History Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Sukellemo Joint Pre Mock Exams 2022

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Instructions to students

  1. This paper consists of three sections; A, B and C.
  2. Answer all the question in section A, three questions from section B and two questions from section C.
  3. Answers must be written in the spaces provided after Question 24.
  4. Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.
  5. Candidates should answer the questions in English.

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SECTION A (25mks)
Answer all the questions in this section.

  1. Mention one disadvantages of electronic records as a source of history. (1mark)
  2. Give the main reason why early agriculture developed in Egypt. (1mark)
  3. State two problems faced by traders using barter system. (2marks)
  4. Identify the main role of the Berbers during the Trans-Saharan trade. (1 mark)
  5. Name one metal that was used as currency in pre-colonial Africa. (1 mark)
  6. Give one advantage of using pipeline over vehicles in transporting oil. (1mark)
  7. Identify two negative effects of television. (2marks)
  8. State the main contribution of Dr. Christian Bernard in the field of medicine. (1mark)
  9. Identify two official appointed by the Kabaka to assist him in administration of Buganda in the 19th Century. (2marks)
  10. Give two economic reasons which made European countries to scramble for colonies in Africa (2marks)
  11. Identify two communes that were established in Senegal by the French. (2 marks)
  12.  State two functions of Emirs in Northern Nigeria during colonial era. (2marks)
  13. Name one country in Africa that was never colonized (1 mark)
  14. Identify two races that colonized South Africa. ( 2 marks)
  15. Name the country which was blamed for the outbreak of World War 1. (1 mark)
  16. Highlight two reasons why Schliffen plan failed during the First World War (2marks)
  17. State the immediate cause of World War 1. (1mark)
    Answer any three questions in this section
    1. Give three reasons why hunting of wild animals was mainly a group activity during the Stone Age period. (3mks)
    2. Explain six benefits of settling in villages during the late Stone Age period. (12mks)
    1. Give three methods used to acquire slaves from West Africa during trans-Atlantic trade (3mks)
    2. Explain six factors that led to the decline of the Trans-Atlantic trade. (12mks)
    1. Outline three European activities in Africa during the 19th century. (3mks)
    2. Explain six results of the collaboration between the Baganda and the British during the process Of colonization. (12mks)
    1. State five roles which were played by Kwame Nkrumah during the struggle for Independence in Ghana. (5mks)
    2. Explain five factors which were responsible for the growth of African nationalism in South Africa. (10mks)
      SECTION C (30 MARKS)
      Answer any two questions in this section
    1. Give three functions of Lukiiko in the Kingdom of the Buganda during the pre-colonial period. (3mks)
    2. Discuss six factors that led to the growth of the Asante Empire by the 19th Century (12mks)
    1. Name the communes that were established by the French Senegal during the colonial  period. (3mks)
    2. Describe the structure of the British colonial administration in Northern Nigeria. (12mks)
    1. State three permanent members of the league nations council. (3mks)
    2. Explain six reason why the league of Nations failed to maintain world peace. (12mks)


Answer all the questions in this section.

