C.R.E Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Sukellemo Joint Mock Examinations July 2020

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  1. Write your name and index number in the space provided
  2. This paper consists of six questions
  3. Answer five questions in the provided foolscarps
  4. Each question carries 20 marks


    1. Describe the annunciation of the birth of John the Baptist 7mks
    2. Describe events that took place on the day Jesus was dedicated 5 mks
    3. State eight ways in which parents develop their children's spiritual lives 8 mks
    1. Give reasons why Jesus performed miracles 7 mks
    2. Describe the feeding of the five thousand (Luke 9:10-17) 7 mks
    3. Show how Christians can assist victims of disasters today 6 mks
    1. Give seven reasons why Jesus had conflicts with Jewish religious leaders in Jerusalem (7mks) 
    2. Describe the events that took place when Jesus was put on the cross until his death (Luke 23:33-46) 7mks 
    3. Give six reasons why Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection (6 mks)
    1. Give seven teachings of Jesus on the role of the Holy Spirit (7mks)
    2. Explain the manifestation of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost (7mks)
    3. State six ways in which the gifts of Holy Spirit have been abused in church today 6mks
    1. Outline the basis of Christian ethics (7mks)
    2. State four similarities between the Christian and African understanding of human sexuality (8mks)
    3. State the Christian teachings on effects of irresponsible sexual behaviour (5 mks)
    1. identify seven acceptable ways of acquiring wealth in African traditional society (7 mks)
    2. Give seven reasons why bribery and corruption is unethical in Kenya today (7mks)
    3. Explain six ways the church is using to eradicate poverty in Kenya today (6mks)


    1. Describe the annunciation of the John the Baptist(5mks)
      • Zechariah was offering incense in the temple
      • An angel of God appeared to him.
      • Zechariah was overcome with fear.
      • The angel told him that his prayer has been heard.
      • Elizabeth, Zechariah's wife would bear a son.
      • His name would be John. He would be great in God's sight.
      • He was not to drink wine or any other strong drink.
      • He would be filled with the Holy Spirit right from his birth.
      • He will reconcile the people of Israel with God.
    2. Describe events that took place on the day Jesus was dedicated (5mks)
      • Offering of payers of thanksgiving and blessing the child.
      • The parents offered two young pigeons.
      • Simon gave prophesies about Jesus ministry.
      • Prophetess Anna gave thanks for the coming of the Messiah.
      • Anna prophesied about the redemption that the messiah would bring.
      • Jesus was named.
      • He was circumcised.
      • He was dedicated to the Lord according to Jewish laws.
    3. State eight ways in which parents develop their children's spiritual lives (8mks)
      • By having the children baptized/participate in sacramental life of the church Leading righteous life for the child to copy/being good role models.
      • Taking children to church for dedication/thanksgiving.
      • By allowing him/her to interact with others e.g. during Sunday school.
      • By praying to God to guide the child. By exposing the child to church activities.
      • By condemning the child's evil activities/correcting them.
      • By offering counseling services on spiritual matters.
      • Teaching them to read the Bible.
    1. Give reasons why Jesus performed miracles(7mks)
      • He had a lot of compassion for less advantage such as the hungry, sick and poor.
      • To indicate that the power and presence of God was with him.
      • To show that Jesus was a universal savior.
      • He healed both Jews and Gentiles.
      • Miracles indicate Jesus is the giver of life and resurrection
      • They are manifestations of God's love and concern for all people.
      • They are an integral part of Jesus teaching and provided an alternative method of preaching
      • Were performed as a fulfillment of the prophecies about him.
      • They were responses of faith from those suffering to show he had power to destroy the kingdom of the devil and establish God's kingdom.
    2. Describe the feeding of five thousand (Luke 9:10-17) (7 mks)
      • Jesus withdrew with his disciples to the city of Bethsaida.
      • He was followed by a crowed to whom He preached the Good news of the kingdom of God.
      • He also cured the sick.
      • As the day wore away, Jesus told his disciples to give the people something to eat.
      • The disciples had only 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, Jesus took the loaves and fish, looked up to heaven and thanked God.
      • He broke the bread and gave the disciples to distribute the food.
      • All ate and were satisfied.
