) used to emphasize the distance that it was far.1
      2. Use of song
        Opuk rakoti…the song is used for entertainmentS1
      3. Opening formula
        Once upon a time, used to begin a story/show timeless, fantasy 1
        (The candidate must do identification first)
    3. Why does the story use animal characters as opposed to human being? 2mks
      To enhance creativity and fantasy1
      To avoid conflicts between people1
    4. Identify and explain any political activity evident in the story. 2mks
      There is kingship1. Osogo was invited to by a king1
    5. What is the moral teaching of this story? 2 mks
      Friendship can be deceptive/don’t judge a book by its cover.2
    6. Why would we say that the birds were gullible? 2mks
      They trusted the tortoise without questioning his intention2/They willingly gave the tortoise feathers1/they agreed to change their names without questioning the intention1
      1. Why do you think Osogo the Bird shared his story with the Tortoise? 2mks
        The tortoise was his friend1
        It was rumored that the tortoise’s shell was a good drum1
      2. Why did the tortoise look at Osogo the Bird with a knowing smile? 2mk
        He was telling Osogo that the food was his since his name was ‘all of you.’2
    8. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage 3mks
      1. Dundedunde- friend1
      2. Fashioned-made1
      3. Gnaw- eat by biting small pieces continuously1
      1. continuous
      2. unemployment
      3. maintenance
      1. on behalf of
      2. on account of
      3. in addition to
      1. wept …intransitive
      2. sang…intransitive
      3. cooked…transitive
        NB: both parts must be correct to score.
      1. crew
      2. troupe
      1. Smoking in the room, they forgot to close the door.
      2. The president addressed the nation for three hours; however, he did not talk about war on  graft.
      3. Neither the teachers nor the principal was in school.
      4. Under no circumstances can what you are doing be accepted in an ordered society.
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