  1. Mention one disadvantages of electronic records as a source of history. (1mk)
    • They are Subject to bias since most audio visuals contain foreign materials carrying the bias of the producer.
    • Some are limited to the literate only e.g. information in data bases and microfilms can only be accessed by literate people and even computer literate people only.
    • The information may be inaccurate only giving what is appealing to the public.TV crew depict only what they want to. Censorship may leave out vital information.
    • Electronic records are too expensive; most people cannot afford e.g. TV, Radios.
    • Some acted films are unrealistic and therefore contain exaggerated information.
  2. Give the main reason why early agriculture developed in Egypt. (1mk)
    • Availability of water for irrigation from River Nile
  3. State two problems faced by traders using barter system. (2mks)
    • Some products were perishable.
    • Bulky goods were difficult to transport.
    • It was not always easy to agree on the value
    • Some products could not be divided into smaller quantities
    • It depended on double coincidence of wants
  4. Identify the main role of the Berbers during the Trans-Saharan trade. (1 mark)
    • They provided capital for financing the trade.
  5. Name one metal that was used as currency in pre-colonial Africa. (1 mark)
    • Gold
    • Copper
    • iron
  6. Give one advantage of using pipeline over vehicles in transporting oil. (1mks)
    • Safer in transportation of highly flammable liquids
    • Its fast
  7. Identify two negative effects of television. (2mks)
    • Can only be viewed where there is electricity
    • Pornographic programmes have eroded cultural values
    • Some advertisements have encouraged deviant behaviour. For example alcoholic drinks
    • Watching television is addictive in some homes.
  8. State the main contribution of Dr. Christian Bernard in the field of medicine. (1mk)
    • He was the first to perform heart transplant
  9. Identify two officials appointed by the Kabaka to assist him in administration of Buganda in the 19th Century. (2mks)
    • Katikiro-the Prime Minister,
    • Omulamuzi-Chief Justice,
    • Omuwanika-treasurer,
    • Mugema-the most senior chief among Bataka.
  10. Give two economic reasons which made European countries to scramble for colonies in Africa. (2mks)
    • They were looking for areas to invest their surplus capital
    • They were looking for cheap labour
    • They were looking for areas to acquire cheap raw materials
    • They were looking for markets for their manufactured goods
  11. Identify two communes established in Senegal by the French. (2 marks)
    • Goree
    • Dakar
    • Rufisque
    • St. Louis.
  12. State two functions of Emirs in Northern Nigeria during colonial era. (2marks)
    • They collected taxes.
    • They tried cases/settled disputes.
    • They maintained law and order.
    • They recruited labour for public works.
    • They eliminated practices which were not acceptable to the British.
  13. Name one country in Africa that was never colonized (1 mark)
    • Ethiopia
    • liberia
  14. Identify two types of nationalism in South Africa. ( 2 mks)
    • The British nationalism
    • Afrikaner nationalism
    • African nationalism
  15. Name the country which was blamed for the outbreak of World War 1. (1 mk)
    • Germany
  16. Highlight two reasons why schliffen plan failed during the First World War (2marks)
    • Russia mobilized her forces faster than expected.
    • Germans were too slow when invading Belgium.
    • By that time both sides were evenly matched.
    • Britain entry into the war complicated the situation.
    • The German were overconfident and attacked France from both sides creating vacuum at the centre, which Britain and France used to reorganize the attacks
  17. State the immediate cause of World War 1. (1mk)
    • The assassination at Sarajevo
    1. Give three reasons why hunting of wild animals was mainly a group activity during the Stone Age period. (3mks)
      • Wild animals are dangerous/could kill people;
      • They could surround the animals
      • Spotting/locating the animal was easier
      • Less time was taken to catch the animals
      • To give moral encouragement/team spirit;
      • They could catch more animals. Any 5 x 1 = 5 marks
    2. Explain six benefits of settling in villages during the late Stone Age period. (12mks)
      • There was security as people could protect themselves against enemis.
      • Enabled people to work together hence accomplishing tasks.
      • Assured man of permanent dwelling thereby reducing movement.
      • Man began growing crops thereby ensuring regular food supply.
      • Promoted interactions thereby increasing social cohesion / sharing of resources.
      • People were able to exchange goods and services hence encouraging barter trade.
      • They were able to build better shelters thereby protecting themselves from harsh weather conditions.
    1. Give three methods used to acquire slaves from West Africa during trans-Atlantic trade (3mks)
      • Barter trade, that is, exchange for European goods.
      • Prisoners of war were given away to slavers.
      • Lonely travelers were kidnapped by slavers.
      • Wrong doers within the society i.e. murderers, thieves were sold to slave traders.
      • Some were acquired through raids.
      • Some were enticed by slave traders.
      • Those unable to repay debts were handed over to slave traders (panyarring)
    2. Explain six factors that led to the decline of the Trans-Atlantic trade. (12mks)
      • Rise of humanitarians in Europe such as Christians and scholars condemned it on moral grounds. The missionaries wanted it to be stopped because they wanted good conditions for the spread of Christianity.
      • The formation of the humanitarian movements in England aimed at stopping all kinds of cruelty including slave trade, flogging of soldiers and child labour.
      • Industrialization in Britain was one of the main forces behind the abolition .E.g. Britain industrialists urged its abolition because they wanted Africans to be left in Africa so that Africa can be a source of raw materials for their industries, market for European manufactured goods and a place for new investment of surplus capital.
      • Formation of Anti-slavery movement and the abolitionist movement in 1787. Its chairman was Granville Sharp and others like Thomas Clarkson, William Wilberforce who gathered facts and stories about the brutality of slave trade and slavery to arouse public opinion in Britain.
      • The attainment of independence by USA in 1776 left Britain in a dilemma since she had no colonies where she would take the slaves to work.
      • The French revolution of 1789 and the American revolution of 1776 emphasized liberty, equality and fraternity (brotherhood) of all human beings. .
      • The French started producing cheap sugar
      • The closure of the American slave market after the defeat of the South American states in the American civil war of 1865 left the slave dealers with no market for their slaves.
