History Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Chogoria Murugi Zone Pre Mock Exams 2023

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Instructions to Candidates

  • This paper consists of three sections A, B and C.
  • Answer all questions in section A, three from Section B and two from Section C.
  • Candidates should answer the questions in EnglisH



  1. Give the relationship between history and government 1 mk
  2. Identify two types of manuscripts which is likely to contain information on history and government. 2 mks
  3. Give one reason why Homo habilis was refered to as “able” man 1 mk
  4. Name two sources of information on the creation theory 2 mks
  5. Identify two types of regional trade (2 mks)
  6. Give the main form of transport that was used in trans-saharan trade (1 mk)
  7. State two characteristics of the macadamized roads in the 19 th century (2 mks)
  8. Identify one form of picture writing during the early civilizations (1 mk)
  9. Give two factors which should be considered when sending a message (2 mks)
  10. Give two inventions that improved textile manufacturing industry in Britain in 18th century 2 mks
  11. Name two metals that were used as currency in pre-colonial Africa (2 mks)
  12. State two similarities between the Buganda and Ndebele systems of government in the 19th century
    (2 mks)
  13. Give one reason why the shona supported the british during the Ndebele resistance of 1893 (1 mk)
  14. Name one treaty signed between lobengula and British during the process of colonization of South Africa during 19th century (1 mk)
  15. Name the country that was blamed for the outbreak of the first world war ( 1 mk)
  16. Give one political cause of the first world war (1 mk)
  17. Give the main cause of the cold war (1 mk)


Answer any three questions

    1. State five stages of evolution of man. (5 marks)
    2. Describe the culture of man during the late Stone Age. (10 marks)
    1. State three disadvantages of using coal as a source of energy. (3 marks)
    2. Explain six effects of scientific inventions on industry. (12 marks)
    1. State five methods used by the British to acquire colonies in Africa. (5 marks)
    2. Explain five effects of the partition of Africa. (10 marks)
    1. Identify five causes for the rise of African nationalism. (5 marks)
    2. Discuss five Problems that faced FRELIMO in the war against Portuguese in Mozambique. (10 marks)


Answer any two questions.

    1. Give three parts into which the Asante kingdom was divided (3 marks)
    2. Explain six aspects of the political organization of Shona kingdom during the pre-colonial period.
      (12 marks)
    1. State three functions of Emirs during the British administration in Nigeria 3 mks
    2. Explain six reasons why indirect rule policy failed in southern Nigeria (12 mks)
    1. Name any three treaties that formed the Treaty of Versailles.(3 marks)
    2. Explain six reasons why the League of Nations failed to preserve world Peace and security



  1. Give the relationship between history and government  1 mk
    • History is the study of man’s past activities while government is the study of how people are governed.
  2. Identify two types of manuscripts which is likely to contain information on history and government.   2 mks
    1. Stones tablets
    2. Parchments
    3. Clay tablets
    4. Scrolls
  3. Give one reason why Homo habilis was refered to as “able” man  1 mk
    • Because of his ability to make tools
  4. Name two sources of information on the creation theory   2 mks
    1. The bible
    2. The quran
    3. Vedas
  5. Identify two types of regional trade (2 mks)
    1. Trans-Saharan trade
    2. Long-distance trade
  6. Give the main form of transport that was used in trans-saharan trade  (1 mk)
    • Animal transport
  7. State two characteristics of the macadamized roads in the 19th century  (2 mks)
    1. They were all weather roads
    2. They were wide
    3. They were durable
    4. They had good surface/drainage/cambered/curved
    5. They were straight
    6. They were cheap to construct
    7. They were smooth
  8. Identify one form of picture writing during the early civilizations (1 mk)
    1. Hieroglyphics
    2. Cuneiform
  9. Give two factors which should be considered when sending a message  (2 mks)
    1. Urgency of the message
    2. Distance between the sender and the receiver of the message
    3. Cost of sending the message
    4. Geographical factors
    5. Medium/availability of means of communication
  10. Give two inventions that improved textile manufacturing industry in Britain in 18th century  2 mks
    1. The flying shuttle by John Kay
    2. Water frame of Richard Arkwright
    3. Spinning Jenny of James Samuel Croptom
    4. The cotton Gin of Elli Whitney
    5. Steam power loom of Edmund Cartwright
    6. Cylindrical calico printing machine of Thomas Bell
  11. Name two metals that were used as currency in pre-colonial Africa    (2 mks)
    1. Iron
    2. Gold
    3. Copper
    4. Silver
    5. Bronze
  12. State two similarities between the Buganda and Ndebele systems of government in the 19th century   (2 mks)
    1. Both systems were centralized
    2. They were ruled by  hereditary monarchs/kings/kingship was hereditary
    3. They had a strong army
    4. The king had absolute power/appointed administrators
  13. Give one reason why the shona supported the british during the Ndebele resistance of 1893  (1 mk)
    1. To stop raids from the ndebele
    2. They did not want to be ruled by Ndebele
  14. Name one treaty signed between lobengula and british during the process of colonization of South Africa during 19th century  (1 mk]
    1. Rudd concession
    2. Moffat treaty
  15. Name the country that was blamed for the outbreak of the first world war  ( 1 mk)
    • Germany
  16. Give one political cause of the first world war (1 mk)
    1. Assassination of archduke franz ferdinard of Austria/Sarajevo assassination
    2. Development of nationalism
    3. Rivarly over colonial possession/imperialism
    4. Arms race
    5. Desire to revenge
    6. The Moroccan crisis
    7. The Balkan wars
    8. The italo-turkish dispute over libya
  17. Give the main cause of the cold war  (1 mk)
    • Ideological differences between the USA and USSR,


