This is the approved and revised school calendar for 2023; approved and revised by the Ministry of Education.

Since COVID-19 hit Kenya, we have had a hectic and cramped school calendar that has left many students and parents dazed.

In an effort to normalize the school calendar following the COVID pandemic, the Kenyan Ministry of Education revised and reissued the school calendar in a circular titled:

Re: School Calendars for Years 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023: Revised Term Dates for Pre-Primary, Primary, and Secondary Schools and Teacher Training Colleges

2023 School Calendar Kenya for the whole academic year 2023

Activity Opening Dates Closing Dates Duration
Term 1 23/1/2023 21/4/2023 13 weeks
Half-term Break 16/3/2023 19/3/2023 3 days
Holiday 22/4/2023 7/5/2023 2 weeks
Term 2 8/5/2023 11/8/2023 14 weeks
Half-term Break 29/6/2023 2/7/2023 3 days
Holiday 12/8/2023 27/8/2023 2 weeks
Term 3  28/8/2023 27/10/2023 9 weeks
KCPE & KPSEA 30/10/2023 02/11/2023 4 days
KCSE 03/11/2023 24/11/2023 3 weeks
KCSE MARKING 27/11/2023 15/12/2023 3 weeks


Get revision materials to help you up your game this academic year here.

(Click the links to get access.)

Happy reading, and remember: hard work beats intellect, so put in the effort in your studies!


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How can I revise for KCSE exam?

Ever heard that it is easy to pass your KCSE exams? Well, it's not. People who tell you that getting a good grade on your university entrance exams is easy are lying to you and taking you for a ride for whatever reason.

To get good grades, you have to work for them, and here on this page we are giving you a guideline list for what you can do to get the grade that you want in your KCSE. But remember, you will not get the grade that you want if you don't work for it. Rather you'll get the grade that you deserve.

Do you know why revision is important for exams?

To understand how you can revise to get that good grade in your KCSE exams you first need to understand the purpose of revision.

We revise to:
  1. Link related topics together to understand how the subject as whole fits together.
  2. To help you remember the subjects or concepts you have forgotten.
  3. To boost your understanding.
  4. Figure out where your knowledge is lacking and fill those gaps.
  5. Check your understanding of concepts.

Revision Techniques

There are many revision techniques, some of which are more effective than others.

The most ineffective revision method

One of the most ineffective ways of revising for exams is reading and re-reading notes over and over again. Reading notes is well and good as it allows you to understand the topical concepts that you need to know. However, reading through your class notes over and over again does not allow you to practice or identify gaps in your knowledge.

Take, for example, the compulsory subjects like maths, English, and Kiswahili.

It's not only hard to read notes for these compulsory subjects over and over, and then you assume that you have all the knowledge at your fingertips.

You have to practice again and again to really understand the concepts, and even then you still have to do a gap analysis to be self-aware of what you know and what you do not know. That way, you can revise harder on what you don't know. 

That does not only apply for compulsory subjects but all categories. The point is, while reading notes is a good initial first step, it should not be your only step.

Effective revision method steps

  1. Read your notes
    Easy Elimu provides summarized notes for all subjects from pre-primary, primary and high school levels which you can get here. All the notes are updated and follow the new and updated CBC curriculum.

  2. As you read through your notes summarize the materials and make a Mwakenya or index cards.
    For the Easy Elimu notes, each subject topic and subtopic has summarized notes, so you won’t have to stress over writing that mwakenya, which makes passing that summative entrance exam easy. No matter the entrance exam—KCPE or KCSE—these free revision notes which are summarized will get you an A.

  3. Using revision materials like past papers and topical revision questions to test yourself.
    In that way, you can identify the concepts that you got and what you did not get. Identifying these problem areas is important so that you can know what areas need more work.

    Get all the quality, relevant and unlimited past papers and topical revision questions at Easy Elimu.The topical revision question can be found in specific topical under the various subject.

    You can access all these materials for free on the Easy Elimu Study App. Download the app NOW and pass that KCSE or KCPE exam.

  4.  Discuss the materials with other people
    Talking about what you have learned in discussion groups helps you internalize the various concepts and understand them better.

    Let me give you an example.

    In high school, I was particularly interested in chemistry. However, despite that love, I found it especially hard to work out the mole. You know that topic in Form 3 where you have to write down and calculate formulae and chemical equations? Wueh! I worked so hard to understand the concepts, but I simply wasn't.

