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Answer all questions in this section

  1. Name the type of government in which a group of people from the highest social class rule over others.   (1 mk)
  2. State two limitation of using archaeology as a source of historical information. (2 mks)
  3. State two results of the enclosure movement in Britain during the Agrarian revolution. (2 mks)
  4. Name two materials used to record written messages in ancient times. (2 mks)
  5. Identify any two form of communication in traditional societies. (2 mks)
  6. Give any disadvantages of television as a modern means of communication. (1 mk)
  7. Identify the contribution of Jethro-Tull in the field of Agriculture   (1 mk)
  8. Give one reason that made the golden stool very important in pre-colonial period among the Asante.(1 mk)
  1. Name the type of constitution used in Britain. (1 mk)
  2. What was the main factor that led to the growth of Johannesburg city? (1 mk)
  3. Give two functions of Emirs during the British indirect rule in Northern Nigeria. (2 mks)
  4. Identify two personalities whose activities promoted colonialism in Africa. (2 mks)
  5. Give one reason why the Berlin conference was convened. (1 mk)
  6. Name the treaty signed between Samori Toure and the French in 1886. (1 mk)
  7. Give two reforms introduced by the Germans after Maji Maji rebellion in Tanganyika.     (2 mks)
  8. State two reasons why the schliefiens plan failed to guarantee the Germans a quick win in the First World War. (2 mks)
  9. What was the immediate cause of the First World War.?   (1 mk) 

Answer any three questions in this section

    1. Give three ways in which Stone Age period was important to the evolution of man.      (3 mks)
    2. Describe the culture of man during the Old Stone Age period.         (12 mks)
    1. State five reasons why pre-colonial communities in Africa engaged in trade.    (5 mks)
    2. Explain five factors that have led to the industrial growth in south Africa.             (10 mks)
    1. State reasons for Lewanika’s collaboration with the British.    (3 mks)
    2. Explain the political organisation of the Asante Kingdom.        (12 mks)
    1. Name three political parties in South Africa.    (3 mks)
    2. Explain six factors that led to the development of African nationalism in Ghana.            (12 mks)

Answer any two questions in this section

    1. State five causes of the First World War.    (5 mks)
    2. Explain five reasons why the League of Nations failed to preserve world peace.             (10 mks)
    1. Identify three chartered companies which were used by European powers to acquire colonies in Africa.  (3 mks)
    2. Explain the political impact of partition of Africa by European powers.                           (12 mks)
    1. State three aims of the economic community of West Africa.   (ECOWAS)    (3 mks)
    2. Explain six challenges facing economic community of West African state. (ECOWAS) (12mks)



  1. Name the type of government in which a group of people from the highest social class rule over others. (1 mk)
    Aristocratic                                                 (1 x 1 = 1 mk)
  1. State two limitation of using archaeology as a source of historical information.
    • An expensive source of information archaeological site.
    • At times consuming method
    • Some artifacts and fossils are a fragile and can easily break and disintegrate during excavation.
    • Only limited to the study of ancient period
    • It may be inaccurate
    • Difficult sometimes to determine the date when events took place.
    • There are few archaeological experts and facilities.                                     (2 x 1 = 2 mks)
  1. State two results of the enclosure movement in Britain during the Agrarian revolution.
    • Rich farmers bought land from the small peasants
    • The poor farmers were forced to migrate to urban areas
    • The landless people were subjected to poverty
    • The people in urban centres were subjected to poor living conditions due to over crowding.      (2 x 1 = 2 mks)
  1. Name two materials used to record written massager in ancient times.
    • Scrolls
    • Stone tablets
    • Parchment (dried skin
    • Papyrus paper. (2 x 1 = 2 mks)
  1. Identify any two form of communication in traditional societies.
    • Signals- fire and smoke signals
    • Drumbeats
    • Horn blowing
    • Screams and cries
    • Written messages scrolls ; stone tablets
    • Messagers/runners         (2 x 1 = 2 mks)
  1. Give any disadvantages of television as a modern means of communication.
    • Can only be viewed where there is only electricity/rechargeable battery
    • Cultural values have been eroded by phonographic programmes
    • Enhances violence especially among youth
    • Deviant behaviour has been encouraged through advertisement e.g alcohol drinks and cigarettes. (1 x 1 = 1 mk)
  1. Identify the contribution of Jethro-Tull in the field of Agriculture  
    Invented the seed drill. (1 x 1 = 1 mk)
  1. Give one reason that made the golden stool very important in pre-colonial period among the Asante. 1 mk)
    • It made office of the Asante
    • A source of unity. It bound together     all the Asante. (1 x 1 = 1 mk) 
  1. Name the type of constitution used in Britain.
    Unwritten constitution
  1. What was the main factor that led to the growth of Johannesburg city.
    • The growth of Johannesburg city
    • Due to mining of Gold. (1 x 1 = 1 mk)                                                    
  1. Give two functions of Emirs during the British indirect rule in Northern Nigeria.
    • Colleting taxes
    • Recruiting labour
    • Maintain law and order
    • Administering justice in Emirate courts (2 x 1 = 2 mks)           
  1. Identify two personalities whose activities promoted colonialism in Britain.
    • Karl Peters
    • Harry Johnston
    • William mackinnan
    • David livingstone
    • Cecil Rhodes (2 x 1 = 2 mks)
  1. Give one reason why the Berlin conference was conviened .
    • To settle territorial disputes arising from the Congo region and other parts of Africa.
    • To avert a war/conflict between European powers in Africa.                         (1 x 1 = 1 mk)
  1. Name the treaty signed between Samori Toure and the French in 1886.
    Bisandugu treaty (1 x 1 = 1 mk)
  1. Give two reforms introduced by the Germans after Maji Maji rebellion in Tanganyika.
    • Forced labour was abolished
    • Kiswahili was accepted as an official language
    • The governor improved medical and educational facilities (2 x 1 = 2 mks)
  1. State two reasons why the Schlieffens plan failed to guarantee the Germans a quick win in the first world war.
    • The plan under estimated the military strength of Belgium
    • It had not foreseen the possibility of Britain entering the war.
    • Both sides were very strong
    • The allied forces mobilised Russian soldiers earlier than anticipate in the plan. (2x1=2 mks)
  1. What was the immediate cause of the first world war.  
    Assassination of Franz Ferdinard and wife Sophie who were the hers to the Austrian throne.      