    1. State five stages of evolution of man. (5 marks)
      1. Aegyptopithecus - An Early African Monkey
      2. Dryopithecus Africanus (proconsul)
      3. Kenyapithecus (Ramapithecus) 
      4. Australopithecus (southern ape)
      5. Homo habilis
      6. Homo erectus (“Upright Man”)
      7. Homo sapiens (“Wise Man” thinking man)
      8. Homo sapiens sapiens
    2. Describe the culture of man during the late stone age. (10 marks)
        • Man became a Very skilled toolmaker-they made tools known as microliths- (small piece of sharp stone tool). For example, a crescent or a lunate which had a straight sharp cutting edge and a curved blunted back. Their weapons include stone axes, knives, spears, harpoons, wooden bows, and sharp, stone tipped arrows, hooks, needles, and bone fish hooks. Neanderthals were the first to create the pointed tip on hunting spears and harpoons
        • Earlier sapiens used caves as their homes instead of building one. Later, they made permanent homes that looked like tents or tepees, out of tree branches, grass, mammoth bones, and animal skins. They used or made some sort of paint to use on their cave paintings.
        • Man domesticated plants and animals though he continued to hunt and gather.
        • Man changed as from Nomadic lifestyle to settled stationary lifestyle; i.e sedentary
        • Population also increased due to balanced diet and adequate food
        • Due to settled life and improved settlement, rules and laws were set up as a basis of government. Some people also specialized in leadership, religious activities as well as making of crafts.
        • Man’s language and religious beliefs developed as a result of depending on natural forces like rain. They began to ponder over issues like life and death. Evidence is found at Hyrax Hill and Njoro river Cave where human fossil remains were found buried with items such as tools and seeds or food. The practice of burying someone with his possessions implied a belief in life after death. Neanderthals were the first to bury their dead. They also seemed to have a conception of an afterlife as shown by the actual burial site at La Ferrassie, France, with seven tombs including a man, a woman and several children’s graves lying side by side.
        • Humans specialized in crafts such as basketry, pottery and later smelting
        • Evidenced by this horse’ head carving to the right. 
    1. Disadvantages of using coal  as a source of energy          ( 3 mks)
      1. Polluted the environment
      2. It is bulky and difficult to transport
      3. Expensive to mine and transport
      4. Coal mining is risky / can cause accidents
      5. It is non- renewable.
    2. Six  effects of scientific invention on industry    (12mks)
      1. Led to production of goods
      2. Led to adequate supply of goods / met demands
      3. Invention of printing  press  has led to  mass production of newspapers , books ,periodicals & magazines
      4. It has revolutionized  transport sector eg railway
      5. New sources of energy led to building of new iron and steel industries.
      6. Has created  employment opportunities in industries
      7. Production of large quantities has opened up trade due to industrial manufacture of military hardware.
      8. Led to pollution of environment.
      9. Automation of industries has led to loss of jobs.
    1. State five methods used by the British to acquire colonies in Africa. (5 marks)
      1. Signing of treaties;
      2. Military conquest/ Use of force.
      3. Use of missionaries as frontrunners.
      4. Treachery and Divide and rule policy
      5. Use of company rule.
      6. Luring/enticements.
      7. Diplomatic skills.
      8. A blend of diplomacy and force.
    2. Explain five effects of the partition of Africa. (10 marks)
      1. Introduction of European administration minimized intertribal wars and civil strife.
      2. It led to development of strong African leadership and beginning of state formation.
      3. Colonial government structures inherited by most independent African states have continued to be models of governments in African countries.
      4. Rise of African nationalism to fight colonialism led to the development of African political awareness.
      5. The Europeans gained fame, prestige and national glory by having colonial possessions.
      6. it led to collapse of African traditional political systems and leadership.
      7. Use of divide and rule promoted ethnic disunity that continues to trouble Africa many years after independence.
      8. Boundary creation split apart many African communities. For example, the Somali are found both in Kenya and in Somalia, the Maasai in Kenya and Tanzania and the Ewe in Ghana and Togo. 
      9. Through the protection offered to missionaries, it stimulated the spread of Christianity to various parts of Africa.
      10. It led to development of urban centres. Some towns grew as centres of administration e.g. Nairobi and Machakos. Others grew as railway terminus e.g. Kisumu.
      11. African welfare was boosted. Some African benefited from western education and health facilities introduced by the Europeans.