    Working alone proved ineffective. So I decided to ask for help and started working with a group, and let me tell you, I was able to get the mole completely. I also started applying this concept to other subjects and carried the habit to form 4. I believe that if I hadn't done that, I would not have gotten the grade that I got in my KCSE.

    Are you interested in knowing what I got in my KCSE? Contact us on Facebook at Easy Elimu Educational Services and I'll tell you. I hope you pass too :)

    If you are having a hard time finding people to discuss the materials with, don't stress. Easy Elimu has got you. We have various social media groups, including Telegram, Facebook, and WhatsApp groups, where you can ask questions and discuss any concepts you find to be challenging. Join us and we'll help you help yourself to learn more.

    Read the article: The Advantages of Group Studying and How it Can Help You Pass Your KCSE 2022 Exams HERE
  5. Consistently rework the materials.
Quick Tips
  1. Start revising early.

    Remember, the sooner you start preparing, the better off you'll be when the D-day comes. It doesn't matter if you haven't always been the best student, if you typically do not do well at school, or if you never pay attention to the teacher. The point is, regardless of how bad your results have formerly been, you can change all that, but first you have to be bothered.

    You need to want to become a better student so as to have more options in the future. Life is tough, and having good grades gives you many options. First decide that you want to get those good grades, then put in the work.

  2. Make a revision timetable to avoid time wastage.
  3. Use past papers.
    They help you revise and also help you identify the concepts that you need to brush over.
    For each topic, identify the key points. Understanding and writing down these key points helps you get those marks in your KCSE exams.
  4. Consistency is key.
    Whether you are at home or at school, avoid distractions and devour your books.


Practice with the Easy Elimu past papers and notes to help yourself understand the concepts.
Use these KCSE 2022 prediction papers to better yourself today

2022 kcse prediction papers resized(Click on the image to go to the KCSE 2022 prediction papers)


Quotes on Revising:

  • Remember, practice diligently and smartly and you will succeed.
  • If you're totally convinced you'll fail, you'll struggle to succeed. But if you believe you'll succeed, you'll stand a much better chance.


The Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examinations will take place from November 28th to November 30th, 2022.

The students currently in Class 8 will be the second-to-last batch of learners under the 8-4-4 system to sit for KCPE. This is due to the new competency-based curriculum that was implemented in December 2017 and that has replaced the 8-4-4 system.

Ordinarily, the KCPE exam takes only three days.

Other than the 3 days, the candidates have one day called the "rehearsal day," where they do no exams but are sorted on everything so that when the exam day comes, they are all good to do the exam.

On rehearsal day, candidates will be told all the rules so that they can adhere to them and prevent themselves from being disqualified. They are also physically arranged according to how they will sit during the KCPE exam.

The following are the KCPE 2022 exam dates and times (November 2022 KCPE exam dates):

Friday, November 25, 2022

  • Rehearsal day

Monday, November 28, 2022

  • 8.30 am - 10.30: Mathematics
  • 8.30 am - 10.30 am: Mathematics (Large Print)
  • 8.30 am-11.00 am: Mathematics (Braille)
  • 11.30 am-1.10 pm: English Section A - Language
  • 11.30 am - 1.10 pm: English Section A - Language (Large Print)
  • 11.30 am - 1.30 pm: English Section A- Language (Hearing Impaired)
  • 11.30 am - 1.40 pm: English Section A - Language (Braille)
  • 2.30 pm - 3.10 pm: English Section B - Composition
  • 2.30 pm - 3.10 pm: English Section B - Composition (Large Print)
  • 2.30 pm - 3.20 pm: English Section B -Composition (Hearing Impaired)
  • 2.30 pm-3.20 pm: English Section B - Composition (Braille) 

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

  • 8.30 am - 10.10 am: Science
  • 8.30 am - 10.10 am: Science (Large Print)
  • 8.30 am - 10.40 am: Science Braille
  • 11.10 am-12.50 pm: Kiswahili Lugha
  • 11.10 am-12.50 pm: Kiswahili Lugha (Large Print)
  • 11.10 am - 12.50 pm: Kenyan Sign Language - Section A
  • 11.10 am -1.20 pm: Kiswahili Lugha (Braille)
  • 2.10 pm-2.50 pm: Kiswahili Insha
  • 2.10 pm-2.50 pm: Kiswahili Insha (Large Print)
  • 2.10 pm-2.50 pm: Kenyan Sign Language Section B Composition
  • 2.10 pm-3.00 pm: Kiswahili Insha (Braille)

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

  • 8.30 am - 10.45 am: Social Studies and R.E
  • 8.30 am - 10.45 am: Social Studies and R.E (Large Print)
  • 8.30 am-11.15 am: Social Studies and R.E (Braille)

If you feel unprepared get doubly ready with these KCPE 2022 prediction papers which you can get here.