      • The disciples took up what was left over, 12 baskets of broken pieces.
    3. Show how Christians can assist victims of disaster today (6 mks)
      • Providing them with food and water.
      • Providing them with medical facilities and care.
      • Availing their resources for emergency services.
      • Sensitizing people on the plight of the affected.
      • Praying for and with them. Providing guidance and counseling.
      • Contributing to disaster funds. Assisting in rescue operations.
      • Resettling them in safe areas. 
    1. Give seven reasons why Jesus had conflicts with Jewish religious leaders in Jerusalem(7mks)
      • They questioned Jesus on the origin of His authority;
      • He challenged them to state by whose authority John the Baptist preached.
      • Jesus accused the religious leaders for rejecting God's prophets and planning to kill God's son.
      • He used the parable of the tenants.
      • They wanted to trap Jesus by asking Him whether it was right paying taxes to the Roman government or not.
      • The Sadducees approached Jesus to confirm on the issue of resurrection with a story of a Woman married to several to several brothers who died without bearing children.
      • Jesus challenged the Jewish religious leaders that the Messiah was more than an earthly figure.
      • Jesus accused the Scribes and lawyers for practicing hypocrisy.
      • Jesus also condemned the offerings of the Jewish leaders but was in praise of that offered by the widow.
    2. Describe the events that took place when Jesus was put on the cross until his death (Luke 23:33-46) (8mks)
      • Two thieves were crucified alongside Jesus.
      • They crucified Jesus at the place called the skull.
      • Lots were casts to divide Jesus' garments.
      • People stood by watching.
      • Rulers scoffed at him saying "He saved others. Let Him save himself.......
      • Soldiers mocked Him and offered Him vinegar.
      • An inscription was put over His head "This is the king of the Jews."
      • Disciples spoke in tongues.
      • Convicted many of their sins repented. 3000 people were baptized.
    3. State six ways in which the gifts of Holy Spirit have been abused in church today 6mks
      • One of the criminals teased Him to save Himself.
      • The other thief resolved the former confirming that Jesus is Lord and innocent
      • Jesus answered the thief of his entry into Heaven on the same night.
      • At the sixth hour there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour.
      • The suns' light failed. The curtains in the temple tore into two.
      • Jesus offered the last loud cry "Father into thy hands I commit my spirit.
      • Having said so he breathed the last.
    1. Give six reasons why Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection (6 mks)
      • To prove to them the power of God.
      • Make them realize/understand the fulfillment of O.T prophecies.
      • Comfort and bless them. Prove that He was alive.
      • Prove the prophecies that on the third day;
      • Jesus would rise again. Promise them the Holy Spirit.
      • Strengthen them their faith. Enable them understand His missions.
      • Commission them to be His witnesses/continue His work of preaching/repentance and forgiveness of sins
    2. Give seven teachings of Jesus on the role of the Holy Spirit (7mks)
      • To act as a counselor/comforter/guide the disciples.
      • To teach the disciples the truth of the Gospel.
      • He would remind the disciples everything that Jesus had taught them.
      • He would pronounce judgment on sinners. He would be a companion of His disciples in all their missions.
      • He would strengthen the faith of the disciples and give them courage to face persecution.
      • He would help the disciples to understand Jesus as the son of God
      • He would empower the disciples to become Jesus' witness all over the world.
      • He would give the disciples wisdom to discern and expose the secrets of sinful people.
      • He would enable the disciples to predict future events.
    3. Explain manifestation of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost (7 mks)
      • Noises from the sky sounded like strong winds blowing
      • Filled the whole house
      • Tongues of fire which spread out and touched each person.
      • Disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit.
      • Disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit.
      • Some Christians pretend that they have a certain gift of the Holy Spirit.
      • Some people ask for money before praying or healing the sick.
      • Some use of the gifts to bring division in the church.
      • Unscrupulous Christians may impact demoniac powers on innocent Christians.
      • Some Christians who possess the gifts of the Holy Spirit develop spiritual pride.
      • The gifts of prophecy and wisdom have been abused and have led to misinterpretation of the Bible.
    1. Outline the basis of Christian ethics (7 mks)
      • The Bible
        • Christians accept the Bible as the world of God.
