History Paper 1 Questions and Answers - Sukellemo Joint Pre Mock Exams 2022

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  1. This paper consist of three sections; A, B and C
  2. Answer All the questions in section A, three questions from section B and two questions from section C
  3. This paper has twenty four questions. The candidate should ascertain that all the questions are printed.


Answer all questions in this section

  1. Name two periods in the study of history (2 mark)
  2. What was the original homeland of the River-Lake Nilotes found in Kenya? (1 mark)
  3. Give the name of the council of elders among the Mijikenda? (1 mark)
  4. What was the importance of the monsoon winds during the Indian Ocean trade? (1 mark)
  5. State one political duty that was conducted by the Christian Missionaries in Kenya (1 mark)
  6. Define dual citizenship (1 mark)
  7. Identify two social responsibilities of a Kenyan Citizen (2 marks)
  8. Name two symbols of National Unity (2 marks)
  9. Give two economic causes of conflicts in Kenya today (2 marks)
  10. State the main reason for convening the second Lancaster House Conference of 1962. (1 mark)
  11. Identify two categories of the rights of a child (2 marks)
  12. Name two leaders who led the Mijikenda resistance (2 marks)
  13. Name two Education Commissions that were formed in Kenya during the colonial period (2 marks)
  14. Which organization was formed by the Africans who were elected to the Legislative Council in Kenya in 1957 (1 mark)
  15. Name the body responsible for conducting elections in Kenya (1 mark)
  16. Identify the National philosophy that was adopted by president Daniel Arap Moi in 1978 (1 mark)
  17. Name two types of elections in Kenya (2 marks)
    Answer any THREE questions from this section in the booklet provided
    1. State five reasons for the migration of the Bantu (5 marks)
    2. Explain five impacts of the migration and settlement of the Highland Nilotes in Kenya during the pre-colonial period (10 marks)
    1. Identify five historical sources of information on East African Coast (5 marks)
    2. Explain five positive impacts of the Portuguese rule along the Kenyan Coast (10 marks)
    1. State five reasons why the Nandi were able to resist the British for a long time (5 marks)
    2. Explain five reasons why armed resistance failed in Kenya (10 marks)
    1. State five common characteristics of early political organizations in Kenya (5 marks)
    2. Explain five results of the MAU MAU rebellion (10 marks)
      Answer any TWO questions from this section in the booklet provided
    1. Identify three value of a good Kenyan citizen (3 marks)
    2. Explain six factors that promote National Unity in Kenya (12 marks)
    1.  Name three organs of National Security in Kenya (3 marks)
    2. Explain six challenges facing correctional services in Kenya (12 marks)
    1. State three principles of devolved government in Kenya(3marks)
    2. Explain six challenges facing county government. (12 marks)


  1. Identify two period in the study of History (2 mark)
    • Pre history
    • history
  2. What was the original homeland of the River-Lake Nilotes found in Kenya? (1 mark)
    • Bahr el Ghazal
  3. Give the name of the council of elders among the Mijikenda? (1 mark)
    • Kambi.
  4. What was the importance of the monsoon winds during the Indian Ocean trade? (1 mark)
    • Propelled the vessels to and from East Africa Coast
  5.  State one political duty that was conducted by the Christian Missionaries in Kenya (1 mark)
    • Represented the African interest in the legislative council.
    • They pacified the African on behalf of their government.
  6.  Define dual citizenship (1 mark)
    • It is the legal right of a person to belong to two countries at the same time.
  7.  Identify two social responsibilities of a Kenyan Citizen (2 marks)
    • Promoting good healthpractices
    • Promoting gender sensitivity.
    • Promoting good morals
    • Helping in emergencies.
    • Taking care of the vulnerable in the society.
  8. Name two symbols of National Unity (2 marks)
    • National anthem.
    • Coat of arms
    • National flag
    • Public seal
  9. Give two economic causes of conflicts in Kenya today (2 marks)
    • Unequal distribution of economic resources
    • Dispute over natural resources
    • Differences between employers and workers
    • Differences over trading policies
    • Failure to adhere to contractual obligations.
