English Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Samia Joint Mock Examination 2023

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  • Answer all the questions in this paper.
    Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
    Africa is undoubtedly a very enduring race and has the capacity to utilize the available natural resources for the betterment of life. The biggest challenge, however, is to identify ways and means of creating an environment that is likely to encourage development in Africa. Perhaps the greatest strategy would be to develop political structures and government institutions that have the capacity to formulate and implement genuine poverty alleviation strategies’. Administrative arrangements that no longer serve our needs should be overhauled or discarded altogether. Government should foster exploitation and management of natural resources by providing an enabling environment. Having stable government may not be effective if we don’t fight corruption. We should ensure that leaders and government agents become answerable to the tax payer. The public should be educated on the ills of corruption. Those who have stolen public funds must be made to return them and face the full force of the law. Again, people known to have stashed money in foreign banks should be forced to repatriate that money so as to improve cash flow in our economies.

    Apart from this, Africa must find a way of solving their internal conflicts without involving the international community. After all, we are all brothers with a common cause. The need to unite and exist as unitary state should be stressed as this over rides clan and tribal rights or sentiments that fuel animosity. TheAfrican union should be strengthened to enable it to arbitrate intra and inter-state disputes. The resulting peace will provide a suitable environment for economic growth and set us on the road to recovery and prosperity. Another solution would be to develop rural-based economies, since the bulk of our population live in the rural areas. Industries that process farm produce and those that manufacture farm inputs, machinery and implements should be located in the rural areas. Similarly, mining concerns should establish processing plants near the mines. Such industries will naturally recruit man power from the locality and consequently, reduce the incidence of rural-urban migration. Setting up industries in the rural areas will necessitate development of infrastructures which will open up rural areas for business. This will further encourage expansion and increase food production to counter perennial food shortage in Africa. For instance, development of dairy and beef processing industry in the rural areas will encourage sustainable livestock keeping and probably bring to an end loss of cattle to drought. A rural based economy will basically raise the income of the rural people and bridge the disparity between the rich and the poor.

    We should also introduce appropriate technology in exploitation of natural resources and in wealth creation. Since imported technologies are expensive to maintain, Africa should tap local expertise to develop technologies appropriate to our needs. Home grown technology should enable us alleviate Africa’s food security by utilizing river and lake water for irrigation and by harnessing wind and solar energy.

