English Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Maranda Pre-Mock Examinations 2022

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  1. Read the passage below and answer all the questions that follow. (20 marks)
    Society has the obligation to provide young people with the right knowledge and skills to become productive workers, good parents and responsible citizens, according to a World Bank Report entitled Development and the Next Generation. And it is through education that the young develop their ability to be productive workers, good parents and responsible citizens.
    The report says that effective investments need to happen during childhoodsand adolescence for it to bear fruits. Investments in adolescence are needed to make earlier investments during childhood pay off a hundredfold. The report underscores the need to establish a strong secondary education that will further strengthen the capabilities that primary education established.
    It stresses the need to improve the relevance and quality of post-primary education by teaching students the practical knowledge, thinking and behavioral skills demanded by the labour market. To achieve this, the education system must promote a teaching method that leads to high learning achievement and blends the academic and vocational curricular. It should link what happens in school to local economy.
    To improve the relevance of education to the learners, the report says, education must produce people with strong thinking and interpersonal skills because job tasks are increasingly requiring problem solving and communication skills. Entrepreneurs are also increasingly demanding thinking skills and problem-solving and behavioral skills such as self-confidence and leadership.
    In a nutshell, what are the types of skills that a topnotch education system requires? It requires two baste types of skills thinking skills and behavioral skills. Thinking skills include conceptual, critical and creative skills. High quality education develops learners with superior conceptual, analytical and critical skills - skills that condition the learner to be curious, inquisitive and always posing and seeking answers to problem situations or progesses Behavioral skills include such traits as perseverance, self-discipline, teamwork and the abilits to negotiate risks.
    The report also highlights the enduring role of what it terms basic skills: literacy and numeracy-ability to read, write and count. These basic skills are needed for further learning, work and life. The report also identifies what it terms post basic skills - the higher order thinking skills, and higher order behavioural skills such as decision-making skills, team work, the ability to negotiate conflict and manage risks and specific knowledge applied to real-life situations, and vocational skills. The foregoing demonstrates the integral role Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary cycle plays in creating the foundation for higher education in tertiary and university education. The quality of higher education is as good as the primary and secondary education. 
    1. According to the passage, what is the role of society in the development of an individual? (2 marks)
    2. In what ways can an education system help in the attainment of the demands of the job market? (3. marks)
    3. Explain the nexus between the labour market and entrepreneurs. (2 marks)
    4. What effect should high quality, education have on the learner, according to this passage? (2 marks)
    5.  What is expected of a person who has attained post-basic skills? Write your answer in note form. (5 marks)
    6. Identify and explain the figure of speech used in the second paragraph of this passage.(3 marks)
    7. Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage:
      1. underscores
      2. integral
      3. obligation (3 marks)
  2. Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow:(25 marks)
    "O God of all creation!" Resian cried out bitterly and audibly as soon as the cruel ugly old woman left her. "What unending woes these are! Taba! Kilome sogo! What have I done to the gods to deserve this kind of punishment?"
    Then she recalled the teaching of the Bible, and especially where it narrated the woes of those who went through similar or even worse tribulations, but triumphed at the end. She particularly remembered the wailing lamentations of Job and his railing against injustice, and she thought her problems were nothing compared to those he had suffered. He triumphed because he was stoic, focused and was able to persevere, Olarinkoi and his demonic mother may physically take her to Tanzania, Olarinkoi may physically take her as his wife, they may even physically circumcise her, but mentally she was going to resist. She was going to refuse to be subdued. Where she could, she was going to physically resist. She resolved to remain focused and she prayed for strength and endurance to bear all those misfortunes
    She had wondered where Olarinkoi was, but she had now learnt from his mother that he was some place, planning more evil. She had also learnt that Oloisudori, the monster was looking for her. She low wondered who among them was a lesser devil. She did not know what to think about her father. He was like the proverbial pig that was fried using its own lard: She thought he was suffering double tragedy: the loss of his daughter and the loss of his shop and home if they were financed by Oloisudori.