For class 8 notes click on this link.

Hope you have already sent those success cards,

Good luck to all 2022 KCPE candidates.

Tips on Passing your KCPE and KCSE 2022 Exams - Easy Elimu

I remember vividly studying for my KCSE exams, and I can say with certainty that group studying was what helped me get an excellent grade.

The primary learning and teaching style in Kenya has a teacher in front of you (the students) telling you facts and showing you new concepts. This serves as a good way to get an introduction to new concepts and also serves to clarify difficult points. 

Teacher in class teaching

However, a teacher can only give you so much in the limited time that they have in front of the classroom to teach a certain subject. That's why you have to take the initiative and study.

There are various study tactics that you, as a student, can use in your studies outside of the lessons taught by the teacher, including self-study and group study.

Studying on your own has its advantages, a major one being that it allows you to customize your learning to suit your specific needs.

However, in this final stretch as you prepare to do your KCSE 2022 exams, group studying can be a really effective study technique.

It should be noted, however, that in order to participate in a group study, you must first have read the specific topic on your own. Have at the minimum a general idea of what you will be discussing at a particular time in the study group.

Group Studying Tactic to Pass your KCSE 2022 Exams

As you prepare for your KCSE 2022 exams you have limited time to go through alot of content. That's where group studying comes into play.

The Advantages of Group Studying

  1. Group studying ensures you actually study

Group studying makes it easier to ensure studying actually happens at the scheduled times by creating a feeling of shared responsibility.

If, like me, you find yourself easily distracted or bored when studying alone, then group study is for you. By being in a group, you hold each other accountable, which ensures that you study when you say you will.

  1. Group study allows for easy tackling of difficult materials.

As they say, three minds are better than one, and in a group, the various members can help you clarify points that you find difficult.

Sometimes, you may find that you do not understand a point no matter how hard you try, at least not without clarification.

It's not your fault though.

Everyone has different weaknesses and strengths, and being part of a group allows each member to help others with areas where they may have a better understanding.

If you find yourself in a position where you have to clarify points for other group members, don't feel frustrated or as if they are wasting your time or slowing you down.

Helping others helps you as it provides you with the opportunity to, in essence, teach the rest of the group, which has been proven as an effective way of ensuring that you retain that information.

  1. Ensures that you study the correct things

Group discussions ensure that mistakes and misunderstandings in the material are much less likely to happen as each individual in the group acts as a kind of sieve as the information passes through and between the various members of the group, thus enabling you to clarify points and sort each other's mistakes and misunderstandings.

  1. Group studying is good for moral support

Sometimes you may find yourself thinking that you won't be able to learn something and thus get frustrated and give up, especially when solo studying.

With group studying, though, you may find yourself not getting something and getting frustrated. The other members will support, simplify the problem, and encourage you so that you don't despair and give up.

The various members of the group act as each other's moral support and, with the KCSE exams being as big a deal as it is, I'm sure you need a little bit of that external motivation and encouragement that comes from being part of a dedicated study team.

Preparing for the KCSE 2022 exams is especially stressful.

I know.

First, there is a lot of material that you have to cover (all the materials from form 1 up to form 4), and then there is the short amount of time you have to cover it in. Being part of a group consisting of dependable individuals that you can study with and be vulnerable around can sometimes make all the difference.


For more effective group studying, let your group not be super big. A group of fewer than five individuals is ideal. I would especially recommend a group of 3 individuals as it is easier to manage and organise. Also, make sure that you create a group with individuals who are motivated and have the same goals as you.

Remember to also do some solo studying to supplement and compliment the group studying efforts.

Group studying isn't for everyone, so don't feel like you have to push yourself to do it.

Just because it worked for me doesn't mean it will work for you, as we all have individual learning styles and study preferences.

All that matters is that you consistently study and improve to pass your KCSE 2022 exams.

If you end up here, I want to say, thank you for reading this article!

Pass your KCSE 2022 exams today using our Easy Elimu 2022 prediction papers which you can get from here (CLICK ME)

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