English Paper 3 Questions and Answers - Catholic Diocese of Kakamega Mock Exams 2023

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  1. Answer three questions only
  2. Questions 1 and 2 are compulsory
  3. In question 3 choose only one of the optional set texts you have prepared for
  4. Where a candidate presents work on more than one optional set text, only the first one to appear will be marked
  5. Each essay must not exceed 450 words
  6. Candidates must answer questions in English
  1. Imaginative Composition (Compulsory)
    1. Write a composition beginning:
      I anxiously carried the parcel to my house......
    2. Write a composition explaining why the Government should regulate religious activities in
      this country.
  2. The Compulsory Set Text                                      (20marks)
    H.R Ole Kulet, Blossoms of the Savannah
    "Determination can beat all challenges in the world." With close reference to Resian in Blossoms of the Savannah by H.R Ole Kulet, write an essay in support of this statement.
  3. The optional Set Texts
    1. The short story
      Godwin Siundu (Ed), A Silent Song and other stories.
      "The efforts employed by different individuals in society barely bear fruits." Using evidence from the story, "An incident in the park," by Meja Mwangi, write an essay in support of this assertion.
    2. Drama Mulwa David, Inheritance
       "Inheriting a top seat without merit only invites ridicule from subjects." Validate the truthfulness in this statement with close reference to David Mulwa's Inheritance.
    3. The novel
      An Artist of the Floating World, Kazuo Ishiguro
      Parenting is an intricate affair. Some people are accused of being bad parents, while others are good. Basing your argument on An Artist of the Floating World by Kazuo Ishiguro, write an essay to ascertain this.


Question one

Paper 101/3 is intended to test the candidates' ability to communicate in writing. Communication established at different levels of intelligibility, correctness, accuracy, fluency, pleasantness and originality. Within the constraints set by each question, it is the linguistic competence shown by the candidate that should carry most of the marks.

Examiners should not hesitate to use the full range of marks for each essay.

It is important to determine first how each essay communicates and in which category A, B, C or D it fits



The candidate does not communicate at all. His/ her language ability is so minimal that the examiner practically has to guess what the candidate wants to say. The candidate fails to fit English words he/ she knows into meaningful sentences. The subject is glanced at or distorted. Practically no punctuation. All kinds of errors. Broken English is evident.

D-01-02 - Chaotic. Little meaning whatsoever. Questions paper or words from it simply copied.
D 03 - Flow of thought almost impossible to follow. The errors are continuous.
D+ 04-05 - Although the English is often broken and the essay is full of errors of all types, we can at least guess what the candidate wants to say.

C CLASS (06 – 10 MARKS)

The candidate communicates understandably but only more or less clearly. He/she is not confident with his/her language. The subject is often undeveloped. There may be some digressions. Unnecessary repetitions are frequent. The arrangement is weak and the flow jerky. There is no economy of language. Mother tongue influence is felt.

C -  06  - 07  -      The candidate obviously finds it difficult to communicate his/her ideas. He/she is seriously hampered by his/ her very limited knowledge of structure and vocabulary. This results in many gross errors of agreement, spelling, misuse of prepositions, tenses, verb agreement and sentence construction.
C 08          -      The candidate communicates but not with consistent clarity. His/ her linguistic abilities being very limited, he/she cannot avoid frequent errors in sentence structure. There is little variety or originality. Very bookish English, links are weak, incorrect and repeated at times.
C + 09  - 10  -      The candidate communicates clearly but in a flat and uncertain manner. Simple sentence forms are often strained. There may be an overuse of clichés, unsuitable idioms. Proverbs are misquoted or misinterpreted. The flow is still jerky. There are some errors of agreement, tenses, spelling.


This class is characterized by greater fluency and ease of expression. The candidate demonstrates that he/she can use English as a normal way of expressing himself/ herself. Sentences are varied and usually well- constructed. Some candidates become ambitious and even over- ambitious. There may be items of merit of the one word or one expression type. Many essays in this category may he just clean and unassuming, but they still show that the candidate is at ease with the language. There may be a tendency to under mark such essays. Give credit for tone.

