CRE Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Form 3 Term 2 Opener Exams 2023

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    1. In what ways did Jesus the Messianic prophecies of Isaiah about the suffering servant? (8mks)
    2. Outline seven events that took place on the night that Jesus was born. (7mks)
    3. Give five factors that hinder people from accepting the call of Christ to salvation. (5mks)
    1. Describe the healing of the centurion servant, Luke 7: 1 – 10. (8mks)
    2. State ways which recited to the miracles of Jesus. (6mks)
    3. Identify ways through which the church continue with healing ministry of Jesus. (6mks)
    1. Describe the parable of the tenants, Luke 20:9 – 18. (8mks)
    2. State Jesus teaching on wealth. (6mks)
    3. In what ways do people misuse their wealth today? (6mks)
    1. Highlight Peters message on the day of Pentecost. (7mks)
    2. Identify four teachings of st. Paul on the similarities between the Church and husband wife relationship. (7mks)
    3. Give five ways in which Christians fight injustices in the society today. (5mks)
    1. Narrate the incident in which Jesus praised the widow who offered two copper coins in the temple in (Luke 21:1-4) (5mks)
    2. Give reasons why Christians take part in the lord supper today? (8mks)
    3. How can Christian prepare themselve for the second coming of Christ. (7mks)
    1. Describe the effort made by the Jewish religious leaders to have Jesus arrested and put to death. (7mks)
    2. Outline seven reasons why Judas betrayed Jesus. (7mks)
    3. State six reasons why the resurrection of Jesus is important to Christian today? (6mks)


    1. In what ways did Jesus the Messianic prophecies of Isaiah about the suffering servant? (8mks)
      1. He was mocked and despised on
      2. Rejected as Messiah
      3. He was pierced and wounded
      4. He was arrested and tried
      5. He submissively suffering without complaining
      6. He was buried in a rich man’s tomb
      7. He rose from the dead
      8. He was crucified on the cross
      9. He bore the sins of human beings
    2. Outline seven events that took place on the night that Jesus was born. (7mks)
      1. When Jesus was born, his mother wrapped him in swaddling cloth
      2. She placed him in a manger
      3. There were shepherds watching their flocks
      4. An angle appeared to the shepherds in the region to tell them of the birth of their savior
      5. A great company of hereby hosts appeared singing praises to God
      6. The shepherds decided to go to Bethlehem.
      7. The shepherds saw the baby and praised God.
      8. They spread the news about the baby to the people
      9. The shepherd returned to their homes/ working places.
    3. Give five factors that hinder people from accepting the call of Christ to salvation. (5mks)
      1. Influence from tradition culture
      2. Little/ lack of faith
      3. Lack of role models
      4. Some churches don’t preach salvation
      5. Influence from worldly things
      6. Permissiveness in the society
      7. Influence from outer religions.
    1. Describe the healing of the centurion servant, Luke 7: 1 – 10. (8mks)
      1. Jesus entered Capernaum
      2. A centurion had a servant who was sick
      3. When he heard of Jesus, he sent some Jews elders to Jesus for him to heal his servant.
      4. They came to Jesus and be sought him earnestly to heal his servant (he loved their nation and built them a synagogues)
      5. Jesus went with them
      6. When he was not far from the house, the centurion sent friends to him, saying he was not worthy to have him under his roof but say a word and the servants will be healed.
      7. When Jesus heard this, he marveled at his faith
      8. He told the multitude that he had not found such faith in Isreal
      9. When those who had been sent went back home, they found the servant healed
    2. State ways which recited to the miracles of Jesus. (6mks)
      1. People were amazed
      2. Some miracles created conflicts between Jesus and People
      3. People spread news about Jesus to the countryside.
      4. People accepted his teachings.
      5. The miracles created fear in some people.
      6. Increased faith of some people.
      7. People needs were met
      8. People followed Jesus
      9. Some people praise
      10. People asked Jesus to stay with them.
      11. They felt happy.
      12. Others recognized Jesus as Messiah descended from David.
    3. Identify ways through which the church continue with healing ministry of Jesus. (6mks)
      1. Praying for the sick
      2. By visiting the sick
      3. Offering guidance and counseling the sick
      4. Taking care of the sick
      5. By building hospitals
      6. By offering medical services to the sick
      7. By providing financial/ assistance to the sick
    1. Describe the parable of the tenants, Luke 20:9 – 18. (8mks)
      1. A man planted a vineyard and let it out to tenants and went into another country for a long while.
      2. When the time came, he sent a servant to the tenants that they should give him some of the fruits of the vineyards, but the tenants beat him and sent him empty handed.
      3. And he sent another servant but they also beat him and sent him empty handed.
      4. He sent a third one, they wounded him and cast him
      5. He sent his beloved son, but the tenants killed him
      6. What would the owner do to the tenants?
      7. He will come destroy the tenants and give the vineyards to other.
      8. The stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner and everyone who falls on its will be broken to pieces and crushed.
