Geography Paper 1 Questions and Answers - MECS Pre Mock Exams 2023

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  1. This paper has two sections: A and B
  2. Answer all the questions in section A
  3. Answer question 6 and any other two questions from section B
  4. This paper consists of 6 printed pages. Ensure ALL the 10 questions are printed.

For examiners use only



















    1. Define the following terms.
      1. Geography (1mk)
      2. Habitat (1mk)
    2. Give three branches of geography. (3mks)
    1. Name two elements of weather that can be recorded at a school station. (2mks)
    2. Give three reasons why the recording of data at a school station may be inaccurate. (3mks)
    1. What is a hydrological cycle (2mks)
    2. State three factors that influence the amount of surface run-off. (3mks)
  4. Use the diagram below to answer questions that follow.
    1. 4 ahfdytadaWhat type of eclipse is represented by the diagram? (1mk)
    2. Name the parts marked P and Q (2mks
    3. what is the effect of the international date line on crossing the line? (2mks)
  5. The diagram represents zones of natural vegetation on a mountain in Africa. Use it to answer Question (a)
    5 atyfdytad
    1. Name the vegetation zones marked W, X, & Y.
    2. Give two reasons why mountains tops have no vegetation


  1. Study the map of Kisumu East 1:50,000 (sheet 116/2) provided and answer the following questions.
      1. Give the four figure grid reference of Obwolo school. (1mk)
      2. What is the approximate height of point 000960? (1mk)
      3. Name two physical features found at grid square 0384. (2mks)
      4. Name two types of natural vegetation in the area covered by the map (2mks
    2. Calculate the area of the Kisumu municipality. Give your answer in square kilometers (km²) (2mks)
    3. Measure the length of the all-weather road(bound surface) from the junction at grid reference 974911 to the edge of the map, grid reference 950968 (2mks)
    4. Citing evidence, give three social functions of Kisumu town. (6mks)
      1. Using a scale of 1cm to represent 200 metres, draw a cross-section from grid reference 970980 to 030989. (4mks)
      2. On it mark and name the following
        • Steep slope (1mk)
        • Motor able road (1mk)
        • Nyangori river (1mk)
      3. Calculate the vertical exaggeration. (2mks)
      1. Define the term folding (2mk)
      2. State three factors that influence folding. (3mks)
      1. Briefly describe the continental drift theory. (5mks)
      2. State 2 evidences supporting the above theory of continental drift. (2mks)
      1. Using a well labelled diagram, explain how conventional currents theory may lead to formation of Fold Mountains. (6mks)
      2. Highlight the signifance of Fold Mountains to human activities. (5mks)
      3. Give two theories that explain the formation of Fold Mountains apart from convectional currents theory. (2mks)
    1. Define the following terms
      1. Glaciation (1mk)
      2. Ice-berg (1mk)
    2. Give two reasons why there are no ice sheets in Kenya (2mks)
    3. The diagram below shows a glaciated landscape use it to answer questions that follow.
      8 aytdyaytda
      1. Identify the feature labelled M and N (2mks)
      2. Name two process through which N is formed. (2mks)
      3. Describe how feature marked N is formed. (5mks)
      1. Name two types of moraines. (3mks)
      2. Explain two factors that determine the speed of ice movement. (4mks)
    5. Students from a school near Mt. Kenya were planning to carry out afield study of the glaciated features on top of the mountain.