B- 11-12     -     The candidate communicate fairly and with some fluency. There may be little variety in sentence structure. Gross errors are still found occasionally, but this must not be over punished by the examiner.
B 13            -    The sentences are varied but rather simple and straightforward. The candidate does not strain himself/herself in an effort to impress. There is a fair range of vocabulary and idiom. Natural and effortless. Some items of merit. Economy of language.
B +  14-15  -    The candidate communicates his ideas pleasantly and without strain. There are errors and slips. Tenses, spelling and punctuation are quite good. A number of items of merit of the "whole sentence" or the "whole expression" type.


The candidate communicates not only fluently, but attractively, with originality and efficiency. He/she has the ability to make us share his/ her deep feelings, emotions, enthusiasms. He/she expresses himself/ herself freely and without any visible constraint. The script gives evidence of maturity, good planning and often humour. Many items of merit which indicate that the candidate has complete command of the language. There is no strain, just pleasantness, clever arrangement, felicity of expression.

A - 16 - 17     -    The candidate shows competence and fluency in using the language. He/she may lack imagination or originality which usually provides the "spark" in such essays. Vocabulary, idiom, sentence structure, links, variety are impressive. Gross errors are very rare.
A - 18             -    Positive ability. A few errors that are felt to be slips. The story or argument has a definite impact. No grammar problem. Variety of structures. A definite spark many margin ticks.
A - 19 - 20     -    The candidate communicates not only information and meaning, but also and especially the candidate's whole self: his / her feelings, tastes, points of view, youth, culture. This ability to communicate his/ her deep self may express itself in many ways, wide range of effective Vocabulary, original approach, vivid sustained account in the case of a narrative, well developed and ordered argument in the case of a debate or discussion. Errors and slips should not deprive the candidate of the full marks that he/she deserves. A very definite spark.







D 01 - 05 D - 01 - 02 Chaotic
D 03 Continuous errors
D + 04 - 05 All types of errors
C 06 - 10  C - 06 - 07 Strained/Hampered
C Little Variety/Bookish
C + 09 - 10 Flat/Uncertain
B 11 - 15 B - 11 - 12 Fluent
B 13 Effortless/Natural
B + 14 - 15 Pleasant
A 16 - 20 A - 16 - 17 Attractive
18 Positive Ability/Definite spark
A + 19 - 20 A very definite spark


EngPP3 ms

*Use an asterisk to indicate an item or a sentence that the rubrics indicate should be used.
II. TO INDICATE AN ITEM OF MERIT use a tick ( ) either above a word or in the margin for the whole sentence


  1. Almost any error of agreement
  2. Serious tense error
  3. Errors of elementary vocabulary: spelling and misuse
  4. Punctuation errors or missing punctuation which causes serious lack of communication
  5. Elementary errors of sentence construction.
  6. Ridiculous use of idiom that affects communication
  7. Misuse of common prepositions
  8. Misuse of capital letters - Use CAPS underline the first page and use CAPS on subsequent pages where the mistake persists.
  9. Contracted forms/short forms -didn't wasn't etc.
  10. Use of numerical
  11. Splitting and compounding of words


  1. Decide on the degree of communication achieved A-D
  2. After underlining decide on the mark category
  3. Allocate a numerical mark to the essay.

All problem scripts must be marked by the examiner and then sent to the Team Leader with comments

    1. Consistent distortion of question, evasion of question, writing on a totally different subject with a clumsy attempt
      at connecting the essay to the subject given, inclusion of memorized passages, etc.
    2. The question is given in unacceptable or questionable interpretation
    3. Essays contain long, semi-relevant digressions or lack coherence


The examiner marks the essay, gives a linguistic mark and comments on the nature of the irrelevancy. The essay is then passed over to the team leader who judges whether the irrelevancy should be judged as a deliberate attempt to deceive or should be attributed to the candidate's poor understanding of the subject. Deduct up to 4 marks for irrelevancy in the essay. If dishonesty is suspected, the Chief Examiner should be informed. Any deduction of 3 marks or more should be referred to the Chief Examiner.

    Since the rubrics may change from year to year, the POINTS OF interpretation that are part of this marking scheme must be consulted and adhered to faithfully. Here are some general rules that usually apply.

    a) Decide on the category D+ D or D-
    b) Mark the errors of the essay


It should be remembered that the main quality of an essay is how effectively it communicates.