    1. Give three ways in which Stone Age period was important to the evolution of man.
      • Tool making ability distinguished hominids from other primates
      • Stone was a basic raw materials with which man made his weapons and tools
      • Man used stone tools to curve, cut and make holes in objects
      • Man developed stone tools and weapon to regulate his technology.
      • It led to division of labour. (3 x 1 = 3 mks)
    2. Describe the culture of man during the Old Stone Age period.
      • The period is associated with homohabilis and Austrlopithecus
      • It made simple tools from stones referred to as oldwan tools
      • He used tools for scrupping and cutting
      • He was a hunter and a gatherer
      • They lived in caves during the day and slept on tree tops during the night
      • They are raw meat, fruits and vegetables
      • They never wore clothes.
      • They used gesture and growing to communicate.                                 (6 x 2 = 12 mks)
    1. State five reasons why pre-colonial communities in Africa engaged in trade.
      • To acquire commodities they kicked
      • To gain profit or wealth]to earn a living
      • To create good relations with trading partners
      • To dispose of surplus that comes as results of increased production
      • To meet increased demand for goods that is unavailable elsewhere.
      • To share the unequal distribution of resources for human being. (5x1 = 5 mks)
    2. Explain five factors that have led to the industrial growth in South Africa.
      • Availability of natural resource, such as mineral which are found in significant qualities and are used in the industries and also exported to other countries thus earning the country foreign exchange.
      • Availability of mark from within the continent of Africa and from the rest of the world due to her high quality goods
      • High population in south Africa provides both skilled and unskilled labour of energy such as H.E.P and coal from Witwatersrand coal field
      • Developed transport system such as road water and railway transport has facilitated the transportation of raw materials to the industries and manufactured goods from the industries to the market
      • Availability of capital mainly from trade from other minerals
      • Political stability especially after the apartheid rule which encouraged trade and investment.
      • Government support through putting heavy tariffs on the imported commodities, encouraging local investors to invest in the county.
      • South Africa is also endowed with a variety of wildlife and scenic landscape that attracts tourist to country.                                       (5 x 2 = 10 mks)
    1. State reasons for Lewanika’s collaboration with the British.
      • Wanted to preserve and maintain his position as a king and the independency of his kingdom
      • He was influenced by a missionary Franco is collard because he aimed at benefiting from Christianity education and medication)
      • He was encouraged by king Khama of Ngwato who had collaborated and benefited from the Europeans.
      • Lewanika hoped to benefit from the British by getting European goods e.g firearms.
      • He reared the Europeanism military superiority.         (3 x 1 = 3 mks)
    2. Explain the political organisation of the Asante Kingdom.
      • Had a centralised government
      • The Asante king was the head of the government
      • The empire was divided into three administrative division; Kumasi, amatol and vassal state.
      • The confederacy union council and kings were appointed by Asantehene.
      • Kumasi was the political headquarter Asante.
      • The confederacy state kings   (omanhense) paid allegiance to the Asantehene based at Kumasi.
      • Asantehene was assisted and advised by the confederacy of council.
      • The empire holds a strong standing army with the wings in the Amatoo state of the confederacy.
      • The kingship was hereditary – matrilineal where the nephew became a king upon the death of the omanhene. (6 x 2 = 12 mks)
    1. Name three political parties in South Africa.
      • African national congress
      • Pan African congress
      • United democratic front
      • South Africa Indian congress                                                        (3 x 1 = 3 mks)
    2. Explain six factors that led to the development of African nationalism in Ghana.
      • Inadequate African representation in the legislative council caused discontent among the Ghanaians.
      • Less power by traditional African chiefs created discontent against the colonial government.
      • The need to guard against possible land alienation by the British united the |Africans
      • Introduction of laxation by the colonial government.
      • The order by the colonial government the farmers uproot their crops due to prevalence of the ‘swollen shoot) diseases upset them.
      • Involvement of the ex-servicement in the 2nd world war inspired them to fight for their independence.
      • Attainment of independence by Indian and Pakistan encouraged Ghana nationalist.
      • Existence of young educated Ghanaians who inspired the masses towards a worthy cause
      • High rate of unemployment among the Africans created resentement.