    Lastly, our economic units such as ECOWAS, SADC, and EAC should be transformed into common markets by removing unnecessary tariffs on goods at various entry points so as to realize the benefits of a common market. The people of Africa should continually seek a better life. We have the resources; we have the manpower, and the capacity to make things move.
    1. What should African countries do to fight corruption based on the information contained in the passage? (2 marks)
    2. Explain how Africans can open up rural areas. (2 marks)
    3. What do you understand by the term ‘genuine poverty alleviation strategies’? (2marks)
    4. How can we reduce the incidence of rural– urban migration? (2marks)
    5. Why is appropriate technology useful? (1 mark)
    6. In not more than fifty words, write a summary on the various ways of fostering development in African countries. (5 marks)
      Fair copy
    7. What is the tone of the last paragraph of this passage concerning future Africa? (3 marks)
    8. The public should be educated on the ills of corruption. (Add a question tag) (1 mark)
    9. Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage. (2 marks)
      1. Stashed
      2. Disparity
  2. EXCERPT (25MKS)
    Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow
    Helmer: (Calls out from his room)is that my little lark twittering out there?
    Nora: (Busy opening some of the parcels) Yes, it is.
    Helmer: Is it my little squirrel busting about?
    Nora: Yes!
    Helmer: When did my squirrel come home?
    Nora: Just now (puts the bag of macaroons into her pocket and wipes her mouth) Come in here Torvald and see what I have bought.
    Helmer: Don’t disturb me. (A little later, he opens the door and looks into the room, pen in hand) Bought, did you say? All these things? Has my little spendthrift been wasting money again?
    Nora: Yes, but Torvald, this year we really can let ourselves go a little. This is the first
    Christmas that we had not needed to economize.
    Helmer: Still, you know, we can’t spend money recklessly.
    Nora: Yes Trovald, we may be a wee bit more reckless now, mayn’t we? Just a tiny wee bit! You are going to have a big salary and earn lots of money.
    Helmer: Yes, after the New Year: but then it will be a whole quarter before the salary is due.
    Nora: Pooh! We can borrow until then.
    Helmer: Nora! (Goes up to her and takes her playfully by the ear) The same little feather head! Suppose, now, that I borrowed fifty pounds today, and you spend it all in the Christmas week, and then on the New Year’s Eve a slate fell on my head and killed me, and-
    Nora: (Putting her hands over his mouth) Oh! don’t say such horrid things.
    Helmer: Still, suppose that happened, what then?
    Nora: If that were to happen, I don’t suppose I should care whether I owed money or not.
    Helmer: Yes, but what about the people who had lent it?
    Nora: They? Who would bother about them? I should not know who they were.
    Helmer: That is like a woman! But seriously, Nora, you know what I think about that. No debt, no borrowing. There can be no freedom or beauty about a home life that depends on borrowing and debt. We two have kept bravely on the straight road so far, and we will go on the same way for the short time longer that there need be any struggle.
    1. State three things that happened just before the excerpt (3 marks)
    2. Comment on the use of two imagery in the excerpt (4 marks)
    3. Explain two themes evident in the excerpt (4 marks)
    4. What tone does Helmer use to ridicule Nora’s spendthrift nature? (3 marks)
    5. Give one character trait to each of the following (4 marks)
      1. Nora
      2. Helmer
    6. From the excerpt, why is Nora sure that Torvald is going to have a big salary and earn lots and lots of money (2 marks)
    7. That is like a woman”.Explain the attitude of Helmer towards Nora. (2 marks)
    8. Is it my little squirrel bustling about?(Change into declarative sentence) (1 mark)
    9. Provide the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt. (2marks)
      1. Spendthrift
      2. Featherhead
    Read the oral narrative below and answer the questions that follow.
    A long, long time ago, The Moon sent an insect to men, saying,” Go tell men and tell them,’ As I die, and dying live, so you shall also die and dying live’”

    The insect started with the message,but while on his way, was overtake nby hare, who asked, “On what errand are you bound?”

    The insect answered, I am sent by the Moon to men, to tell them that as she dies and dying lives, so shall they also die and dying live.”
    The hare said, “As you are an awkward runner, let me go.” With these words, she ran off, and when he reached men, said, “I am sent by the Moon to tell you, ‘As I die and dying perish, in the same manner you also shall die and come wholly to an end.’”

    The hare then returned to the Moon and told her what he had said to men. The Moon reproached him angrily saying, “Do you dare tell the people a thing which I have not said?”

    With these words the Moon took up a piece of wood and struck the hare on the nose.Since that day the hare’s nose has been slit but men believe what hare had told them. My story ends there. 
    (Taken from African Folk tales; edited by Paul Radin)
    1. Classify this oral narrative. (2mks)
    2. What evidence is there in the story to show that it is a translation? (2mks)
    3. Identify and illustrate any two features of oral narratives evident in this narrative. (2mks)
    4. Describe the character of men as evident in the above narrative. (2mks)
    5. What does this story reveal about death? (2mks)
    6. How different is the Moon’s message from the one delivered by the hare? (2mks)
    7. Describe one social activity of the society portrayed in the story? (2mks)
    8. Describe the tone projected in this narrative? (2marks)
    9. Explain the moral of this story. (2 mark)
    10. Give the functions of the formulae used at the beginning and the end of the story respectively. (2mks)
    1. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given (3 marks)
      1. I like Nairobi more than Machakos. (Use prefer)
      2. The army has rounded all the bandits (Begin All the bandits….)
      3. We employed the young man in place of his late father. (Begin: In place of…)
    2. Use the correct form of the word in brackets to fill in the blanks. (3 marks)
      1. There was enough………………………(prove)that examination had leaked.
      2. Origi is the………………………………...…(clever)of the three.
      3. The painting was……………………………(steal)from the museum.
    3. Replace the underlined words with appropriate phrasal verbs. (3mks)
      1. I was completely deceived by the thief.
      2. The teacher ordered the students to submit their scripts at the end of exam.
      3. After several warnings, the county government finally demolished all the structures on government land.
    4. Fill in the blank spaces in the following sentences with the most appropriate preposition. (4mks)
      1. Inoculation gives protection______________infection.
      2. We agreed_________________the general procedure.
      3. It has been the same old story ever________________he was a small boy.
      4. Every member is entitled_______________one acre of land.
    5. Explain the difference in meaning in the sentences below.(2marks)
      1. He stopped to dance
      2. He stopped dancing