A good number of words and expressions are understood and currently used by all Kenyans and they have been included
in the 10th edition of The Oxford Learners' Dictionary. They can be used in essays without any need for quotation marks or explanations. We can include among those:

Panga, rungu, shamba, murram, matatu
Wananchi, ugali, madarasa, harambee, matoke
Maendeleo ya wanawake, salaam, ayah, askari
Debe, Duka, Nyayo, Boma, Sukumawiki, Goat Party, Manyatta, Magendo

Although, "English" spelling is more common than "American" spelling in Kenya, examiners should accept both spelling and no penalty should be given for such variations, penalize for lack of consistency in usage of either.

    1. Imaginative Composition (Compulsory)               (20 marks)
      Write a composition beginning with:
      I anxiously carried the parcel to my house...
      • Must be a story if not deduct 2 marks
      • The story must start with the given phrase, if not deduct 2 marks
      • Must be cheat the given statement. If not, deduct up to 4 mark
      • Look for the moral of the story.
    2. Write a composition explaining why the Government should regulate religious activities in this country.
      • The essay should explain why the Government should regulate religious activities in this country.
      • Mark the linguistic ability not points.
      • Expect a persuasive writing backed up with statistics, quotations and explanations that are convincing enough but not necessarily accurate.
      • If not deduct up to 4 marks for irrelevancy.
  2. The Compulsory Set Text
    (20 marks)
    H.R Ole Kulet, Blossoms of the Savannah.
    "Determination can beat all challenges in the world." With close reference to Resian in Blossoms of the Savannah by H.R Ole Kulet, write an essay in support this statement.

    1. Identify the obstacle and explain how Resian is determined to overcome the obstacle.
    2. Identify what Resian wants to pursue.
    3. Background information to what she is to pursue
    4. Identify the challenge(s) that she faces to achieve what she wants.
    5. Show how he beats the challenges.

In our day to day life experience, we face difficulties in the process of fighting for our goals. Some people tend to give up when faced by such situations but others fight on until when they achieve what they wanted. For instance, the current President of Kenya did not look at the assertions that were propagated by his opponents that he cannot be a president of Kenya. He fought on until he became the President. This is also true with some characters in Blossoms of the Savannah who defy all the odds to achieve what they wanted to discuss below;

                                                                (Mark any other plausible introduction)

Di) Resian determination to join Egerton University. From the onset, Resian is committed to join Egerton University and study veterinary science and become a veterinary doctor. (Page 4) As they are packing for Nasila, she makes a declaration to her sister," I don't want to work at the shop... I want to come back to Nakuru and join Egerton University. I want to take a course in veterinary science and become a veterinary doctor..... I want to read everything yes, I like to be called Dr. Resian Kaelo..... (Page 4) She knows very well that her father would not listen to her and therefore requests Taiyo to talk to him. "Please try to talk to him. He always listens to you and this time round he will. Just try." (Page 5) When Taiya is busy unpacking after the relocation to Nasila, she is busy reading. Taiyo complains, "Surely Resian,” she complained to her sharply. "Is this the time to read a book with all this mess around us?" (Page 32) When she realizes that female education is a non-entity in Nasila, she changes her language to her sister, instead of requesting, she orders, "That's why it's imperative that you persuade Papaai to allow us go back to Nakuru and enroll at the University." (Page 33). She remains optimistic that her sister will talk to the father and they will both go to university (Page 89). Her determination climaxes when she refuses to attend Joseph Parmuat's traditional classes. It is said, but soon, Resian interest in the coaching quickly fizzled out and waned. She knew her unquenchable thirst was in university education and that could not be substituted for anything else (Page 122). She says, I'm standing here foolishly thinking of Oloisudori's stupid antics while I could actually be on my way to University." (Page 99). When her father calls her to talk about the guests, she warms up and asks, "Papaai, is it Yeiyo or Taiyo who spoke to you?... Who between them spoke to you about our enrolment to university?" (Page 183). Oloisudori comes in as the biggest impediment when he plans to marry her. Both her parents assent to it but she flatly refuses when she leaves Oloisudori in their house and goes to Nasila market to confront her father. She tells her father, "... If I don't die and live to be eighty, I will still go to the university. I'll go to Egerton University Papaai, I tell you! I hope you will be there to witness my graduation ... (Page 210) She leaves home with Olarinkoi with the hope of connecting with Emakererei to make her dream come true. The still determinedly beats Olarinkoi's advances and leaves with Nabaru to the ranch. Eventually, they receive admission letters from Emakererei (Page 279-280) and towards the end, with her sister they are on their way to their Nivarna. (Page 284)