    1. "O God of all creation!" What elicited this reaction from Resian? (2 marks)
    2. Who was Resian's father, and what was his relationship with Oloisudori? (2 marks)
    3. "She wondered who among them was a lesser devil." How is each of them a devil? (2 marks)
    4. Identify any THREE features of style as used in this excerpt. (6 marks)
    5. Describe the character traits of Resian as brought out in this excerpt. (4 marks)
    6. Identify and illustrate the mood prevalent in the first and second paragraphs of this extract ....(3 marks)
    7. Give the meining of the following words:
      1. Tribulations 
      2. Subdued(2 marks)
    8. Explain any TWO social concerns evident in the excerpt. (4 marks)
  3. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow. (20 marks)
    Pledging My Soul
    When I was a boy
    I climbed onto your granite breasts
    smooth and round
    I trailed my body
    from the small of your back
    to your yielding neck
    the cup of your breasts
    was my pillow
    the rivers of your tears
    drowned me down in your depths
    and the smooth plain of your flat belly
    yielded to mine
    I was yours
    and your were mine
    Now a man
    in exile from the warmth of your arms
    and the milk of your teeth
    the breath of your secret whispers in my ears
    Shall I not stride back to you with haste
    rout all my enemies and bind the wicked husbandmen
    to rise naked before you-a bowl of incense?
    and the smoke of my nakedness shall be
    an offering to you pledging my soul
    Charles Marechera (Zimbabwe)
    1. Identify the persona in the poem. (2 marks)
    2. What is the poem about?(4 marks)
    3. Explain the use of two poetic devices in the poem. (4 marks)
    4. Comment on the prevailing mood in the first stanza. (3 marks)
    5. How does the persona's life as a man differ from his life as a boy? (4 marks)
    6. Explain the meaning of the following lines as used in the poem.(3 marks)
      1. I was yours
        and you were mine
      2. Now a man
        in exile from the warmth of your arms
      3. rout all my enemies and bind the wicked husbandmen
  4. Grammar (15 marks)
    1. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. (4 marks)
      1. "Where is my assignment?" the angry teacher demanded (Begin: The angry...)
      2. So fearful is she that she cannot go out of their house at night. (Rewrite using "too")
      3. The Principal has been teaching Form Two White. (Passivize the sentence)
      4. She had never seen such a beautiful flewer vase. (Use "inversion" to rewrite)
    2. Rewrite the following sentences using one word to replace the underlined words. (3 marks)
      1. These workers jobs may be put at risk if you purchase this machine.
      2. All the people who have no fixed place of residence were arrested.
      3. Brian is the only person who does not drink alcohol beverages in their village
    3. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in brackets. (2 marks)
      1. "It is (treason)............................to even imagine the death of a sitting president,” John said.
      2. The dog barked (menace)......................... at the stranger.
    4. Explain the difference in meaning between the following sentences
      1. Kipchoge, who won the Tokyo Olympics, is my uncle.
      2. Kipchoge who won the Tokyo Olympics is my uncle.
    5. Rewrite the following sentences by replacing the underlined verbs with appropriate phrasal verb formed from the words given in brackets.(3 marks)
      1. Jane asked John not to involve himself with her family matters. (keep)
      2. He asked Alice to marry him but she rejected him. (turn)
      3. My father scolded me because I had not done the assignment. (tell) (1 mark)
    6. Underline the adverbial in the following sentence:
      The boys went to play in the field.


    1. According to the passage, society's role is to provide young people with the sight knowledge and skills to become productive workers, good parents and responsible citizens. (2 marks)
    2. An education system can help in the attainment of the demands of the job marking by teaching students the practical knowledge, thinking and behavioral skills (demanded by the labour market).
    3. Both the labour market and entrepreneurs are now demanding people with thinking and problem solving skills(2 marks)
    4. High quality education should endow learners with superior conceptual, analytical and critical skills (1 mark). These skills should, in turn, condition learners to be curious, inquisitive and always posing and seeking answers to problem situations or processes (1 mark)
    5. Expect the following points:
      • Possess decision-making skills
      • High orden this making skills
      • Exhibit team work,
      • Be able to negotiate conflict and manage risks
      • Apply specific knowledge to real-life situations,
      • Possess vocational skills.
        Expect the 5 points: / mark each. The answer should be in nole/pour form. Penalize 50% per point if in continuous prose
    6. The author has used a metaphor: "Effective investments need to happen during childhood and adolescence for it to bear fruits." (2 marks) Compares the effectiveness/success of investments in education to a tree that bears fruit (1 mark)
      Idiom to bear finit g) i.
      1. Underscores - emphasizes/stresses/underlines
      2. integral - important/primarylessential/basic/vital Crucial main key
      3. obligation - duty/responsibility/compulsion
    1. Olarinkoi's mother scolded Resian for hurting Olarinkoi/Olarinkoi's mother had spewed loathsome words on her
    2. Ole Kaelo - he was Oloisudori's business partner.
    3. Olarinkoi - he had lied to her and led her to his hut and tried to rape her. Oloisudori - he had touched her inappropriately, ogled her, and forcefully wanted to
      marry her.