  10. State the main reason for convening the second Lancaster House Conference of 1962. (1 mark)
    • To draw the Independence Constitution
  11. Identify two categories of the rights of a child (2 marks)
    • Survival Rights
    • Rights of protection
    • Development rights
  12. Name two leaders who led the Mijikenda resistance (2 marks)
    • Wanje wa Madorika
    • Mekatilili wa Menza
  13. Name two Education Commissions that were formed in Kenya during the colonial period (2 marks)
    • Fraser Commission of 1908
    • Phelps Stokes Commission 1924
  14. Which organization was formed by the Africans who were elected to the Legislative Council in Kenya in 1957 (1 mark)
    • African Elected Member Organization (AEMO)
  15. Name the body responsible for conducting elections in Kenya (1 mark)
    • The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC)
  16. Identify the National philosophy that was adopted by president Daniel Arap Moi in 1978 (1 mark)
    • Nyayo Philosophy/ Nyayoism
  17. Name two types of election in Kenya (2 marks)
    • General Elections
    • By Elections
    1. State five reasons for the migration of the Bantu (5 marks)
      • They migrated in search of pasture and water.
      • They migrated to satisfy their spirit of adventure.
      • They migrated to escape external attacks.
      • They migrated to escape internal conflicts
      • They migrated to escape natural calamities
      • They migrated to escape from diseases and epidemics.
    2. Explain five impacts of the migration and settlement of the Highland Nilotes in Kenya during the pre-colonial period (10 marks)
      • The Highland Nilotes displaced some of the communities they came into contact with. E.g., the Bantus.
      • They developed trade links with the communities they came in contact with. E.g., they traded with Bantus.
      • They intermarried with the communities they came into contact with.
      • The Highland Nilotes fought with some communities/ increased warfare with the communities they came across.
      • The Highland Nilotes exchanged cultural practices with the communities they interacted with.
      • Their migration and settlement led to the redistribution of population in Kenya.
      • Their migration and settlement led to an increased population in the regions where they settled.
    1. Identify five historical sources of information on East African Coast (5 marks)
      • The Greco-Roman documentary records.
      • The periplus of the Erythrean
      • Ptolemy’s Geography/A book Geographia by Claudia Ptolemy
      • The writings/work of Arab merchants like Ibn Batuta and Al Masoud.
      • Christian Topography of cosmos Indico pleatustes.
      • Archaeological evidence.
        (Any 5x1=5 marks)
    2. Explain five positive impacts of the Portuguese rule along the Kenyan Coast (10 marks)
      • The Portuguese built fort Jesus for defense purpose and the Vasco da Gama pillar which later became tourist attraction sites.
      • They introduced new food crops e.g. maize which are staple foods for many Kenyans.
      • They educated the coastal people on how to use animal manure in farming and thus increasing crop yields.
      • Some words borrowed from Portuguese language were used to enrich Kiswahili language e.g. mvinyo and meza.
      • They introduced Christianity to the local inhabitants
      • They fostered good relations between the East African Coast and India
        (5x2 = 10 marks)
    1. State five reasons why the Nandi were able to resist the British for a long time (5 marks)
      • The Nandi used the guerilla warfare which was made possible by the mountainous terrain
      • The pororiet (regimental age set system) ensured constant supply of warriors.
      • Their mixed economy ensured steady supply of food hence they were not affected by the scorched earth policy.
      • The Nandi had a strong and experienced military.
      • The Nandi pride
      • Good leadership of the Orkoiyot
      • Tropical climate and diseases affected the British
    2. Explain five reasons why armed resistance failed in Kenya (10 marks)
      • African communities were not cohesive, but fought in small autonomous units
      • Africans lacked sophisticated weapons that could match those of the British
      • There was poor leadership and coordination on the part of the Africans
      • African warriors were ill-trained and could not match the superior military training and skills of the Europeans.
      • Some African communities were already weakened by epidemics and natural calamities
      • Some African communities assisted the British to fight fellow Africans
    3. The British used trickery when dealing with some communities/ played one community against another in order to weaken the Africans
      • There was poor leadership on the side of the Africans.
      • The capture and execution of many warriors and resistance leaders greatly demoralized the Africans.
      • The construction of the Uganda Railway facilitated swift movement of British troops to trouble spots to subjugate the Africans.
        (6x2=12 marks)
    1. State five common characteristics of early political organizations in Kenya (5 marks)
      • They were led by mission – educated Africans e.g. Harry Thuku
      • They received moral and material support from Asians
      • They were ethnic based
      • They had similar grievances
      • Their membership was small as they were regarded for the elite
      • Demanded an end to economic exploitation
      • Used non-violent means to agitate for their grievances
    2. Explain five results of the MAU MAU rebellion (10 marks)
      • There was massive loss of lives.