Dii) Forced marriage to Oloisudori. On their way back to Nasila, Mama Milanoi warms to the idea of having two sons-in- law from reputable families in the land that could easily catapult them right into the centre of the affairs of the community. That could be the re-entry point into the community that they had been thinking about, she thought contently (Page 8). Traditionally, in Nasila, when a woman comes of age, she should just be married off and is neither involved in chosing her husband nor marriage negotiations. This was the case with Mama Milanoi. (Page 28-29). Ole Supeyo had too married off his daughters to reputable elders (Page 21). When Oloisudori visits Ole Kaelo to extort money from him, he develops interest in Resian. He says, "... that daughter of yours, Resian. I'm interested in your daughter. ... And I have a friend who will also be interested in your other daughter. Simply put, I would like to relieve you of your two daughters (Page 110). Initially, the parents are reluctant but with time they warm to the idea and receive presents and dowry from him without Resian's knowledge. (Pages 178, 185-211). They visit him and hatch a plan. On the other hand, Resian fears Oloisudori to the core and she is not even willing to serve him when he comes visiting. She says, "I can't just stand Oloisudori. He is a monster and he frightens me..." (Page 171). She hatches a plan with her sister to return all his presents to him (Page 201-202). On the event that Oloisudori declares that Resian is his wife, she reacts like potassium. "You are mad!" Resian screamed at him. "You are stark mad if you think I am your wife. I can only be your wife over my dead body. Yes, you and my father can kill and carry my dead body to your palatial home." (Page 204). The ultimate confrontation as at her father's shop where she shows determination to escape Oloisudori's hand in marriage. Even after being slapped by her father, she says, "It is better you kill me, Papaai!" she cried out outrageously. "You'll kill me than hand me over to your monster friend. Yes, kill me right now!" (Page 209). Instead of going back home where probably Oloisudori is waiting for her, she leaves to River Nasila and that is how she escapes getting married to Oloisudori.

Diii) Olarinkoi's advances. Olarinkoi's mother had earlier predicted that Ole Kaelo would come back home with his daughters and Olarinkoi would marry one of them after having stayed in Ole Kaelo's house (Page 232). Olarinkoi shows up at Ole Kaelo's one evening unannounced and becomes part of the family by bringing in some food to show how responsible he is. He could tend to flowers in the compound on some occasions (Pages 67, 69, 74-81). To win the confidence and trust of girls, he saves them from the vagabonds when he springs out of the bushes like a ghost and beats them up (Page 141-142). He saves the Resian from Oloisudori when she is at River and promises to take her to Emakererei (Page 211) Later, he attempts to rape her. She determinedly fights him. At first she did not understand his intention until he began unfastening her buttons with his rough trembling hands... Then desperately she took the last chance of self defence and preservation. Mustering all her strength, he thrust his thumb into her mouth; sunk her teeth into the flesh like a ferocious animal and tenaciously held into it, tugging at it fiercely like a lioness... Olarinkoi howled with pain. He cried out loudly... (Page 221-222). It is her determination to leave Inkiito that make her walk around thic homestead and its environs so as to escape the snares of Olarinkoi and his mother (Page 239-240). His plan to marry her also backfires when Resian shares with Nabaru who amazed by her courage and resilience and offers to help her escape. This comes to pass as they both leave leaving Olarinkoi fuming (Page 231 – 234, 242 – 250).