      • Ensuring leaders and government agents are answerable to the tax payers✓1mk
      • Educating thepublicon theillsof corruption✓1mk
      • Recovering stolen public funds and punishing those involved✓1mk
      • Repatriating money stashed in foreign banks✓1mk (Any two 1x2 =2mks)
      • Locating industries that process farm produce and those that manufacture farm inputs, machinery and implements in rural areas✓
      • Establishing mining processing plants near the mines✓ (1x2 =2mks)
    3. Ways and means that serve our needs and create an environment that is likely to encourage development✓2mks
      (Any relevant explanation)
    4. By setting up industries in the rural areas which will in turn recruit manpower from the locality involved✓2mks
    5. Imported technologies are expensive to maintain. ✓1mk
      • Creating an enabling environment. ✓1mk
      • Solving internal conflicts without involving the international community. ✓1mk
      • Fightingcorruption.✓1mk
      • Introducing appropriate technology in exploitation of natural resources and in wealth creating. ✓   1mk
      • Transforming economic units into common markets. ✓1mk(1x5=5mks)
        (-Must be summary if not penalize by ½ of notes
        Maximum number of words 50)
    7. Optimistic/hopefultone/of optimism/of hope; ✓2 itstates thatAfrican hasresources, powerandcapacityto make thingsmove.✓=3mk)
    8. . ........., shouldn'tit?✓1mk
      (Must rewrite)
      1. Stashed...secretly/safelystored/kept/banked.✓1mk
      2. disparity.... difference/discrepancy. ✓1mk (Must be of the same word class/tense; if not, awardNIL).
    1. Events before the excerpt
      • Nora comes home carrying Christmas shopping
      • She’s helped by a porter who asks for six pence
      • Nora gives him a shilling and tells him to keep change
      • She takes the macaroons and eats.
      • She peeps into Helmer’s study room.
    2. Commenting on the imagery used
      • Metaphor: little skylark/little squirrel
        - The use of these pet names shows that Helmer sees Nora as a child who can be pleased by such names
      • Simile: That is like a woman
        - It reveals Helmer’s chauvinistic nature towards women.
        - Shows the opposing thinking of Helmer and Nora on issues of money.
                      Identification 1mk, Illustration 1mk
    3. Themes
      • Extravagance/Money/Materialism: Torvald blames Nora to be misusing money in buying unnecessary things. He says that they needn’t be reckless in the way they spend the money.
      • Chauvinism: Torvalds’s choice of words towards women shows that he looks down upon them.” That is like a woman”
      • Love: Helmer uses endearing names e.g., little Skylark when addressing Nora.
    4. Character traits
      1. Nora
        • Secretive: She eats the macaroons and wipes her mouth so that Torvalds does not know that she had been eating them.
        • Rebellious: She eats the macaroons despite Torvalds warning
        • Extravagant: Nora wants them to spend much money on that Christmas day than they have been.”This is the first Christmas that we have not needed to economize.”
        • Insensitive: Nora says that they can borrow but if anything happens to Trovald, she would not bother whether she owed someone anything.”If that were to happen, I don’t suppose I should care whether I owed money or not.
      2. Helmer
        • Cautious: He is very cautious and keen on the way they needed to use and spend their money
        • Chauvinistic: Helmer, being a man sees himself better than feminine groups.”That is like a woman”
        • Principled: He stands his ground and says no debt, no borrowing
        • Loving: Helmer calls Nora with endearing names to express affectionate feelings towards Nora.” Is that my little squirrel feelings bustling about?”
    5. The tone that Helmer used to ridicule Nora’s spendthrift nature
      • Mocking: Torvald is making fun of Nora about her spendthrift nature.” Suppose now that I borrowed fifty pounds today.
      • Apathetic/indifferent: Helmer shows little interest about Nora’s suggestion “Still, you know, we can’t spend money recklessly.