      1. State two reasons why they needed a route map. (2mks)
      2. Give three challenges they would likely face during their field study. (3mks)
      1.  Define the term underground water. (1mk)
      2. Give three sources of underground water. (3mks)
      3. Explain 3 factors that influence the occurrence of underground water. (6mks)
    2. The diagram below shows an artesian well.
      9 uyuaugdaudugad
      1. Name the parts marked X and Y. (2mks)
      2. State four conditions necessary for the formation of artesian wells. (4mks)
      3. Explain two significance of underground water to human activities. (4mks)
    3. You intend to carry out a field study in a Karst landscape.
      1. Give two reasons why it is necessary to carry out a pre-visit before the study. (2mks)
      2. Give three follow –up activities that you were engaged in after the actual study.(3mks)
      1. Name three factors that influence the formation of soil. (3mks)
      2. Name three processes of soil formation. (3mks)
    2. Apart from texture, name other properties of soil. (3mks)
      1. What is soil degeneration? (2mks)
      2. Explain three ways in which farming practices may lead to loss of soil fertility.(6mks)
      3. State how soil acidity is reduced. (2mks)
      1. Draw a simple – labelled diagram of profile of a mature soil. (4mks)
      2. Distinguish between soil profile and soil catena. (2mks)


    1. Define the following terms.
      1. Geography (1mk)
        • The scientific study of earth as the home of mankind
        • Study of distribution and interrelationship of the natural and human phenomena on earth’s surface
      2. Habitat (1mk)
        • Physical condition that influence development and behavior of living organisms
    2. Give three branches of geography.(3mks)
      • Physical geography
      • Human
      • Practical Geography
    1. Name two elements of weather that can be recorded at a school station.(2mks)
      • Wind
      • Rain
      • Temperature
      • Humidity
      • Sunshine
      • Atmosphere pressure
      • Cloud cover
    2. Give three reasons why the recording of data at a school station may be inaccurate. (3mks)
      • Human error
      • Interference with instruments
      • Poor siting of weather stations
      • Extreme weather conditions
      • Natural calamities
    1. What is a hydrological cycle(2mks)
      • Hydrological cycle is the continuous interchange of water in a cycle between water bodies land and the atmosphere.
    2. State 3 factors that influence the amount of surface run-off. (3mks)
      • Amount/Nature of rainfall
      • Gradient of the land
      • Nature of rocks/soil
      • Water table/level of soil/saturation
      • Vegetation cover
      • Human activities
  4. Use the diagram below to answer questions that follow.
    4 adada
    1. What type of eclipse is represented by the diagram? (1mk)
      • Solar eclipse
    2. Name the parts marked P and Q(2mks
      • P – Moon
      • Q – umbra
    3. What is the effect of the international date line on crossing the line?(2mks)
      • On crossing this longitude while going to the east, a day is gained while crossing to the west a day is lost.
  5. The diagram represents zones of natural vegetation on a mountain in Africa. Use it to answer Question (a)
    5 adadad
    1. Name the vegetation zones marked w,x,& y.
      • W-Rainforest
      • X-Bamboo
      • Y- Health and Moorland
    2. Give two reasons why mountains tops have no vegetation
      • Temperatures are two low to spport plant growth
      • There is thin soil/no soil to support plant growth/bare rock.
      • Water is in frozen state
      1. Give the four figure grid reference of Obwolo school.(1mk)
        • 9995
      2. What is the approximate height of point 000960?(1mk)
        • 1200m
      3. Name two physical features found at grid square 0384.(2mks)
        • River
        • River Valley
        • Seasonal swamp
      4. Name two types of natural vegetation in the area covered by the map(2mks)
        • scattered trees
        • Scrub vegetation
        • Woodland vegetation
        • Papyrus swamp vegetation
    2. Calculate the area of the Kisumu municipality. Give your answer in square kilometers (km²) (2mks)
      • Full squares =5
      • Half square =17/2
      • = 5 + 17/2 =13.5 km² - +0.5
    3. Measure the length of the all-weather road(bound surface) from the junction at grid reference 974911 to the edge of the map, grid reference 960959.(2mks)
      • 5.4km + 0.1
      • (5.3 – 5.5 km)
    4. Citing evidence explain three social functions of Kisumu town.(6mks)
      • Water supply centre evidenced by water works
      • Education center evidenced by prison
      • Health center evidenced by a school
      • Religious center evidenced by church
      • Administrative center evidenced by prison
      1. Using a scale of 1cm to represent 200 metres, draw a cross-section from grid reference 970980 to 030989. (4mks)
      2. On it mark and name the following
        • Steep slope(1mk)
        • Motor able road(1mk)
        • Nyangori river(1mk)
          graph uaygduyad
          (T-1mrk, y-1mk, SP and EP-1mk, labelled y axis- 1mk)
      3. Calculate the vertical exaggeration.(2mks)
        • V.E= Vertical scale
        • Horizontal scale
        • 1/200m ÷ 1/500
          1/200m x 500/1 = 2.5 times
      1. Define the term folding(2mk)
        • Folding is the bending or distortion of crustal rocks which make them bend upwards and downwards due to compressional forces.