Div) Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Culturally, Nasilan women are circumcised before marriage. This happened to Mama Milanoi (Page 29) and Ole Supeyo's daughters (Page 21). During the relocation, Mama Milanoi is disturbed that her daughters are intoiye nemengalana and wonders whether they will fit in the Nasilan culture especially when she remembers their purported mothers-in-law intrusive questions (Page 8). On their first morning in Nasila, Ole Kaelo's daughters encounter a man, who jeered as he strode menacingly towards them and asks whether they are the intoiye namengalama from Nakuru (Page 18-19). The same man jeers at them during the homecoming ceremony (Page 46). Ole Kaelo is worried that his daughters will earn them derogatory name of intoiye nemengalana (Page 13, 17, 60-63). Out of all these fears, Mama Milanoi decides to have a sharing with Resian about FGM (Page 89-91). Which Resian rubbishes, "That may have been true then. ... But what is the reason for doing it today? Ilarinkon are no longer with us, are they?" The girls are shook by Ole Masanka's speech on intoiye namengalama (Page 51-52, 54-60).Oloisudori will his wayward manners still supported FGM(Page 187). Olaronkoi and his mother plan to circumcise Resian before she gets married (Page 241). Resian tells Taiyo that the enkamuralani's olmurunya will only touch her over her dead body and the only way to beat them at their game was to go to university. She declared that those withered claw-like hands would only touch her over her dead body.(Page 58). In an ultimate fight against FGM, Resian in a dream she defeats the enkamuratani. Then the struggle began. She was determined that the old enkamuratani would never circumcise another girl again. She was going to deal with her firmly and finally. She took hold of the old woman's bony arm. Her fingers were now firmly laced firmly through the old woman's, gripping the shriveled claw-like fingers that held the olmurunya and twisting the hand mercilessly. The old woman shrieked with pain. Resian pounded the old woman's head with a mallet she had picked from the ground and hit her repeatedly as the woman looked pleadingly. (Page 244-245). She eventually escapes to Ntare Naju where she is safe from FGM (Page249-250).

Dv) Meeting and being like Minik ene Nkoitoi. When Taiyo is told about Emakererei by Joseph, she says, "Resian and I are soon joining her to fight the repugnant ritual." (Page 87). Later when they meet yeiyo-kiti who talks to them about some of the people who had started fighting Nasilan culture, the girls are very interested and Resian says, "I must say I admire Emakererei. She seems to be a courageous woman who firmly opposes what she considers wrong without caring whether she rubs the men of culture the wrong way. Many women would not dare go against the grain. I would definitely want to be like her." (Page 152). Resian in her wishful thinking she thought of enrolling at Egerton University and after graduation working with her role model Minik ene Nkoitoi. She feels good when Olarinkoi hints at taking her to Emakererei (Page 211). Later while sharing with Nabaru she makes it clear that she would like to meet Emakererei. She sobbingly pleaded with her to help her get to where Emakererei resided; if she did that, she would never forget her for the rest of her life, she added. She mentioned that Emakererei inspired her and she was her role model (Page 237). She feels great when she meets her (Page 254).

                                                              (Accept any 4 well illustrated points. Mark 3:3:3:3)

To sum up, determination can beat all challenges for instance, Resian's determination to join Egerton University and pursue a degree in veterinary medicine comes to fruition when she beats the Nasila culture of not educating girls and Oloisudori's advances as discussed above.
                                                               (Mark any other plausible conclusion)


  1. Introduction is marked independently. All the two parts of the question must be addressed to get FULL (2 marks).
    If only one part addressed ward FAIR (1 mark). Do not mark copy-pasted questions
  2. The body is 12 marks (3:3:3:3)
  3. The scores in the body affect the language scores

    BODY MARKS                                       LANGUAGE MARKS
    01-04                                                                  01
    05-06                                                                  02                                                                                                          
    07-08                                                                  03
    09-12                                                                  04

  4. The scores in the body also affect the conclusion scores.
    BODY MARKS                                       LANGUAGE MARKS
    0                                                                         0
    01-05                                                                  01                                                                                                         
    06-12                                                                  02

  5. An irrelevant essay scores 1 mark for language.
  1. The Optional Set Texts         (20 marks)
    1. The Short Story
      Godwin Siundu (Ed.), A Silent Song and Other Stories.
      "The efforts employed by different individuals in society barely bear fruits." Using evidence from the story, "An Incident in the Park," by Meja Mwangi, write an essay in support this assertion.


  1. Identification of a character.
  2. Explaining the efforts the character employs.
  3. Show the outcome which is inversely proportional to the input.


In our day to day lives, we put a lot of efforts in our endeavors but the outcome sometimes demoralizing since it does not merge with the input. For instance, the Azimio leadership put in place all that is expected to win a presidential election hut the outcome was not only demoralizing but also traumatizing. This is also the case in "An Incident in the Park." by Meja Mwangi as explained below.