      • Torvald got a job as the new manager of the bank since the previous manager is retiring. This is a boost for the family and means he is going to have a better salary as compared to his previous job of being a lawyer.
      • Mention job and its benefit to the family.
    7. Attitude.
      • Caustic/sarcastic/spiteful attitude
      • He uses such statement to mean that women cannot reason properly and look at things critically
    8. Declarative sentence
      • It is my little squirrel bustling about.
    9. Meaning of words
      1. Spend thrift - wasteful/extravagant/thriftless/lavish/profuse
      2. Featherhead - silly/stupid/foolish/idiot/unwise/absurd/unreasonable/frivolous
    1. Classify this oral narrative. (2 marks)
      • Explanatory/aetiological story. It explains why the hare has a slit nose
      • It explains the origin of death.
    2. What evidence is there in the story to show that it is a translation? (2 marks)
      “As Idie anddielive.” It means that if you are a live you will die but there is life after death.
    3. Identify and illustrate any two features of oral narratives evident in this narrative. (2marks)
      • Fantasy- the hare and insects are made to talk.
      • Morallesson- obedienceisbetterthansacrifice.
      • Timelessness. The story refers to an event that is said to have happened in a distant time in history.
      • Dialogue. Conversation between hare and the insect.
      • Opening formular. A long long time ago.
      • Closing formular. My story ends there.
      • Personification. Hare and the insect talking
    4. Describe the character of men in this narrative (2 marks)
      • They are gullible/foolish. Even after the hare giving them a distorted message, they still believed him
      • Naïve. They easily believe the hare.
    5. What does this story reveal about death? (2marks)
      • Death is inevitable; one must live then die
      • There Is life after death; after death one lives in the spirit.
    6. How different is the Moon’s message from the one delivered by the hare? (2 marks)
      • The Moon says that there is life after death yet the hare says that death marks the end of life.  (Any relevant explanation.
    7. Describe one social activity of the society portrayed in the story? (2 marks)
      • Death brings people together. People gathered to receive the message about death.
    8. Describe the tone projected in this narrative? (2marks)
      • The tone is critical. Hare is blamed for the man’s woes. Hare suffers for distorting the message.
    9. Explain the moral of this story (2 mark)
      • When we distort messages given to us, we suffer. The Hare suffered a slit nose for distorting Moon’s message to men
    10. Give the functions of the formulae used at the beginning and end of the story respectively. (2mks)
        • A long long time ago- Opening formular.
        • It identifies the narrator.
        • Marks the beginning of the story
        • Takes the audience to fantasy world
        • Calls for attention from the audience
        • My story ends there- Closing formular
        • Marks the end of the story
        • Signals the next narrator
        • Brings the audience back to reality from fantasy.
        • Gives the audience time to participate/interact/ask questions
  4. GRAMMAR (15MKS)
    1. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given. (3mks)
      1. I prefer Nairobi to Machakos
      2. All the bandits were rounded up by the army
      3. In place of his late father, we employed the young man.
      1.  Proof
      2. Cleverest
      3. Stolen
    3. Replace the underlined words with a suitable phrasal verb (3marks)
      1. I was completely deceived by the thief.
        I was completely taken in by the thief.
      2. The teacher ordered the students to submit their scripts at the end of the exam.
        The teacher ordered the students to hand in their scripts at the end of the exam.
      3. After several warnings the county government finally demolished all the structures on government land
        After several warnings the county government finally pulled down all the structures on government land.
      1. From/against
      2. on
      3. since
      4. to
      1. He had been dancing then he stopped
      2. He stopped the habit of dancing.
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