      • It led to destruction of property.
      • The colonial government declared a state of emergency on Africans.
      • The leaders of KAU were arrested and detained. E.g., Jomo Kenyatta
      • There was establishment of emergency villages to cut off the civilians from Mau Mau fighters.
      • The Agikuyu, Aembu and Ameru members in the urban areas were repatriated back to the rural areas.
      • The rebellion led to bitterness and divisions between the loyalists and the fighters.
      • There was disruption of economic activities such as farming and trade.
      • MAU MAU speeded the match to independence.
    1. Identify three value of a good Kenyan citizen (3 marks)
      • Should be patriotic to the country
      • Should take part in activities that foster national unity/Nationalism
      • Maintain and protect human dignity
      • Thrift
      • Morality
      • Maintain high levels of integrity in the society
      • Ensure transparency and accountability in the society/Ethics
    2. Explain five factors that promote National Unity in Kenya (12 marks)
      • The constitution. This is a set of rules agreed upon by a group of people who have chosen to live together. It provides for equality of all Kenyans before the law. It Guarantees equal opportunities to all Kenyans.
      • Education. The curriculum aims at ensuring that pupils and students focus on issues that unite them.
      • One government. Our one government, with the three arms is recognized by each Kenyan as a body that runs the affairs of the nation.
      • The presidency. Kenya has one president despite the diversity in parties and tribes. The presidency unites Kenyans.
      • National language. The use of Kiswahili as the official language enables Kenyans to interact freely.
      • There is also the use of a common currency giving Kenyans a sense of nationhood. The policy of offering equal employment opportunities to all Kenyans has enabled Kenyans to work in various parts of the country where they interact freely.
      • National activities. National holidays remind Kenyans of their history. Agricultural shows enable different economic sectors display and advertise their goods. Games and sports promote unity as they bring together people of different communities for a common cause.
      • Mass media. The mass media in Kenya is instrumental in ensuring that information is disseminated to all at the same time. It enables Kenyans from all pats to contribute to national debates.
      • Symbols of National unity. National anthem promotes a sense of belonging among Kenyans and gives them an identity. Existence of the national flag symbolizes national unity.
      • Government institutions
      • National Philosophies
        (Any 6*2=12 marks)
    1. Name three organs of National Security in Kenya (3 marks)
      • Kenya Defence Forces
      • National Intelligence Service
      • National Police Service
    2. Explain six challenges facing correctional services in Kenya. (12 marks)
      • Overcrowding in prisons caused by high incidences of crime.
      • Poor living conditions as the prison facilities are overstretched.
      • High incidences of diseases outbreak such as cholera, dysentery and typhoid fever.
      • HIV/AIDS has also been on the rise leading to death of many inmates.
      • Inadequate funds to maintain the prisoners. This had led to inadequate food, clothing and health care for prisoners.
      • Inadequate personnel to rehabilitate convicts through counseling e.g., against alcohol and drug addiction. /lack of enough trainers to equip convicts with relevant skills e.g., carpentry and leather works.
      • In adequate training facilities and equipment.
      • Poor living conditions of prison wardens e.g., low remuneration and poor housing.This has demoralized the correctional services staff leading to mistreatment of convicts.
      • Rising cases of corruption leading to smuggling of illegal goods into prisons and prison breaks
        (6x2=12 marks)
    1. State three principles of devolved government (3mks)
      • It should be based on democratic principles
      • Founded on the doctrine of separation of powers.
      • Reliable sources of revenue to enable it govern and deliver services effectively.
    2. Explain six challenges facing county government. (12 marks)
      • High population growth in some counties which puts much strain on the available resources
      • Inadequate transport and communication network in some counties which impedes delivery of services.
      • Some of the counties have inadequate resources hence little revenue to provide services.
      • Interference in their work by the national government
      • Inadequate personnel to run key sectors within the county.
      • Rivalry and wrangling among leaders in the county has slowed down implementation of the policies and programmes.
      • Embezzlement and misuse of devolved funds by corrupt county officials which denies the government revenue.
      • Delay in the remittance of funds to the county government by the national government slows down implementation of programmes.
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