      • The rise of leading British economists with new ideas e.g. Prof. Adam Smith(challenged the economic arguments which were the basis of slave trade when he argued convincingly that hired labour is cheaper and more productive than slave labour, Rousseau spread the idea of personal liberty and equality of all men.
      • Influential abolitionists like William Wilberforce (a British member of parliament) urged the British government to legislate against the slave trade in her colonies. They in turn influenced public opinion against slave trade.
      • The ship owners stopped transporting slaves from Africa and began transporting raw materials directly from Africa and America to Europe, which led to a decline in slave trade.
    1. Outline three European activities in Africa during the 19th century. (3mks)
      • Were spreading Christianity;
      • Were involved in exploration;
      • Were establishing settlements;
      • Were signing imperial treaties/establishing colonial rule;
      • Were mining;
      • Were involved in trade;
    2. Explain six results of the collaboration between the Baganda and the British during the process Of colonization. (12mks)
      • It led to the loss of independence.
      • Introduction of Christianity and European influence in buganda.
      • Islamic influence declined.
      • Buganda got protection from the British against their traditional economic e.g Bunyoro.
      • Kabakas power were reduced in the peace of the growing educated member of the Lukiko.
      • Kabaka gained recognition and was referred to as his luglilness.
      • Buganda an administration position in the colonial administration and was used to conquer other communities.
      • Buganda advanced more economically than other communities as it acquired European manufactured goods e.g cloth, guns.
      • Buganda benefited from Western Education and medicine. Any 6 x 2 = 12
    1. State five roles which were played by Kwame Nkrumah during the struggle for Independence in Ghana. (5mks)
      • He attended Pan-African Conference in Manchester in 1945.
      • He organized/hosted Pan-African Conference in Accra in 1958.
      • He inspired African leaders to unite;
      • He encouraged the formation of nationalist movements;
      • He co-ordinated plans to decolonize West African states/African states.
      • He supported black civil rights movement in the U.S.A;
      • He condemned European domination in Africa. Any 5 x 1 = 5 marks
    2. Explain five factors which were responsible for the growth of African nationalism in South Africa. (10mks)
      • The role of the Christian religion whose ideals encouraged Africans to fight for equality, as all people were equal before God. The Boers however treated Africans with contempt.
      • The exposure of Africans to severe economic exploitation like land alienation and causing them to be subjected to forced labour on Afrikaner farms.
      • The influence of Pan-Africanism in South Africa as early as the 19th Century when people like Rev. Dube founded the Ohlange Institute to educate fellow Africans in South Africa.
      • The introduction of racial discrimination enshrined in the apartheid law of 1948 convinced Africans that only freedom could save them.
      • The Acquisition of western education by many Africans like Rev. Dube, Walter Sisulu and Nelson Mandela enabled them to articulate their grievances more forcefully. They became pioneers of early African political parties.
      • The return of the ex-servicemen after the second world war which exposed the myth of the white supremacy making Africans ready to fight them. The war also exposed them to democratic ideals elsewhere.
      • The great exploitation of African labour through Labour regulations and laws. The Mines and Works Act of 1911 effectively excluded Africans from all skilled occupations confining them to manual occupations in Mines and farms.
      • The development of large urban centres created an enabling environment for Africans to forge close inter-ethnic relations that enabled them to counter the Afrikaner racist policies
    1. Give three functions of Lukiiko in the Kingdom of the Buganda during the pre-colonial period. (3mks)
      • It formulated laws.
      • Advised Kabaka on matters affecting the community.
      • Directed the collection of taxes.
      • They settled disputes.
      • They represented the people’s needs to the Kabaka.
    2. Discuss six factors that led to the growth of the Asante Empire by the 19th Century (12mks)
      • The growth of Trans Atlantic slave trade brought wealth to the Asante people, that was instrumental to the prosperity of the kingdom.
      • The golden stool brought about unity in the kingdom.
      • The Kingdom had able and shrewd leaders such as ObiriYeboa (1670-78), Osei Tutu (1680-1717) and Opuku Ware (1720-1750).
      • The kingdom had a strong agricultural base that ensured self sufficiency.
      • They centralized political system under Asantehene ensured stability.
      • Asante kingdom had a large efficient standing army that defended the kingdom.
      • Odwira festival that was held annually helped to unite the Kingdom.
      • The Asante states around Kumasi gave support to each other.
    1. Name the communes that were established by the French Senegal during the colonial period. (3mks)
      • Goree
      • Dakar
      • St Louis
      • Rufisque
    2. Describe the structure of the British colonial administration in Northern Nigeria. (12mks)
      • The colonial secretary based in London.
      • The Governor or Chief executive officer was in charge of the entire colony based in Nairobi
      • The Provincial commissioners who were in charge of provinces.
      • District commissioners who were in charge of districts.
      • District officers headed a division.
      • African Chiefs acted as link between the people and government.
      • Headsmen mobilized people for development within their villages.
  24. .                         
    1. State three permanent members of the league nations council. (3mks)
      • France,
      • Britain,
      • Italy
      • Japan
    2. Explain six reason why the league of Nations failed to maintain world peace. (12mks)
      • Member countries were not willing to take disputes to the international court of justice.
      • German was still determined to increase its military strength and continue with its aggression policy.
      • Individual nations were more pre-occupied with national interests and pride, at the expense of the organization’s interests.
      • The Versailles peace settlement resolutions were too harsh to Germany thus leaving the Germans aggrieved and refuse to cooperate with the League of Nations.
      • The League of Nations lacked the executive authority to implement its resolutions.
      • USA congress refused to ratify the treaty of the League of Nations. This denied the organization diplomatic and economic strength.
      • There was shortage of funds to implement the functions of the League of Nations.
      • The Appeasement Policy of Britain and France forced them to stand aside and avoid taking a firm action against Japan when she invaded china, Germany when she invaded and occupied Rhineland, and Italy when she attacked Ethiopia.
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