    4. Use of vernacular/local dialect - Taba! /Kilome sogo!
      Rhetorical question - What have done to the gods to deserve this kind of punishment?
      Biblical allusion - she particularly remembered the lamentations of Job.
      Monologue/soliloquy - O God of all creation! What unending woes these are?
      Metaphor - She had also learnt that Oloisudori, the monster was looking for her.
      Simile - He was like the proverbial,pig that was fried using its own lard.
    5. Resolute/decisive - she resolved to remain focused.
      Religious -- she prayed for strength and endurance.
    6. Sad - Resian wonders why troubles keep following her.
      1. Troubles/tribulations/challenges/hardships/woes/sufferings/trials
      2. Conquered/overpowered/defeated/overwhelmed
    8. Social concerns:
      Tradition. They may even physically circumcise her
      Marriage - Olarinkoi may physically take her as his wife.
    1. A man in exile/deprived of mother's love. Now a man in exile
    2. The poem is about a man's love for his mother/native country. He misses the love comfort he used to enjoy as a boy which has been replaced with hatred/coldness. He pleads with the mother country to restore the lost love/warmth.
      • Metaphor-Granite breasts(firm breasts)
        (Extended) Metaphor- Female body-describes the native country which expressed love for the persona (though this love is lost, he pleads for its restoration)
      • Alliteration-When I was, ...your yielding.... not kneel,...(enhances memorability)
      • Rhetorical question-... to rise naked before you a bowl of incense? ( to emphasize how much he needs the restoration of lost love) 
      • Assonance. I climbed onto your granite breasts (enhances memorability)
      • Rhyme-back-kneck (enhances memorability)
      • Exaggeration/hyperbole/overstatement the rivers of your tears, I climbed onto your granite breasts
    4. Nostalgic-The persona longs for the love/warmth he used to enjoy as a boy.
      • As a boy, he was loved (I was yours and you were mine) while as a man, he is hated
        Now a man in exile from the warmth of your arms)
      • As a boy, he had a sense of belonging (I climbed onto your granite breasts...), while as a man, he feels unwanted/exiled (Now a man in exile from the warmth of your arms)
      • As a boy, he felt protected (...drowned me down in your depths); while as a man, be feels unprotected(rout all my enemies...)
      1. We loved each other
      2. Currently a man deprived of your love/affection/warmth Samsung Triple camera
      3. Defeat all those against the country's progress/prosperity
      1. (Begin: The angry...) The angry teacher demanded to know where his/her assignment was
      2. So fearful is she that she cannot go out of their house at night
        (Rewrite using "too")
        She is too fearful to go out of their house at night. / Too fearful is slie to go out of their house at night
      3. The Principal has been teaching Form Two White. (Passivize the sentence)
        Form Two White has been being taught by the Principal.
      4. She had never seen such a beautiful flower vase. (Use "inversion to rewrite)
        Never had she seen such a beautiful flower vase/ She had never seen such a beautiful flower vase, had she?
      1. These workers' jobs may be put at risk if you purchase this machine.
        These workers' jobs may be jeopardized if you purchase this machine.
      2. All the people who have no fixed place of residence were arrested.
        All the homeless were arrested. Vagabundo
      3. Brian is the only person who does not drink alcohol beverages in their village
        Brian is the only feetotaler in their village. (2 marks)
      1. "It is (treason) treasonable to even imagine the death of a sitting president." John said.
      2. The dog barked (menace) menacingly at the stranger.
      1. Kipchoge, who won the Tokyo Olympics, is my uncle.
        There is ONLY ONE person called Kipchoge known to the audience. (Non-Defining)
      2. Kipchoge who won the Tokyo Olympics is my uncle.
        There are OTHER people called Kipchoge, but the reference is made to the one who won the Tokyo Olympics. (Defining)  
      1. Jane asked John not to involve himself with her family matters. (keep)
        Jane asked John to keep or her family matters. peri)
      2. He asked Alice to marry him but she rejected him. (turn)
        He asked Alice to marry him but she turned him down.
      3. My father scolded me because I had not done the assignment. (tell)
        My father told me off because I had not done the assignment. (1 mark)
    6. The boys went to play in the field.
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