      12. European languages were introduced in Africa.
      13. Negatively, it created landlessness as European settlers appropriated African land.
      14. The Africans adopted some negative aspects of western culture.
      15. Many Africans lost their lives through resistance.
      16. There was construction of roads, railway and other forms of infrastructure, which helped to open up the interior.
      17. Imperialization helped to widen market for African produce especially with the establishment of local industries.
      18. Africans were exposed to European manufactured goods/ increase in essential commodities.
      19. Partition speeded up the economic growth of European nations.
      20. Negatively, forced labour and exploitation of African resources left many parts of Africa impoverished and underdeveloped.
      21. Africans were exposed to heavy taxation and denial to participate in economic activities like farming and trade.
    1. Identify five causes for the rise of African nationalism. (5 marks)
      1. The exposure of Africans to severe economic exploitation during the colonial period. e.g land alienation in the Kenya Highlands which was accompanied with forced labour where the labourers faced mistreatment.
      2. Africans were fed up of heavy and harsh taxation by the Europeans. They were exposed to heavy taxation, ranging from hut tax to breast tax in Belgian Congo.
      3. Africans were fed up with the gradual destruction of their culture by the whites.
      4. Missionaries totally dismissed the age-old African traditions as being barbaric.
      5. The introduction of racial discrimination to go hand in hand with colonialism.  All the best social amenities in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Kenya were reserved for the whites. The Europeans equated the black colour with low intelligence, uncivilized and a backward race.
      6. Colonialism interfered with African political institutions. The colonial rulers disregarded traditional rulers, appointing their own puppets in their place.
      7. The Acquisition of western education by many Africans by 1945 enabled them to articulate their grievances more forcefully and to understand political developments outside Africa.
      8. The return of the ex-servicemen after the second world war which exposed the myth of the white supremacy making Africans ready to fight them. Moreover, the colonial government failed to reward African ex-soldiers to embitter them more.
      9. The change of government from Conservative to Labour Party in Britain in 1946 stimulated a new attitude in Britain towards decolonization. This motivated African nationalists.
      10. The rise of nationalism in Asia, culminating into the granting of independence to India and Pakistan in 1947 aroused great confidence among Africans who worked closely with Asian nationalists like Jawaharlal Nehru, the India Prime Minister.
      11. The rise of Pan-Africanism in Africa after the 1945 Manchester conference contributed to the new demands for political independence in Africa Many African élites attended the conference which served as a source of awakening.
      12. The formation of the UNO and the pressure it exerted on the European powers to decolonize helped the Africans in their course.
      13. The emergence of United States and the Soviet Union as super powers in the world contributed to the decolonization process. USA was keen to see Britain and France grant independence to their subjects in the world in order to secure new markets.
      14. The signing of the Atlantic Charter in 1941 by Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt which demanded that when the WW2 ended, all subject peoples should enjoy the right to self-determination.
    2. Discuss five Problems that faced FRELIMO in the war against Portuguese in Mozambique. (10 marks)
      1. Africans experienced severe shortage of basic needs while in the forests. The government forces ensured that food and other supplies did not reach the fighters.
      2. The attitude of the church in Mozambique made many African faithful reluctant to support the liberation war. The church termed FRELIMO a terrorist organization.
      3. FRELIMO suffered internal divisions due to ideological differences and selfish ambitions among some of the nationalists. African elites like Reverend Uria Simango and Lazaro Kavandame saw FRELIMO as an instrument of acquiring assets for their own selfish benefits.
      4. Competition from rival guerilla movements like Revolutionary Committee of Mozambique (COREMO) which broke away from FRELIMO in 1965 due to the later’s lean towards socialism.
      5. The assassination of FRELIMO leader Eduardo Mondlane in Da es Salaam on 3rd February 1969 was a great blow to the nationalists.
      6. The brutality employed by the Portuguese in dealing with FRELIMO sympathizers. For example at Wiriyamu, in December 1972, 400 civilians, protesting against the Portuguese administration, were massacred.
      7. The apartheid regime in South Africa and the Unilateral Declaration of Independence regime in south Rhodesia combined forces to fight the nationalists in Mozambique since they were a threat to their countries.