    1. State five causes of the First World War.
      • Military alliance such as the triple ententente which created tension and threatened world peace.
      • Colonial rivalry especially between Britain and Franced caused alot of tension hence threatening world. Peace
      • Demand for raw material and market for industrial good by the European powers threatened world peace and security.
      • The 1st and 2nd Moroccan crisis which increased tension among European power I.e between France and Germany
      • Arms race among nations which made them aggressive and threatened world peace.
      • The Balkans wars which increased international tension.
      • The need for revenge worsened the international situation e.g France had lost during the Franco – Prussian war.
      • The Halo- Turkish colonial disputes over Libya increased political tension.
      • Assassination of arch-duke franzi-Ferdinard and his wife Sophie in Sarajevo in Bosnia.
        (5 x 1 = 5 mks)
    2. Explain five reasons why the league of nations failed to preserve world peace.
      • Inability of settle world peace between members states. E.g 1937 Japan invaded Machuria in China.
      • Lack of military strength with which to implement its objective
      • Shortage of funds to facilitate the activities of the league
      • Lack of commitment and support by major powers e.g US, Italy.
      • In 1935 banito Mussoline of Italy invaded Ethiopia and pulled out of the league
      • Germany violated the treaty of Versailles with impurity
      • Natioans continued to sign secret treaties in violation of the league of nations terms
      • USA’s rejection of the league made it weak.
      • Nations continued to act as sovereign states and refused to take their cases to international court of justice.
      • Many countries associated the league with allies and therefore considered it partisan.
        (10 x 2 = 10 mks)
    1. Identify three chartered companies which were used by European powers to acquire colonies in Africa.
      • Imperial British East Africa company
      • British South Africa company
      • Germany East Africa company
      • Royal Niger company
    2. Explain the political impact of partition of Africa by European powers.
      • Influenced state formation in Africa
      • Led to loss of independence for Africans
      • African traditional leaders lost their powers and influence over their people.
      • African were subjected to harsh colonial policies and laws such as pass laws
      • African were introduced to world politics through participation in the world wars.
      • Partition boundaries, split communities of Africa placing them in different states.
      • Use of divide and rule tactics
      • Establishment of administrative forts enhanced law and order.   (6 x 2 = 12 mks)
    1. State three aims of the economic community of West Africa.   (ECOWAS)
      • To foster economic cooperation among the member states
      • To liberate trade among members states
      • To improve the living standard of the people in the member state
      • To improve relations between member states
      • To foster cooperation in specialised fields such as transport, communications, agriculture, trade, industries e.t.c.               (3 x 1 = 3 mks)
    2. Explain six challenges facing economic community of West African state. (ECOWAS)
      • It covers a large area hence co-ordinate of activities in difficult
      • Poor transport and communication
      • Difference between the Agrophone, insophone and francephone members.
      • Border conflict e.g between Nigeria and Cameroon.
      • Some member countries have divided loyalty between ECOWAS and other international organisation
      • Ideological differences between member countries
      • Lack of common currency for member countries
      • Lack of common language/language barrier. (6 x 2 = 12 mks)
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