        • God communicates to His people through the Bible. Offers answers to questions in relation to the life of a Christian e.g. the Ten Commandments guides a Christian on day to day living.
      • Conscience
        • It refers to sense of right and wrong that governs a person's choice between right and wrong
        • Christian conscience thus guides a Christian to choose what is right based on Christian principles. 
      • Faith in God.
        • Faith is a strong and unshakable belief is something or someone.
        • Christian faith is the trust in God, its actions and promises.
        • As a personal experience, faith in God motivates a Christian to make decisions that show confidence and loyalty to God is word. 
      • Teachings of Christ.
        • The teachings of Jesus Christ guide Christians in making morally upright choices.
        • Authoritative Christian literature.
        • Christians also derive their ethics from authoritative Christian literature. Such literature includes pastoral and papal letters; examples of such literature are the works of Bishop Henry Okullu etc 
      • Secular State Law
        • The constitution of any nation regulates the behavior of its citizens.
        • The constitution gives Guidelines on how people should behave in relation to others and to the state. 
      • God's revelation
        • Through revelation, God guides Christians on how they should approach certain issues hence determine behavior. 
      • Traditional African Culture
        • Some values in traditional African culture are compatible with Christian teaching hence they are part of Christian ethics e.g. honesty, fairness etc. 
      • The Church Community
        • Christians receive guidance on moral behaviours from the teaching they get from them religious leaders and/or during worship
      • Church rituals
        • Church and ceremonies are a source of Christian ethics e.g. in marriage rituals, the partners promise to be faithful to each other. In baptism, the converts denounce Satan and promise to live a life that praises God. (Any 7x1)
    2. State four similarities between the Christian and African understanding of human sexuality (8 mks)
      • In both sexuality has the purpose of procreation
      • In both it is viewed as sacred/holy/a gift from God.
      • Both encourage self-control virginity is emphasized.
      • In both youth is taught on sexual matters.
      • In both sexuality is complementary for companionship. (any 4 x 2 8 )
    3. State the Christian teachings on effects of irresponsible sexual behavior (5 mks)
      • Leads to STIs and HIV and AIDs.
      • it can lead to unplanned pregnancy e.g. adultery
      • It can lead to separation and divorce when one partner is unfaithful.
      • This can cause conflicts. It may lead to abortion, for example, when a girl gets unplanned pregnancy.
      • Incest, rape and prostitution can result in being arrested and put in jail, hence other members of the family will suffer
      • Irresponsible sex is condemned by God in the Bible.
      • Incest, rape and prostitution can result in being arrested and put in jail hence other members of the family will suffer
      • It can cause psychological problems which interfere with a person's formal life.
    1. Acceptable ways of acquiring wealth in T.A.S
      • Blessings from God/gift.
      • Inheritance from parents.
      • Payment of bride's wealth.
      • Farming /livestock.
      • Exploiting natural resources such as forests.
      • Barter trade.
      • Marrying many wives/having many children.
    2. Give seven reasons why bribery and corruption is unethical (7 mks)
      • It leads to loss of public funds.
      • It leads to lack of quality service in very crucial sectors.
      • Leads to poverty/poor economic growth.
      • It increases crime rate and social unrest.
      • Bribery undermines integrity of the receiver.
      • Bring suffering to the giver.
      • It is a criminal offence punishable by law.
      • It makes a culprit lose their job.
      • It leads to loss of good public image.
      • It is against Bible teachings.
      • Social unrest/conflicts/civil war/tribal clashes.
    3. Explain six ways the church is using to eradicate poverty in Kenya today 6mks
      • The church/preaches/encourages hard work among the citizens which enables them fight poverty
      • The church speaks against vices like oppression/exploitation of the poor by the rich in the society which are promoting poverty
      • The church takes care of the poor by providing them with material possession
      • The church has established projects that offer employment to members of the society, this enables them to take care of their needs
      • The church gives out bursaries to the needy children enabling them to undertake education and get employment
      • The church is offering a subsidized medical services which enhances the economic output/productivity to the people
      • The church prays for God's intervention in the lives of the poor which gives them hope in life
      • It offers guidance and counseling to the poverty stricken, thus enabling them to open to realities of life 
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