      2. State three factors that influence folding.(3mks)
        • Rock type/flexibility or elasticity of a rock
        • Strength or intensity of the compressional forces
        • Temperature within rocks
        • The age of sedimentary rocks
      1. Briefly describe the continental drift theory. (5mks)
        •  It states the earth was initially a large land mass called Pangae. It was surrounded by a great sea called panthalasa
        • Later pangea broke up into two blocks namely Laurasia and Gondwanaland.The blocks were separated by a narrow sea called Tethys – Eventually laurasia broke and formed the Northern continents e.g Europe and America while Gondwanaland formed southern like Africa
      2. State 3 evidences supporting the above theory of continental drift.(3mks)
        • The jig – saw fit of continental margins
        • Geological /structure
        • Sea floor spreading
        • Climatology
        • Distribution of ancient glacial deposits
        • The mid atlantic ridge
        • Paleontological evidences
        • Palaeomagnetic studies
      1. Using a well labelled diagram, explain how conventional currents theory may lead to formation of fold mountains.(6mks)
        • The hot molten mantle rocks has convectional currents that move in a circular motion from the bottom towards the crust.
        • The currents exert a frictional drag on the sima rocks
        • This make the crustal rock to move horizontally which generates the compressional forces .
        • The compressional forces squeeze sedimentary rocks materials which bend to form fold mountains.
          7 c uayguydada
      2. Highlight the signifance of Fold Mountains to human activities. (4mks)
        • Fold mountains provide beautiful scenery that attract tourist hence bring foreign exchange
        • Wind ward slopes of fold mountain receive heavy precipitation rainfall which encourage settlement/agriculture
        • Some fold mountains have exposed valuable mineral deposits which are mined for income/industrial raw materials
        • Some fold mountains act as a barrier to transport and communication lines difficult and expensive.
        • Rugged nature of Folds Mountains hinder settlement/agricultural activities.
      3. Give two theories that explain the formation of Fold Mountains apart from convectional currents theory.(2mks)
        • Contraction theory
        • Plate tectonics theory
    1. Define the following terms
      1. Glaciation(1mk)
        • Process through which moving ice erodes,transport and deposits material on the earth’s surface to form glacial features
      2. Ice-berg(1mk)
        • A large block of ice broken from ice sheets and floating in seas/oceans
    2. Give two reasons why there are no ice sheets in Kenya(2mks)
      • Kenya experiences high temperatures under which ice cannot form
      • Most parts of Kenya have low altitude/lowlands.
      • Kenya is found at low latitude regions/equatorial areas
    3. The diagram below shows a glaciated landscape use it to answer questions that follow.
      8 c augduyada
      1. Identify the feature labelled M and N (2mks)
        • M- Arete
        • N- Tarn/corrie lakes/ cirque lake
      2. Name two process through which N is formed.(2mks)
        • Plucking process
        • Abrasion process
      3. Describe how feature marked N is formed.(5mks)
        • Snow accumulates in a pre-existing hallow on a mountain side
        • Snow gets compacted into ice to form cirque glacier
        • Through abrasion the floor aand the sides are eroded deepening the hollow
        • Plucking process erodes the back walls steepening them
        • A series of these processes results to formation of deep arm –shaped depression called corrie
        • The depression filled melt water to form a lake called a tarn
      1. Name two types of moraines.(3mks)
        • Lateral moraine
        • Media moraine
        • Terminal moraine
        • Ground/sub-glacial moraine
        • Recessional moraine
        • Glacial moraine
      2. Explain two factors that determine the speed of ice movement.(4mks)
        • Temparature changes
        • Width of the glacier channel
        • Thickness and height of the glacier
        • Gradient of the slope
        • Nature of the rock surface/friction
    5. Students from a school near Mt. Kenya were planning to carry out afield study of the glaciated features on top of the mountain.
      1. State two reasons why they needed a route map.(2mks)
        • To identify direction to take
        • To estimate distance they would cover
        • To estimate time they are likely to take
        • To plan a schedule of a activities/working programme
      2. Give three challenges they would likely face during their field study. (3mks)
        • Ice – accumulation may hinder transportation
        • Steep landcape making roads impassible
        • Attack by wild animals eg. snakes.