(Mark any other plausible introduction)


Ei) The second ice cream man-sales. When the floodgates open, workers swam down the hill into the park. They pass first ice cream man but the second one, in an effort to sale, he blocks the only way on to the highway, determined to make a sale that day. The swarm swirls round him and over and away. Irrespective of his efforts, that day, just like the day before, not one bar of ice cream is bought by the hungry ones. His bell to attract customers ring lonely and unwelcome like a lost leper's warning bell. (Page 7) In addition, his cries do not yield to any sales as a few men sitting on the cement bank ignored the ice cream man's cries. (Page 8). He is criticized by the loafer and another man when he rings his bell, they say that he is crazy and that he is always hammering the bell and no one wants to buy his ice cream. In fact they suggest that he should go where children are. (Page 9)

Eii) The shaggy thin man. From the description, the man has been selling fruits since morning but when he makes his calculation, he looks disillusioned from the returns and falls unceremoniously on his back and covers his rough bearded face with two bony hands. A shaggy thin man sat under a shrub, scratching numbers and letters on his black dry skin with a used match. By his side were the two oversize fruit baskets he had been selling from morning and which he would resume hawking after the lunch break. Now he scratched his head with the matchstick and tried to balance the morning sales. He mumbled to himself, cursed and, rolling up his trouser legs, continued writing on his thigh. Finally, he flung the stick away and, wetting his palm with saliva, violently erased what he had scribbled. Then he fell unceremoniously on his back and covered his rough bearded face with two bony hands. (Page 7-8)

Eiii) The fishpond board markers. At the fishpond, there is a board with the words DO NOT FEED FISH - BY ORDER. However, a loafer wearing torn slippers sits on it and carelessly tosses debris, tiny bits of grass and soil at the hungry fish. The idler sniggers and throws,more rubbish into the water. (Page 8) A huge piece of rock is added and a flattened cigarette. (Page 9). This is contrary to the board markers instructions that flatly fails to achieve fish feeding.

Eiv) The fruit-seller - pleas. When the two constables come along, they demand for a licence from him. He is first surprised, he searches himself for a few seconds, shakes his head and helplessly declares that he left it at home. He too lacks his identification card. He tries to bribe the constables with five shillings but he is shoved along. When he is told that he will explain everything to the judge, more pleas follow, "You can't take me to that judge, the man will have me hung this time ... I've this other case coming up next week... he will surely have me castrated. ... I've ten shillings." He swears and offers all the baskets and the cash but when it looks like the constables won't let him go, he flees. (Page 11) His efforts to save himself comes to a sad end when a mob kills him. Here lay a desperate thief, attired in the unmistakable uniform of his trade - dirty torn clothes and a mean hungry face. (Page 12)

Ev) The two constables/police. The fellows blatantly refuses to listen to the fruit-seller's pleas and take his bribe. They are all committed to ensure that they take the man to a court of law. One says, "You will explain to the judge. No licence, no identification..." (Page 11). They shoved him even when he offers them ten shillings and offers the two baskets. When he breaks lose, the constables pursue him ... The constable shot after the fleeing man across the park shouting for help from passers-by. The shouts from one of the constables instead of making passers-by arrest them and hand him to them, they lynch him thinking that he is a thief. The police feel uneasy and uncertain and leave empty-handed. (Page 12)

 (Accept any 4 well illustrated points)

In conclusion, efforts put in something must be directly proportional to the output.

 (Mark any other plausible conclusion)

b.  Drama Mulwa David, Inheritance 

"Inheriting a top seat without merit only invites ridicule from subjects." Validate the truthfulness in this statement with close reference to David Mulwa's Inheritance.


  1. Identification who inherits leadership without merit.
  2. Forms of ridicule the leader faces from his/her subjects.
  3. Impact of this ridicule to the leader.