    1. Give three parts into which the Asante kingdom was divided into
      1. Kumasi(the metropolitan Asante)
      2. Amatoo states
      3. Provincial Asante.
    2. Explain six aspects of political organization of the Shona kingdom during the pre-colonial period (12 marks)
      1. They were ruled by a King (Mwene Mutapa) who had absolute authority over the subjects.
      2. The King’s position was hereditary so as to reduce succession disputes.
      3. The King was assisted by several people eg the court steward.
      4. There was an advisory council whose work was to advise the king.
      5. The Kingdom was divided into provinces under provincial / lesser chiefs who were directly answerable to the king.
      6. The provinces were divided in to chiefdoms ruled by chiefs.
      7. Under the chiefs there were head men who were in charge of the villages.
      8. They had a standing army whose main duty was to defend / expand the empire.
      9. The king was a symbol of unity as he was semi-divine.
      10. There existed priests who acted as spies for the king.
        FIRST 6 x 2  = 12 mrks
    1. state three functions of Emirs during the British administration in Nigeria. (3mks)
      1. They represented the colonial government at the local level in administration.
      2. They recruited labour for public works.
      3. They collected taxes for the colonial government
      4. They communicated the colonial government policies to the people.
      5. They tried/heard cases in the local courts.
    2. Explain six reasons why indirect rule policy failed in southern Nigeria. (12mks)
      1. Southern Nigeria did not have centralized indigenous system of administration.
      2. Lack of ethnic homogeneity in the south because there were many tribes hence many languages.
      3. The British introduced new ideas e.g forced taxation and taxes.
      4. The failure of British administrators to understand how socio-economic and political system of southern Nigeria which was based on the office of the Oba made them give up easily.
      5. The educated in S.Nigeria resented the chiefs appointment by the British because they were illiterate.
      6. The Obas of Southern Nigeria had defined powers such as mediation thus when they were given wide ranging powers, the people became discontented.
      7. Communication barrier between the British supervisors, the warrant chiefs and the people often led to misinterpretation and misunderstanding.
    1. Three treaties that formed the Treaty of  Versailles        ( 3mks)
      1. The  treaty of Versailles  with Germany
      2. The treaty of  St Germain with Austria
      3. The treaty  of Neully with Bulgaria
      4. The treaty of Trianon with Hungary
      5. The Treaty of serves with Turkey
    2. Six reasons why the league of Nations failed to preserve world peace and security . ( 12 mks)
      1. Weakness of  the covenant in making  unanimous decisions against aggressors
      2. Lack of military force or wing to implement its decisions
      3. Failure of USA to ratify the leagues charter and rejection of  the Versailles Treaty by the USA senate.
      4. Lack of sufficient funds to efficiently carry out its programmes.
      5. Nationalism made the state to follow their own interests rather than global interests.
      6. The league lacked adequate support since most members were guided by self-interests.
      7. Several major powers remained outside the league e.g USA, Germany, USSR.
      8. Member’s states were timid & employed the policy of appeasement towards dictators.
      9. The league was perceived by the world powers as working to benefit allied members who were dominant.
      10. Its operations were hampered by the Great depression of 1929 which ravaged world economies.
      11. Failure of Disarmament conference in which Germany demanded equal armament with France. 
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