    2. State Jesus teaching on wealth. (6mks)
      1. One should use his abilities to acquire wealth.
      2. Wealth should be used to help the needy
      3. The rich should share their wealth with the needy
      4. Wealth should be used responsibly to avoid misuse and mismanagement of resources.
      5. An individual should not allow wealth to be a stumbling block to eternal life.
      6. Wealth can be a hindrance to the entry into the kingdom of God.
      7. No one can serve God and wealth at the same time.
      8. One should not put all their trust and hope in wealth
      9. Wealth comes from God and human beings are only stewards.
    3. In what ways do people misuse their wealth today? (6mks)
      1. Using money to bribe other eg judges
      2. Giving lots of money to young children
      3. Using money to frustrate other eg. Exploiting the poor
      4. Engaging in gambling, buying luxurious things eg cars, houses which are not necessary.
      5. By indulging in immoral activities eg prostitution and adultery
      6. By overindulging in alcoholism and drugs
    1. Highlight Peter's message on the day of Pentecost. (7mks)
      1. The disciples could not be drunk as it was still early in the morning.
      2. The coming of the Holy Spirit was fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy
      3. Jesus had sent the Holy Spirit as a fulfillment to his promise to his disciples.
      4. Jesus of Nazareth was the son of God
      5. Jesus performed mighty deeds, wonders and signs through God’s power
      6. The disciples and all other Jews were witnesses to Jesus miracles
      7. Jesus was delivered into hands of evil men, suffered and was crucified in a accordance to God’s will.
      8. God raised Jesus from death in accordance to scriptures.
      9. Jesus has been exalted to heavens and sits at the right hand of God.
      10. God made Jesus both lord and judge.
    2. Identify four teachings of st. Paul on the similarities between the Church and husband wife relationship. (7mks)
      1. Members of the church learn to live together in harmony just like husband and wife
      2. There is chain of authority in marriage where the head of the family in the same way Christ is the head of the Church.
      3. Just as Christ loves the Church, husband should love their wives.
      4. The union between the spouses is supposed to last forever so Christian are called upon to maintain stead fast faithfulness to Christ until eternity.
      5. Christians are called to submit to Christ just as a wife submits to her husband.
      6. Just as a husband and wife became one flesh so are Christians supposed to be united with Christ.
      7. Just as Christ cherishes the Church, husband should care for their wives.
    3. Give five ways in which Christians fight injustices in the society today. (5mks)
      1. Preaching against it
      2. Reporting crime related to social injustices
      3. Pointing out injustices in the society
      4. Being fair with our dealings with other
      5. Living exemplary lives/ role models
    1. Narrate the incident in which Jesus praised the widow who offered two copper coins in the temple in (Luke 21:1-4) (5mks)
      1. Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury
      2. He saw a poor widow put in two copper coins and he said “Truly I tell you; poor widow has put more than all of them for they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in the saving that she had.
      3. Jesus praised the widow for giving all she had, which may have caused conflicts between Jesus and the rich who listened.
    2. Give reasons why Christians take part in the lord supper today? (8mks)
      1. It signifies spiritual nourishment
      2. Is a sacrifice of praise and thank giving to God.
      3. They celebrate in remembrance of the death of Jesus Christ.
      4. It unities Christian in expectations of his second coming
      5. To recognize Jesus self empting love for humanity
      6. Is a constant reminder of Jesus presence among his followers
      7. It brings new life to Christian and renew their faith
      8. Is an act of repentance through which Christian receives forgiveness of sins.
      9. Is a symbol of heavily feast which Christian partake of in God’s kingdom.
    3. How can Christian prepare themselves for the second coming of Christ. (7mks)
      1. Engage in prayer and fasting so that they strength their faith
      2. Practice works of charity, such as helping the poor
      3. Constantly reading the bible so that they can grow spiritually
      4. Encouraging one another and fellowshipping together.
      5. Living Holy lives and having desire to pursue righteousness.
      6. Bold confessing Jesus as their personal savior.
    1. Describe the effort made by the Jewish religious leaders to have Jesus arrested and put to death. (7mks)
      1. Paid Judah Iscariot to betray him.
      2. They used false witness to accuse Jesus of blasphemy
      3. They formulated charges of reason against him.
      4. They convinced Pilate to accept their demands to have Jesus crucified
      5. Armed guards and roman soldiers were kept alert to disperse Jesus disciples/supporters
      6. A mob was organized to demand for Barnabas release
      7. After Pilate permitted them, they led Jesus to the place of crucifixation.
    2. Outline seven reasons why Judas betrayed Jesus. (7mks)
      1. Greed for money
      2. Was working for the Jewish authorities Satan entered him
      3. Human weakness
      4. Jesus did not meet Judas expectation of the Messiah
      5. He Lacked courage to stand with Jesus during temptation
      6. It was God’s plans because it was already proplested earlier
    3. State six reasons why the resurrection of Jesus is important to Christian today? (6mks)
      1. It is a basis of their faith
      2. Ensure hope of enternal life
      3. Though it, death is conquered
      4. It confirms Jesus as son of God
      5. Led to the coming of Holy Spirit
      6. Is a fulfillment of Jesus promised to his disciples
      7. Confirm Jesus is a live
      8. Confirm that Jesus will come again to judge the living and the dead
      9. Confirms that Christian will take a new body from the resurrection.
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