        • Accidents may occur eg. falling due to the steep slopes
      1. Define the term underground water.(1mk)
        •  It is water that is found beneath the earth surface
        • Is water found in the pores of a permeable rock underground and above an impermeable rock layer.
      2. Give three sources of underground water.(3mks)
        • Rain water
        • lakes /seas/rivers
        • Melt water/melting ice
        • Magmatic water/plutonic water
      3. Explain 3 factors that influence the occurrence of underground water. (6mks)
        • Evaporation rate- high evaporation leads to less infiltration
        • Low evaporation leads to more infiltration
        • Level of ground saturation – dry soil absorb more water to make underground water while saturated& wet soils have little infiltration.
        • Vegetation cover- presence of vegetation cover reduce run-off//hold water on the ground & water has enough time to infiltrate, while bare grounds has more run-off hence little infiltration.
        • Amount of precipitation/rainfall.
        • Slope/gradient- flat ground has more infiltration as water remains in place and has enough time to sink steep slopes have ru-off and little water infiltration.
    2. The diagram below shows an artesian well.
      9 b juauudad
      1. Name the parts marked X and Y.(2mks)
        • x – Aquifer/permeable rock
        • y – Impermeable rock
      2. State four conditions necessary for the formation of artesian wells.(4mks)
        • The mouth of the well must be lower than the water intake area for water to flow out naturally.
        • The artesian well be sunk to reach below water table in the permeable rock for it to have water permanently.
        • Permeable rock/aquifer must be sandwiched between two impermeable rocks to hold water.
        • The permeable rock/aquifer must outcrop in a region of adequate water supply/high rainfall/ a lake bed in order to absorb water of underground water.
      3. Explain two significance of underground water to human activities. (4mks)
        • Form springs which are a source of rivers that provide water for domestic/industrial/irrigation uses.
        • Underground water forms oasis/wells that provide water for domestic/industrial uses.
        • Underground water sustains growth of crops/plant animal life.
        • Spring /oasis/wells attract settlement/development of towns
        • Hot springs/geysers formed by underground water during vulcanicity are used to generate geothermal power
    3. You intend to carry out a field study in a Karst landscape.
      1. Give two reasons why it is necessary to carry out a pre-visit before the study. (2mks)
        • To familiarizes the students with the area
        • To determine the suitability of the area of study
        • To estimate the cost of study and plan accordingly.
        • To identify any problem is likely to encounter during the study
        • It is useful in designing a working schedule
      2. Give three follow –up activities that you were engaged in after the actual study.(3mks)
        • Discussing the findings
        • Drawing sketches
        • Analyzing the data
        • Interpreting the data
        • Writing reports
      1. Name three factors that influence the formation of soil. (3mks)
        • Parent material
        • Time
        • Climate
        • Living organisms
        • Gradient/relief
      2. Name three processes of soil formation.
        • Lateralization
        • Humification
        • Salinization
        • podzolisation
    2. Apart from texture, name other properties of soil. (3mks)
      • Thickness
      • Water
      • Porosity
      • Colour
      • Temperature
      • Lime content
      1. What is soil degeneration? (2mks)
        • It is the loss of soil fertility or soil deterioration/decline in usefulness of soil due to physical chemical and biological factors.
      2. Explain three ways in which farming practices may lead to loss of soil fertility.(6mks)
        • Overgrazing leads to removal of vegetation exposing soil to agent of erosion.
        • Frequent ploughing –weaken soil structure & make it easy for agents of soil erosion.
        • Burning crop remains and bushes destroy, organic matter.
        • Over use of agro – chemicals – change soil P.H and make it poor.
        • Plough up and down the slope create channels for run-off which takes away soil nutrients.
      3.  State how soil acidity is reduced. (2mks)
        • Adding lime content i.e calcium hydroxide to the soil
        • Draining of swampy/stagnant environment to improve soil aeration
        • Planting of water tolerant/sapping plants in swampy zones to improve the drainage condition.
      1. Draw a simple – labelled diagram of profile of a mature soil. (4mks)
        last tygaydad
      2. Distinguish between soil profile and soil catena.(2mks)
        • Soil profile is the vertical/arrangement of different layers of soil from the surface to the bed rock while soil catena is the sequence of different soils layers down a slope.



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