Introduction In the Inheritance, Mulwa exposes the vices in Kutula colony by Lacuna and his Government in a rather exaggerated manner as discussed below. introduction ( 2marks)

(Accept any other relevant)

Si- King Lacuna abuses power and takes advantages of his position to exploit and oppress his subjects. He orders the killing of anyone who opposes his leadership. He asks Juda Zen Melo to kill his brother Bengo who is an activist and a threat to his leadership. When he refuses, he faces the consequences by being sacked and evicted from the government house and his car is taken away. He is also forced to sell his farm to Lacuna's Cronies for peanuts and the wife is forced to work in the same farm to make ends meet.
Sii- His leadership is also satirized when he uses money meant for the country's economic growth for his own selfish gains. He buys an aircraft and deposits the rest in his own account in the same banks that lend the money.
Siii- His greed for power is highly satirized. It is ridiculous that he takes his father's life so that he can get to power. He colludes with the imperialists to poison his father so that he is installed the new king.
Siv -The imperialists are also satirized. Their despising and demeaning attitude towards the blacks is highly criticized.
Sv- It is laughable that the financiers justify such conditions in the name of helping the people. It is expected that financiers would be sensitive and practical in their demands.
Svi- Others satirized include king's cronies like Chipande and government officials who
worship him, and are ready to do anything to please him.
Conclusion From the above discussion, it is quite clear that the author has satirized the poor leadership and the resulting predicaments.     

 (Accept any other relevant conclusion)

c) The Novel: An Artist of the Floating World by Kazuo Ishiguro
Parenting is an intricate affair. Some people are accused of being bad parents, while others are good. Basing your argument on An Artist of the Floating World by Kazuo Ishiguro, write an essay to ascertain this. (20 marks).


  1. Identify what good or bad parenting is.
  2. Background information to what makes parenting a complex affair.
  3. Identify what contributes to good or poor parenting.


(Accept any other relevant introduction) The role of parents in the children lives is exceptional. The parenting process cannot be underestimated as it allows children to learn manners and proper ways of life. However, there has been a peculiar identification and classification of parenting as either poor or otherwise.

Pi, Sestuko endeavored to teach her son Ichiro what she believed to be the proper ways of life. These include obedience and housekeeping. Occasionally Sestuko tried to ask for help from Ichiro in arranging breakfast, though Ichiro mischievously reacted that such tasks are women's. Ono said that Ichiro is a fine boy and not as shy as many boys his age. Setsuko responded that Mr. Ono shouldn't hesitate to scold the little boy if he becomes a nuisance. As a caring parent, Sestuko denied the plea from Mr. Ono to give the young Ichiro a taste of sake drink.

Pii, Despite being a minor Mr. Ono wanted to endear himself to Ichiro by giving him sake. Minors shouldn't be given alcohol, but Mr. Ono insisted that Ichiro should be given alcohol to boost his ego. Mr. Ono reflected that he introduced his late son Kenji to alcohol at such a tender age, and it didn't negatively affect him. In this sense, Noriko accused Ono of not properly executing his parenting roles, adding that her mother, Michiko, must have been a better parent that the father.

Piii, Dr. Saito is presented as a caring and loving parent. He organized a meeting for his son Taro Saito to meet Noriko in the marriage negotiation of the culture demands. When Mr. Ono expressed discontentment on the .............. of the décor at the Hotel, Dr. Saito assured him that he had booked a private room. Dr. Saito, an art professor, added that he opted for the Hotel as the meeting venue because his family was tone of the food served therein. As a caring parent, he lightened up ine otherwise dull encounter with Mr. Ono and Noriko at the kasuga park hotel. As a paterfamilias, he ensured that his family was in shape and well acquainted with various topics, art music, politics etc. this is how the Saito's dominated the Discussion and eventually made the marriage negotiations successful, crowned by his son marrying Noriko.

Piv, Ono's father was to put to the test as his son challenged his father hood principles. The father had an idea to prepare his son to take over family business and accounts. His presentation of fat notebooks, length calculations and business jargon to address his son was meant to give the so, exposure to the business world. He even cited a priests warning that Masuji would grow to e good for nothing fellow, acknowledging that there was a weakness running through the son. He implied his son's choice of painting as a career to be a sign of weakness. The senior Ono even burned the much treasured painting of his son to discourage him. However, Masuji Ono relentlessly maintained that he had to pursue art. This shows how children can be contemptuous of their parents' wishes.

Conclusion To conclude, parenting isn't a walk in the park. As much as parents can have their expectations of their children, children too can have their desires which are often antagonistic to their parents' wishes. (Accept any other relevant conclusion)
(Accept any 4 well illustrated points. Mark 3;3;3;3) Total 12 marks

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